
发布时间 : 星期一 文章热能与动力工程专业英语更新完毕开始阅读

1.1.8 The Reheat cycle

It is apparent that when operating in a Rankine cycle with a high boiler pressure or a low condenser pressure it is difficult to prevent liquid droplets from forming in the low-pressure portion of the turbine. Since most metal cannot withstand temperatures above about 600℃, the reheat cycle is often used to prevent liquid-droplet formation: the steam passing through the turbine is reheat at some intermediate pressure, thereby raising the temperature to state 5 in the T-s diagram of Fig.1-6. The steam then passes through the low-pressure section of the turbine and enters the condenser at state 6. This controls or completely eliminates the moisture problem in the turbine. The reheat cycle dose not significantly influences the thermal efficiency of the cycle, but it does result in a significant additional work output, represented in the figure by area 4-5-6-4’-4 of Fig.1-6. The reheat cycle demands a significant investment in additional equipment, and the use of such equipment must be economically justified by the increased work output. If reheat is not used to avoid droplet formation, the condenser pressure must be quite high, resulting relatively low cycle efficiency. In that sense, reheat significantly increase cycle efficiency when compared to cycle with no reheat but with the higher condenser pressure.

1.1.8 再热循环


图1-6 再热循环

1.2 Fundamental of Fluid Mechanics

Fluid motions manifest themselves in many different ways. Some can be


described very easily, while others require a thorough understanding of physical laws. In engineering applications, it is important to describe the fluid motions as simply as can be justified. This usually depends on the required accuracy. Often, accuracies of ±10% are acceptable, although in some applications higher accuracies have to be achieved. The general equations of motion are very difficult to solve; consequently, it is the engineer’s responsibility to know which simplifying assumptions can be made. This, of course, requires experience and, more important,


a understanding of the physics involved.

1.2 流体力学基础


Some common assumptions used to simplify a flow situation are related to fluid properties. For example, under certain conditions, the viscosity can affect the flow significantly; in others, viscous effects can be neglected greatly simplifying the equations without significantly altering the predictions. It is well known that the compressibility effects do not have to be taken into account to predict wind forces on buildings or to predict any other physical quantity that is a direct effect of wind. After our study of fluid motions, the appropriate assumptions used should become more obvious. Here we introduce some important general approaches used to analyze fluid mechanics and give a brief overview of different types of flow.



1.2.1 Lagrangian and Eulerian Descriptions of Motion

In the description of a flow field, it is convenient to think of individual particles of which is considered to be a small mass of fluid, consisting of a large number of molecules that occupies a small volume that moves with the flow. If the fluid is incompressible, the volume does not change in magnitude but may deform. If the fluid is compressible, as the volume deforms, it also changes its magnitude. In both cases the particles are considered to move through a flow field as an entity. 1.2.1 拉格朗日运动描述和欧拉运动描述


In the study of particle mechanics, where attention is focused on individual particles, motion is observed as a function of time. The position, velocity and acceleration of each particle are listed as s(x0,y0,z0,t), V(x0,y0,z0,t) and a(x0,y0,z0,t) and quantities of interest can be calculated. The point (x0,y0,z0) locates the starting point the name-of each particle. This is the Lagrangian description, named after Joseph L. Lagrange, of motion that is used in a course on dynamics. In the Lagrangian description many particles can be followed and their influence on one another noted. This becomes, however, a difficult task as the number of particles becomes extremely large, as in a fluid flow.

质点力学主要研究单个质点,质点运动是时间的函数。任一质点的位移、速度和加速度可表示为s(x0, y0, z0, t),V(x0, y0, z0, t),a(x0, y0, z0, t),其它相关参量也可计算。坐标(x0, y0, z0)表示质点的起始位置,也是每个质点的名字。这就是拉格朗日运动描述,以约瑟夫?L?拉格朗日的名字命名,该描述方法通常用于质点动力学分析。拉格朗日法跟踪多个质点的运动过程并考虑质点间的相互作用。然而,由于实际流体包含质点数目巨大,因而采用拉格朗日法研究流体流动则非常困难。

An alternative to following each fluid particle separately is to identify points in space and then observe the velocity of particles passing each point; we can observe the rate of change of velocity as the particles pass each point, that is, ?V/?x,?V/?y,?V/?z and we can observe if the velocity is changing with time at each particular point,

that is, ?V/?t .In this Eulerian description, named after Leonhard Euler, of motion, the


flow properties, such as velocity, are functions of both space and time. In rectangular, Cartesian coordinates the velocities expressed as V=V(x, y, z, t). The region of flow that is considered is called a flow field.

与分别跟踪每个流体质点不同的另一种方法是将着眼点放在空间点上,然后观察质点经过每个空间点时的质点速度,由此可以得到质点流经各空间点时的速度变化率,即?V/?x,?V/?y,?V/?z;还可以判断某一点上的速度是否随时间变化,即计算?V/?t。这种描述方法称为欧拉运动描述,以莱昂哈德?欧拉的名字命名。在欧拉法中,速度等流动参数是空间和时间的函数。在直角笛卡儿坐标系中,速度表示为V=V(x, y, z, t)。我们所研究的流动区域称为流场。

1.2.2 Pathlines and streamlines

Two different lines help us in describing a flow field. A pathline is the focus of points traversed by a given particle as it travels in a field of flow; the pathline provides us with a “history” of the particle’s locations. A photograph of a pathline would required a time exposure of an illuminated particle.


1.2.2 迹线和流线


A streamline is a line in the flow possessing the following property: the velocity vector of each particle occupying a point on the streamline is tangent to the streamline, that is, V×dr=0. Since V and dr are in the same direction; recall that the cross product of two vectors in the same direction is zero. A photograph of a streamlines cannot be made directly. For a general unsteady flow the streamlines can be inferred from photographs of short pathlines of a large number of particles.


1.2.3 One-, two-, and three-dimensional flows

In the Eulerian description of motion the velocity vector, in general, depends on

