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The collective mindset of our industry must change. E-business is not just a technology trend. Nor is it just a way to save money. In fact, it is a natural extension of the “technology “that is already integrated into the fabric of our everyday operations. 二, 英汉

First of all can I thank Euromoney for having put on this Business Forum and thank so many of you for coming to listen to me, and I am absolutely delighted to be back in Shanghai again. I came here first in 1988. I don’t suppose any of these buildings were here in 1988. Then I came back five years ago, and I have come back today and I have seen another remarkable transformation. It is a quite extraordinary city you have here, and congratulations to everybody who is involved in its development, because I think you are well on your way to being a world class city by 2015.

首先我要谢谢欧洲货币组织为我们举办了这次商业论坛,谢谢大家来这里听我的发言,能又一次来到上海我尤感高兴。我第一次来上海是在1988年,那时这些建筑都还没有建成。5年前,我来过一次,今天,我又来了。我看到了是另一番巨变。你们拥有的是一座非凡的城市。 我祝贺在座的所有参与了发展这座城市的各位。我想到2015年,你们肯定会把它建设成为世界一流的大都市。

We fully support that ambition, and I should also say congratulations to Shanghai because they won their bid to host the Expo in 2010. And the links between UK companies and Shanghai are getting ever closer, and actually between the people as well. When I was with the Mayor, walking along the Bund just a short time ago, there was a woman journalist who rushed up to ask me a question. She finished asking me the question, and I asked her---because I thought she spoke very good English---Where she had learned English. She has just been a Cambridge graduate and is returning to do her viva for her degree. And it is an amazing thing to think now that you have more Chinese students coming to the UK than any other country.


And there are other things that I think we are learning from each other too. Take urban development for example. Some development projects in China, such as the western development strategy, aim to meet the core

infrastructure need, and this is an area where we have got very particular strengths, because our experience in urban regeneration, and in particular in getting public and private sectors to work together, is something that I think we have to offer you by way of expertise here in Shanghai.


Your sister city in the UK, as you know, is Liverpool. And the links between those two cities are important obviously in a cultural sense, but they are also important because we can offer some good examples of how urban

regeneration can transform a city. Now you are transforming Shanghai obviously in an extraordinary way already, but it is interesting that some of the same principles that we apply in the northwest of England, in Liverpool, apply here as well. And we believe our expertise has something to offer you there too.


There is another area in which we can help, and I have just been discussing this with some of your entrepreneurs and city officials upstairs. The UK is a world leader in the development of public-private partnerships, which involve the public and the private sector working together to provide infrastructure and services. And in the UK, the private financing initiatives have enabled us to develop our infrastructure more cost effectively, more quickly and to a higher quality than otherwise would have been possible. And it is playing a big part now, as I was explaining to your people upstairs. It is playing a big part in allowing us to have major public sector building programmers delivered on budget and on cost.

还有一个领域我们可以提供帮助。我跟你们的企业家和上层政府官员讨论过这个问题。英国在公共与私有合作开发方面处于世界领先水平, 也就是公共部门和私人企业之间进行合作从事基础建设和提供服务。在英国,与其它方式比较,私人融资的启动让我们能够在基础建设方面更节约成本、速度更快、质量更高。正如我向你们高层人士所阐述的那样,私有融资方式正发挥着巨大的作用,它能让我们在预算和成本方面挽救那些大型的公共部门建设项目。

And coming here to Shanghai, I want to say to you first of all how delighted I have been to see the enormous progress in this city; but secondly to express my profound admiration for what you are doing here, not just in Shanghai, but throughout the whole of China to bring progress and wealth to all your people.

来到上海,首先我要对你们说的是,当我看到了这个城市的巨大进步时我是多么的高兴么。还有,你们不仅发展了上海,而且发展了全国,给人民创造了财富,为此我要表达我对你们的崇敬之情。 Unit9 Section1

What would you say are some of the key differences that you have noticed in management and work style between China and the West? 您认为中西方在管理和工作方式之间有哪些主要差异?


There are some obvious differences that I detect. For example, Chinese managers like to hurry and do things very quickly—there is always a sense of pressure and urgency. In China I sometimes sense that in our business dealing we do not always place the same importance on planning as you seem to in the West—our focus tends to be on the short term. Indeed there is the perception that we perform better under stress and time pressure. But an interesting contradiction is that in our wider Chinese culture we are very long-term focused! Equally, I know that many Western managers complain about their narrow short-term financial focus! What about the role of leadership and the differences you see there? 那领导作用和领导差异有什么不同么?


There is a lot of difference when it comes to leadership and authority. In the West, leadership often tends to be task=focused and straightforward. Chinese managers, however, tend to be more focused on to determine who is awarded a role or task. In China, the personal relationship will determine who gets to do what. In traditional Chinese culture the boss is all-powerful and the organizational hierarchy is a critical element of managing an

organization or business---it is the key mechanism to running the business. As a boss you are expected to know all the answers and be the source of clear direction. People expect the boss to instruct and lead at all times, and the staff will wait for that instruction and thus be heavily dependent on the boss. How do you compare this approach to the Western one?

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In contrast I see Western managers as much more open and egalitarian. Generally speaking, people are consulted on more issues. From these discussions, ownership of the problem or commitment to the project is sought and believed to follow. To the Chinese this may seem to result in slow decision making and in some cases frustration. Whilst Chinese behavior often results in fast decisions, it does not imply that people are committed to the decision. Indeed loyalty is not necessarily seen as a strong trait. At the moment I see people moving on very quickly in China in order to progress-there is little allegiance or loyalty to organizations. Much has been made about differences in dealing with conflict. How do you see these? 在处理冲突和矛盾时所表现出来的差异,已经有了不少说法,您是如何看待这些差异的?


As many people might already know, managing conflict in public or open meetings is largely avoided in China. In Asia the loss of face is a major taboo. Losing face is viewed as something quite shameful. Addressing difficult problems in an open meeting that results in someone being criticized is a big mistake. That is not to say the Chinese managers do not have conflicts with each other. Rather they will deal with any conflicts in private and in a confidential manner. In open meetings Chinese managers are likely to be indirect and reserved. They will handle differences in a soft and circuitous way. In the West you tend to be quite happy to address problems in an open forum. It is often viewed as a positive experience. Conflict is often dealt with in an open and direct way; where problems occur they are frequently dealt with head on. What are the Chinese managers like in the eyes of the Westerners? 在西方管理人眼里,中国管理者是怎样的?


I think that many European managers view the Chinese managers as constantly changing their minds and being inconsistent in their actions. I sense that some Western managers have a prejudiced view of the Chinese management cadre. Some perceive the Chinese as inflexible and unreliable. Comments that the Chinese lack expertise and competence are also common. Clearly we do not always know the latest Western standards but we can be very quick and dynamic.

And in the eyes of the Chinese managers, what are the Western managers like? 那么,在中国管理者眼中,西方管理者是怎样的?


Indeed Western managers can be seen by Chinese bosses as slow and cumbersome in making and carrying out decisions. The Chinese boss cannot understand why the Western boss has to consult and collaborate and report back to HQ. This is often viewed as slow and bureaucratic. You hear managers in China saying that Western bosses talk too much and don’t take decisions. At the end of the day neither perspective is right or wrong but rather just different. Learning to understand these differences goes some way to helping us understand the issues. Section2二, 英汉

Good morning! I want to thank Frank Clegg and Microsoft Canada for bringing us all together for this second summit on business leadership issue, and particularly for giving us the opportunity to discuss the issue of innovation. 早上好!谢谢弗兰克·克莱格和微软加拿大邀请我们大家一起参加第二届商业领导力峰会,尤其感谢他们提供给了我们一个机会聚在一起,共同讨论创新的话题。

In the 19th century, railroads were the big innovation. Perhaps nothing matched their economic impact until the advent of the personal computer. But some of you may wonder what a railroader has to say about innovation in the 21st century.

19世纪,铁路在革新方面迅猛发展,在个人计算机技术问世之前,它对经济所产生的影响或许无与伦比。但是也许你们中的有些人会想,到了21世纪,如果再谈创新,铁路经营者又有何看法呢? My message is that no enterprise needs to be more innovation than an established business in a mature industry. 我的演讲主题是,在已经发展成熟的行业里,一家基业已定的公司比其他任何公司都需要更多的创新。

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