
发布时间 : 星期日 文章新视野大学英语视听说教程第二册听力原文及答案更新完毕开始阅读

Laura:Fortunately there were no cars on the road at the time.1 was lucky. Bob:The dog was to blame.

Laura:But I can’t blame the dog.All dogs bark. Bob:You should be more careful in the future .

Laura:Sure.you are right.I may be hard-headed but I’m not thick-headed.


A: What’s the matter with you? You look terrible. B: Too bad. I fell off my bike. A: How come you fell off?

B: 1 was riding along the road,thinking about the exam,when the driver behind me suddenly honked his horn.1 was SO startled that I crashed into another bike A: Then what happened? Were you hurt?

B: Let me finish…I’11 give you all the details.1 went off the front of my bike and landed on the road. I hurt my,arms and elbows when I landed A: That’s terrible.The driver was to blame.

B: He had the right to blow the horn in that section of the road.1 was daydreaming. A: You’d better be more careful from now on.

B:1 will.1 won’t be daydreaming while riding a bike any more.

MODEL 2 Your breath smells of alcohol

John:Lovely party.Thank you.I enjoyed every minute of it. Laura:you’re slurring your words, and you’re unsteady on your feet. Are you all right to drive home?

John:Perfect.I drive better after a few drinks. Laura:Well,you’ve had a lot more than a few drinks.Your breath smells of alcohol.What’s that on your key chain? May I see it?

John: That? That’s just an old beer bottle opener.Hey, what’s going on? Those are my car keys

Laura:I know.I'm keeping them until tomorrow.I’11 call a taxi for you. / John:No,no.1 want those car keys back. Laura:They’re mine now.

John:Well? Okay.You win.I’ll go by cab.


A:It’s a great get-together! I had a great time.

B:Wow.you can’t speak clearly or walk steadily.Can you drive home? A:No problem.I drive better under the influence of alcohol. B:Well.You’ve had too much drink tonight.We can smell alcohol on your breath a mile away, let me drive you home

A:hey, don’t bother. I can go myself

B:Come On.I don’t want to see you in the hospital tomorrow.

A:Okay.Thank you.

MODEL3 I got a ticket this morning

Laura: What’s the matter with you? You look very upset. Se-Jin: I got a hundred- dollar ticket this morning. Laura: Oh, that’s too bad. But why?

Se-Jin: It wasn’t my fault. It was that dog.

Laura: What are you talking about? What has a dog got to do with the fine?

Se-Jin: Listen to me. A dog suddenly appeared in my lane. If it wasn’t for the stupid dog. I wouldn’t have almost hit the police car.

Laura: You could have braked, couldn’t you? How fast were you going? Se-Jin: Well, it was about 50, or even less. I was driving very slowly.

Laura: Fifty? Don’t you know the speed limit downtown is 40 miles an hour?


A: What’s happened? You look miserable.

B: I was fined a hundred dollars this afternoon. A: Oh, what bad luck! But why?

B: I’m not to blame. It was the other car.

A: What are you talking about? Did you have a accident?

B: Listen to me. I was trying to do a U- turn in front of the school gate, when another car came up very fast from behind. If the car hadn’t gone so fast, I wouldn’t run into it.

A: You should have been careful. But I remember correct, U-turn is not allowed at the place. B: Well, I didn’t know this until the policeman told me.

A: What? Don’t you look at the road sign when you are driving? V Let’s Talk

Speeding Ticket,

A policeman stops a driver and says to the driver,“Sir,you were speeding.Can I see your license,please?”The driver replies.“I don’t have one.” “You don’t have one?”

The driver answers.“I lost it for drunk driving.”

The policeman is surprised.“I see.Will you show me your vehicle registration papers.please?” “I m sorry.I can’t do that.” The policeman asks.“Why not?” “I stole this car.”

The Officer says,“Stole it?”

The driver answers,“Yes,and I killed the owner.” The 0fficer is shocked.“You did what?” “She’s in the trunk if you want to see.” The officer is horrified and calls for backup.Within minutes,five police cars show up,surrounding the car.A police chief cautiously approaches the car,asking,“Sir,could you open the trunk of your car,please?”

The driver opens the trunk,revealing nothing but all empty trunk.
