
发布时间 : 星期三 文章《中国的人力资源状况》白皮书更新完毕开始阅读

have won the state’s “Grand Skill Award of China” and 2,976 have won “National Technical Expert” award. They are role models of high-skilled workers in China. The government has also established a national system to reward prominent personnel from rural areas, and 160 people have been commended under this system since 2000.


随着社会主义市场经济体制在中国的逐步建立,中国政府遵循人力资源开发的客观规律,以市场配置人力资源为改革取向,尊重劳动者的自主择业权,努力培育和发展人力资源市场,逐步实现人力资源从计划配置到市场配置的转变。 人力资源市场配置机制基本形成


图5 2009年中国城镇就业人员在不同所有制组织的分布

20世纪80年代中期以来,中国逐步改革计划经济体制下“统包统配”的固定工制度,落实单位用工自主权和劳动者自主择业权,以双向选择、自主协商、订立劳动合同作为确立劳动关系的基本方式,增强了人力资源市场的活力和效率。为适应建立社会主义市场经济体制的要求,中国政府改革社会保障制度、户籍制度、高校毕业生分配制度,不断破除劳动者自由流动的体制性障碍,劳动者跨地区、跨部门、跨行业流动日趋活跃。2009年,在各类人力资源服务机构登记求职的劳动者达到9700万人次,成功实现就业和转换工作的达到3600万人次,分别比2000年增加7700万人次和2600万人次。同年,全国外出就业和本地非农从业6个月以上的农村劳动力总数达到22978万人,其中外出农民工达到14533万人,就近到二、三产业实现就业的本地农民工达到8445万人。 人力资源服务业发展迅速



IV. Bringing into Play the Fundamental Role of Market Allocation As a socialist market economy is gradually taking root in China, the Chinese government — by way of following the objective laws of human resources development — has set out to reform the cur-rent human resources system to enable the market to play its due role in the allocation of human resources and respect workers’ freedom to choose jobs. The government has been making efforts to foster and develop the human resources market, gradually achiev-ing the transition from a planned to a market allocation of human resources.

A market allocation mechanism for human resources has basically taken shape.

Since the 1980s a multi-dimensional human resources market has gradually been formed in China as its economy, dominated by the public ownership, is growing along with diverse forms of ownership. From 1998 to 2009, the number of those working in state-owned en-tities dropped from 90.58 million to 64.20 million, a decrease from 41.9% of all urban employees to 20.6%; the number of those work-ing in limited liability companies and companies limited by shares rose from 8.94 million to 33.89 million, an increase from 4.1% of all urban employees to 10.9%; and those working in private entities or self-employed grew from 32.32 million to 97.89 million, a rise from 15% to 31.5%.

Chart 5 Percentage of China’s urban employees in different forms of

ownership in 2009 Since the mid-1980s China has gradually been reforming its per-manent worker system established under the planned economy, known as the

“unified distribution of the work force.” It gives employers the right to freely choose their workers while at the same time gives work-ers the right to freely choose their jobs, thus establishing a new mode of labor relations, formed basically through mutual choices, free con-sultation and the signing of employment contracts between employers and employees. All these factors have improved the vibrancy and effi-ciency of the human resources market. To adapt to the needs of a so-cialist market economy, the Chinese government has removed one obstacle after another in

mechanisms that restrain the free flow of the work force, by reforming social security, household registration and university graduate

distribution systems. These measures have con-tributed to the vibrant flow of labor force across the country’s regions, industries and trades. In 2009 workers registered for employment at various human resources service agencies was 97 million, and 36 million people succeeded in landing jobs or changing their jobs, an increase of 77 million and 26 million respectively, as compared with the year 2000. In 2009 farmers who went to cities to seek employ-ment or worked in non-agricultural sectors in local areas for at least six months totaled 229.78 million, of which migrant workers working outside their localities accounted for 145.33
