
发布时间 : 星期一 文章山东省菏泽市2015-2016学年高二英语上学期期末考试试题(A)更新完毕开始阅读

do what we want to do instead of waste our youth.

参考范文: Dear Tom,

I’m Li Hua, a Senior 2 student of 18. I’m more than delighted to hear that you are going to make a pen pal in China.

I’m one of the top students in my school. I’m also a lively and optimistic boy, so it’s easy to get along with me. Meanwhile, I have a gift for communicating with others, which makes me popular among my classmates. More importantly, I have a good command of English and can speak English fluently. In my spare time, I like reading books, especially books about American history. Also, I’m especially interested in American culture. I’m sure I can be your good friend.

I’m looking forward to your early reply.

Yours, Li Hua 听力原文 (Text 1)

M: Sue, I quite like this shirt and it is my size.

W:Actually, it’s quite boring. Let’s find a brighter color shirt, shall we? (Text 2)

W:Do you know about Walt Disney?.

M:Was he the man who set up the first Disneyland?

W: Yes. It is said that his idea for a children’s them park came after a visit to Oakland in 1951. In 1955 his Disneyland opened when he was 54 years old. (Text 3)

W:Would you please not make any noise? I am doing my homework. M:I am reading my English text.

W:You may read it silently to avoid causing trouble to others. (Text 4)

M:Can I have something to eat? W:Go and get an apple.

M: I find a box of strawberries here in the kitchen. W: Don’t touch them. I need them for a cake.


(Text 5)

W:I have read some of O. Henry’s stories. They are moving. M:Did you notice that those stories have something in common? W: Yes. They all have a surprising end. (Text 6)

M:Good morning, Stella. W:Oh,Dr. Porter.

M:Yes, I’ve been trying to call you but the lines have been very busy. W:Yeah. I was talking with a patient. He wants to see you this afternoon. M:Well, anyway I’m feeling very sick this morning.I really need some rest. Could

you call today’s patients and let them know?

W: Cancel all patients? Sure, Doctor. Take care care of yourself. (Text 7)

M:I’ve got the cinema ticket. The film’s at 2:30 this afternoon. What shall we

do when it’s finished? We could have a hot chocolate at the cafe.

W: That’d be nice, but I’ve got to some information for my school project before

I go home.

M: I’ll come and help you in the library if you want. I want to return a CD to the

music shop but we could come back tomorrow to do that. W:OK.

M: The film lasts about two hours. That’s 4:30. The library is about 20 minutes’

walk from the cinema. So we can get there by 5 o’clock. W: Great! (Text 8)

W: Could you please tell me about previous work?

M: All right. I worked for a travel agency. I had to work six days a week. I got up really early in the morning when most people, and even the birds and animals, were asleep. So tourist could get to take photos of the sunrise. I used to pick them up from their hotels around 5:00 a.m. and then head out of town and into the desert. W: Why did you give the work up?

M: They wanted to send me to work in Spain, but I got married here and we had a baby six months ago. I love my wife and my baby. I don’t want to live alone in Spain. So I left the job and applied for this position. (Text 9)


M: You should leave the computer and rest your eyes for a while, Amy. W: Ok, dad. I’m writing an article for the high-school paper. M: What’s it about?

W: The feelings about graduation. M: How do you feel?

W: Me? A little worried. But excited too.

M: I feel the same way. You are leaving home and moving to college. W: Leaving home is part of growing up.

M: Yes. Well, I just spoke with Charley Rafer, the president of the University of Michigan. He is my classmate and we were both on tennis team. He’s going to be in New York tomorrow to interview applicants for admission. And he’s agreeed to meet you.

W: But I may not want to go to Michigan.

M: It’s one of the best schools in the country. I studied medicine there. W: But I don’t want to be a docor like you. Dad, making my own decision is also part of growing up.

M: You’re right. Let’s meet with Charley. It doesn’t mean you are going to Michigan, but the interview will be a good experience for you. W: In that case, it’ OK. (Text 10)

M: Good evening, I’m Charles McKay, and this is the 9 o’clock evening news. The top news is for sports fans. It was an exciting day in world soccer, Mexico beat France 7 to 6, in a close game that offered us plenty of excitement. The game between Canada and Argentina ended in a tie, 3 to 3. And in a game that’s still in progress, Italy is leading England 2 to 1, with 30 minutes left to go.

The war against cigarette smoking is heating up again. A set fo laws were introduced today that would make it illegal to advertise any tobacco product in any form of media. That means ads would be stopped from newspaper, magazenes, telvevisions and radio. The laws would also prevent tobacco producers from giving money to support sporting events. This is the strongest anti-smoking laws that have been introduced to date. Tobacca producers insist that the laws would be of no use. They say that in parts of the country where advertisng has been stopped, cigarrette smoking has actually increased.

And now for tomorrow’s weather: the morning will be dark with clouds, with


possible light showers. In the afternoon things should brighten up, which is good news for all the solar-powered home in this cold winter! Thanks and we hope to see you again tomorrow.

