2020高考英语新创新一轮复习选修7Unit19Language学案含解析北师大?- 百度文库

ʱ : 2020高考英语新创新一轮复习选修7Unit19Language学案含解析北师大?- 百度文库ϿʼĶ

[] ﷨

A bit too old as he is, he is still adequate to the work.

The information available on the Internet is adequate for our needs. Is your salary adequate to_support (support) your family [ϵͳ]

be adequate for 㹻ԡ˵㹻 be adequate to (do) sth. ʤ()ij£㹻()ij [صǿ] ״

As a designer, he was adequate for the task. forto Ѿʱʱд



8negotiate vt.̸УЭ []


We have been negotiating with the manager for/about improving the salary. We are satisfied with the smoothness of the negotiation (negotiate) He asked me to tell you that the contract was still being negotiated. He asked me to tell you that the contract was under negotiation. [ϵͳ]

(1)negotiate with sb.about/for sth. ij̸ij (2)negotiation n. ̸У̣Ǣ̸ under negotiation ̸ [صǿ] ״

The pilots are negotiating to the airline managers. towith Ѿʱʱд

(2017߿)οͣǾͺ͵һھסޡ If_you're_a_foreign_tourist,_you_will_negotiate_with_the_guide_about_your_accommodations_in_the_scenic_spot.


9guarantee vt.֤n.֤֤飻ѺƷ [] ﷨

I guarantee to_finish (finish) off my paper on time, no matter what happens. This kind of behaviour is guaranteed to_make (make) him angry.

The car is still under guarantee, so you should be able to get it repaired free of charge. ɾ

Temporary extension of two years will guarantee_scientists_enough time/guarantee enough_time_to_scientists.


Can you give_me_a_guarantee_that the work will be finished on time? ұ֤ᰴʱ [ϵͳ] (1) guarantee sb. sth.?? ֤ij˵õij guarantee sth. to sb.?guarantee to do sth. ֤ij be guaranteed to do sth. ضij (2)under guarantee ڱ give sb.a guarantee (that ...) ij˱֤() [صǿ] ״

I think your ability will guarantee a better job for you. forto Ѿʱʱд



10adjust vt.ڣvi.Ӧ []


The body can adjust itself to the change of temperature.

Watch out for sharp bends and adjust your speed accordingly.


Once you've adjusted to your new independence you may find you can go further. Ӧ

If you adjust to someone, the person will begin to feel that you are with him on the same wave.

With the continuous changes of job market, I made adjustments (adjust) to my job expectations time and again.

You should adjust your language to the age of your audience. A chair with adjustable (adjust) height is beneficial to your health. ɾ

In the new term, most students adjusted_themselves_to_their_new_environment very quickly.


I heard that the company would make_an_adjustment_to_your_salary. ˵˾н [ϵͳ]

(1)adjust to Ӧ adjust sth. to sth. Ӧ adjust to (doing) sth. Ӧ()ij adjust oneself to ... ʹԼӦڡ (2)adjustment n. ڣӦ make an adjustment/adjustments to ... ԡ (3)adjustable adj. ɵڵģɵ [صǿ] ״

She found it hard to adjust to work at night. Ѿʱʱд


However,_I_think_that_you_will_quickly_adjust_to_the_weather_and_the_food_although_they_are_different_from_yours. [ʦָ] adjust to ...УtoΪʣҪʡʻʡ 11congratulate vt.ףأأϲ []



The manager congratulated the employees on their great efforts.

I want to express my sincere congratulations (congratulate) on your success. ɾ/һ

ԵΪԼô֪ʶԨĸĸеˡ I heartily congratulate_myself_on having such profound parents. ףͨ˸߿

We congratulate_you_on_your_passing the College Entrance Examination.(congratulate) We







?sth.(1)congratulate sb. on? ͡ijף ?doing sth. congratulate oneself on (doing) sth. (2)congratulation n. еԺңΪԼ ףأϲ offer/send one's congratulations to sb.(on sth.) (Ϊij)ij˱ʾף [صǿ] ״Զ(celebrate/congratulate) She congratulated him on the birth of his son.

Afterward, she invited me to the one-and-only steak house in the area to celebrate her victory.



I_congratulate_myself_on_being_a_volunteer_of_the_13th_National_Games_held_in_Tianjin_at_the_end_of_August. [Ƚ]

ףأءֻҪףص飬Ҫon/uponcongratulate celebrate ӣcongratulate sb. on/upon sth. ʽġףֻ(աʤɹ) 12
