
发布时间 : 星期二 文章(完整word版)河北专接本英语2002真题及答案精通教育,推荐文档更新完毕开始阅读

第一章 河北省2002年普通高校专科接本科教




Ⅰ.Phonetics (10 points)

Directions: In each of the following group of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A,B,C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet with a single line through the centre. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

A. sail A. seize A. rice A. tool A. snow A. public A. measure A. row A. warm

B. tail C. chair B. freight B. wild B. food B. flow B. bullet B. observe B. own B. harm B. fresh

D. failure D. ceiling D. dig D. wood D. throw D. full D. television D. bowed D. shark D. envelop C. receive C. mice C. loose C. cow C. sugar C. pleasure C. how C. park C. fever

10. A. pen

Ⅱ. 词汇与结构。下列每小题各有选项,请根据句子含义选择最佳答案。 11. The conference ______ a full week by the time it ends. A. has lasted

B. lasts

C. will have lasted D. is lasted

12. I wish you_______ me yesterday.

A. tell B. could tell C. had told D. would tell

13. She insisted that what she had done _______ right. A. was

B. is C. be

D. had been

14. By no means ________create or destroy energy. A. we can

B. can we C. we could D. shall we

15. It was not such a good meal _______she had expected. A. as

B. what C. than

D. like

16. She didn’t break the bad news to her mother _____ that she might break down. A. so

B. for fear

C. in order

D. because

17. He will never forget the days______ he spent with his grandma. A. when

B. where C. on which

D. which

18. The speaker,________ for her splendid speeches, was warmly received by the audience. A. having known

B. being known C. knowing D. known

19. The suspect was _______ with attempting to smuggle drugs. A. charged

B. accused C. challenged D. scolded

20. He wrote a letter to the company to apply for that ________position.

A. wanted B. vacant C. unemployed D. useless

21.Doctor Kissinger was a key _______in the establishment of the Sino—US relationships during 1970’s.

A. role

B. figure C. feature D. personality

22.The majority of Chinese businesses will undergo a structural _________ in the new century. A. resolution

B. reform C. solution

D. evolution

21. The university authority _ _a new dean for the school of management. A. assigned

B. appointed C. adopted D. granted

22. The special committee is _ __the case in which some officials are involved in bribery. A. looking into

B. looking for C. seeing to D. seeing through

25.If you encounter any difficulty during your stay in the hospital, you may inform the medical _____about your problems. A. stuff

B. staff C. colleague D. faculty

26.People dump garbage into this lake, which _______pollution of the water.

A. adds up to B. leaves behind C. leaves alone D. adds to 27. In the driving class, Jack made slow but ______improvement.

A. steady B. static C. stable D. still

28. A lot of people worked long hours because high unemployment meant that they could easily be _____.

A. distributed

B. appointed C. transferred D. replaced

29. The film star wore dark glasses so that no one would _______him. A. know

B. reach C. recognize 30. Don’t have him for a friend. He’s ____ a criminal.

A. anything but B. but for C. nothing but

Ⅲ. 在下列各句的四组划线部分中找出错误的一组。 31.

The major advantage of a large corporation was that it can

A B raise large sums of money to engage in efficient large—scale C production. D 32.

A heat exchanger is a device in which heat taken from a hot A B C liquid or gas in order to warm a cold place. D


Some animals have been regardless by nearly all societies as

A B valuable economic resources. C D 34.

Alike light waves, microwaves may be reflected and

A B C concentrated . D

D. realize

D. rather than 35.He was born in a small village in the year 1980 . A B C D

36.Mary and her sister have little of common except that they A B C share the same interest in bowling. D

37.If one reads a great many articles in Elementary English, you will A B become familiar with the problems of the beginning teacher of C D reading .

38.Either of these young ladies are perfectly qualified to teach A B C D Greek, Latin and French .

39.I can’t get my car started. Something must have gone wrongly A B C D with the engine.

40.We were pleased to have the opportunity to watch such talented A B dancers to perform a highly acclaimed new ballet . C D


It was Sunday .The trains 41. A gentleman was walking along the platform 42 for a place. In one of 43 he saw a vacant seat. But a small suit-case was 44 on it and a stout gentleman was sitting 45 to it. “Is this seat vacant?” asked the gentleman. “No it is my 46 ,” answered the stout gentleman, “He 47 just coming ----this is his suit-case.” “Well,” said the gentleman, “I will sit here till he 48.”Five minutes 49 the train started, 50 nobody came. “Your friend 51 late,” said the gentleman, “He 52 his train, but he need not 53 suit-case.” And 54 these words he 55 the suit-case and threw it 56
