
发布时间 : 星期三 文章新视野大学英语读写译B4U2教(学)案更新完毕开始阅读

necklace. 8. Various studies have shown that the mountain village has a very ______________ population. Part Four: Inspiring your thoughts What are the two basic patterns for organizing the body of a comparison / contrast essay? Part Five: Structure analysis and writing practice Writing preparation Comparison Contrast both difference while whereas similar(ly) similarities like although on the other hand on the contrary however instead alike likewise same in a similar manner also in contrast Part Six: More work on the Text ◆Oral Work ◆Written Work(Topic): We have already learned how to write comparison / contrast essays in B2U3, B2U5 and B3U5. Unit 2 Section B Secrets to Beauty Part One: Warming-up Part Two: Vocabulary Exercises 1. be addicted to 2. be exempt from 3. be accountable to 4. stumble through/ across 5. enquire about 6. wear out 7. seek out 8. from a … perspective Part Three: Grammar Exercises ----THE END-----

节序 日 程 及 课 时 分 配 内 容 Q&A 1. Do you often beautify your pictures with certain software or App? Why or why not? 2. Why do women care so much about their appearance? 3. In what way can people become more beautiful? 4. What do you think of plastic surgery? 学 时 Warming-up 1 第2单元 第1节 第2节 第3节 The confusing pursuit of beauty Text introduction Language points Structure analysis and writing practice 5 1 2 2 复 习 思 考 题 1. How do you understand You can take no credit for beauty at sixteen. But if you are beautiful at sixty, it will be your soul’s own doing? 2. Why do women care so much about their appearance?

讨 论 练 习 1. Do you often beautify your pictures with certain software or App? Why or why not? 2. Why do women care so much about their appearance? 3. In what way can people become more beautiful? 4. What do you think of plastic surgery? 1. What is the author’s attitude toward the claim that women care much about their appearance due to pressure from men? 2. What are the signal words that can be contained in a comparison / contrast structure? 拓 展 练 习 课 程 作 业 Practice writing a paragraph with the structure of comparison / contrast. 完 成 形 式 书面版(√) 电子版( ) 必 读 书 目 学生学习质量监控 与 评价 1. New Horizon College English 2. 中国文化英语读本 In good order 教 学 后 记
