
发布时间 : 星期六 文章碧桂园物业发展公司绩效考核机制问题及解决策略探讨(1)(1)更新完毕开始阅读




作 者 郭峰 专 业 人力资源管理 总 考 号 010106200078 指导教师 刘宝宏 答辩日期 成 绩

内 容 提 要


关键词:物业管理 绩效考核机制 组织变革


In recent years, living with people's gradually rise, house property already becomes the topic of conversation that people shows solicitude for broadly, but thing job goodness and badness also is important components among them. Estate management industry being that one is new and developing , being full of competition in our country, serves the intrinsic characteristics being estate management industry. That the achievement effect checks mechanism is that estate management enterprise realizes the means organizing a strategic objective , training core the competition importance, is important business administration content , is also that the lifting estate management industry entirety serves the forceful horizontal guarantee. The achievement of our country effect checks mechanism falling behind comparatively , our angle that the accessory job administration industry employee achievement effect checks starts off , intend to start with the characteristic , request and current situation that the industry achievement effect checks, that industry achievement imitates analysis at present checking middle have problem of process , primo , assessment criteria is not rigorous. Checking a project interposing a block of wood has been rigorous , assessment criteria has explained indeterminacy , has enlarged the arbitrariness examining. Artificial to controlling possibility is strong , the dispute checking result is big, very difficult to convince employee , result is made examine becoming mere formality. The secondary , the lack checking content are entire. Have a hiatus to wait if key achievement imitates an index, the achievement estimating that employee's trueness works imitates unable rightness therefore. And then work out perfect assessment criteria and check content, the optimization industry achievement effect checks mechanism.

key words:Property Management 、Performance evaluation mechanism、Organizational reform.

目 录

一、 碧桂园物业公司绩效考核存在的问题及原因分析 ................ - 5 -

(一)碧桂园物业发展有限公司简介 ............................ - 5 - (二)绩效考核机制的正确管理思想没有被成功植入碧桂园物业公司 - 6 -

1.考核指标主次不分,设计不够合理 ....................... - 6 - 2.组织执行力度不够 ...................................... - 7 - 3.对绩效考核实施主题的错误理解 .......................... - 7 - 4.绩效考核机制结果与奖惩不对等 .......................... - 8 -

二 、碧桂园物业公司绩效考核机制的建议对策 ...................... - 9 -

(一)物业公司绩效考核机制的成功取决于设置合理的控制程序 .... - 9 -

1.绩效考核机制关于人力资源开发设置合理的评价标准 ........ - 9 - 2.绩效考核机制中人力资源部的职责 ........................ - 9 - (二)建立有效的绩效考核管理制度 ............................ - 9 - (三)用绩效考核机制推动组织变革 ........................... - 10 - (四)物业公司绩效考核机制中应注意的成功关键因素 ........... - 10 -

1.绩效考核机制成功关键因素的概述 ....................... - 10 - 2.绩效考核机制中指标的确定 ............................. - 10 - (五)物业公司绩效考核机制中的信息反馈及成果兑现 ........... - 11 -

1.考核信息反馈 ......................................... - 11 - 2.考核成果兑现 ......................................... - 11 - (六)物业公司绩效考核机制的实施 ........................... - 11 -

1、制定绩效管理目标。 .................................. - 11 - 2、使绩效目标成为全体员工共同努力工作的目标。 .......... - 11 - 3、绩效目标分解为绩效考核指标。 ........................ - 11 - 4、认真考核加强执行力。 ................................ - 12 - 5、完善激励和处罚机制。 ................................ - 12 -

参考文献 ...................................................... - 12 - 后记 .......................................................... - 13 -
