
发布时间 : 星期六 文章高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习(8)更新完毕开始阅读


福建省石狮一中 余信路

Day 29


1. Hurriedly, he pulled his schoolbag and ran _____________________( 朝…方向) the school. 2. He began to stop smoking d____________(一…就) he saw the film about lung cancer.

3. He had ___________(指路) me to his office, so I knew the _______________(方向) and went ___________(直接地) to it.

4. If we agree, it’s ____________________ (对……不利) us, but if we show our _________(不同意), they will be ________________(对……失望) us. _________________________(使我失望的是), _______________________________________________ (有利也有弊).

5. He _________________________ (阻止我) helping _______________(残疾人), which made me ____________ (泄气).

6. Scientists have ____________________________________(做出新发现) the ancient tomb. 7. Chinese doctors are _______________________________(在在讨论) ______ (和)American doctors _______(关于) the cure of dangerous H1N1 Flu. 8. ---Is there any ___________(打折) on this T-shirt? ---Yes, I’ll sell it _______________________(以九折).

9. I have to clear away the _________(脏的) oily _________(餐具). They are really ______________(令人厌恶).

10. ---What’s your favorite __________(菜)? ---A __________(碟) of ham and a fried egg.

Day 30


1. The school is ______________________(很近就几步路) of my home.

2. Can you _________________________(区别) between British English and American English?

3. I have never ___________________( 怀疑) that you will win in the match.

4. On arriving at the shop, the child _________________________(冲去拿) the dolls. 5. How much is 100 ___________________(除以) 3? Is it about 33.333…?

6. What I ____________(真的要说) is that I _________________________(与…无关) the theft.

7. Honesty _______________ (对…有好处) us while anger and rudeness _________________ (对…有害处) the society.

8. Can you _____________________(帮我一个忙) to _______________(草拟) this document. 9. I will _________________________ (向…捐助) the Hope Project. I won’t ________________ (使你失望).

10. _________________(毫无疑问), he is ___________________(开始学get down…) English.

Day 31


1. _____________ (许多dozen) clothes are tied __________(成打地) the ground. They are sold

_____________ (论打出售).

2. ______________________ ( 六打) these ____________(饺子) are boiled ________ (在…期间) the new year.

3. With the New Year __________________(临近), it’s a bit dangerous to ___________________ (从银行取钱).

4. All of us ____________________(为…干杯) him for his _________________________ (实现他的梦想). His dream of taking part in the Avenue of Stars (星光大道) has ________________ (实现).

5. _____________________ (穿着) the new clothes, we _____________________ (拜访) our school and _________________(拜访)our teachers in the Spring Festival. 6. He is _______________(喝酒醉), that is, he is a ____________(喝酒醉的) man. 7. It’s said that Bill Gates ______________________(辍学) of Harvard University.

8. ______________________(多亏) the high-speed railways, the train from Wuhan to Guangzhou is ____________(到) in half a day.

9. ____________________ (从…爬起来) out of bed, the soldiers began ____________(操练) on the playground.

10. People with ______________________(责任感) will _________________________(尽职).

Day 32


1. Everybody is _______________________ (渴望学) English well.

2. Why is he always ____________________________ (置若罔闻) his teacher.

3. The group singers ____________________ (谋生) by singing in the underground passages. 4. What ___________________(究竟) are you doing in the classroom? 5. __________________________(别紧张). Tell me one by one.

6. What the teacher said _______________________________(对我产生很大的影响).

7. The new law will ________________________或________________(生效) on next month. 8. The old laws ______________________________(无效) since last month.

9. We should ___________________________或___________________(尽一切努力) to

learn English well.

10. He went into the next round without __________________________(轻松地).

11. We should ___________________________________(不遗余力地) to enter the key


12. Of course, my ____________________(哥哥) is ______________(年纪大) than I.

13. I turned on the __________(电) light, and began to read some books on ___________ (电的)

problems and _________________(电子) computers.


Key to Day 29

1. in the direction of; 2. directly; 3. directed, direction, direct 4. to the disadvantage of, disagreement, disappointed at, To my disappointment, every advantage has its disadvantage; 5. discouraged me from, the disabled, discouraged; 6. made a new discovery of 7. having a discussion, with, about 8. discount, at a 10% discount 9. dirty, dishes, disgusting 10. dish, dish

Key to Day 30

1. within walking distance; 2. distinguish/make a distinction; 3. had any doubt; 4. made a dive for; 5. divided by; 6. do say, have nothing to do with; 7. does good to, do harm to; 8. do me a favor, draw up; 9. make a donation to, let you down; 10. Without doubt, getting down to learning

Key to Day 31

1. Dozens of, in dozens, by the dozen; 2. six dozen of, dumplings; 3. drawing near, draw money from the bank; 4. drank to him, realizing his dream, come true; 5. dressed, dropped in at, dropped in on; 6. drunk, drunken; 7. dropped out 8. due to, due; 9. Dragging, drilling; 10. a sense of duty, do their duty

Key to Day 32

1. eager to learn; 2. turning a deaf ear to; 3. earn their living; 4. on earth; 5. Take it easy; 6. had a great effect on me; 7. come into effect; take effect; 8. have been of no effect; 9. make an effort; make efforts; 10. effort; 11. spare no effort; 12. elder brother; older; 13. electric; electrical; electronic
