
发布时间 : 星期日 文章【附20套高考模拟试题】黑龙江省哈尔滨市第三中学2020届高三二模考试英语试卷含答案更新完毕开始阅读


第一部分 (共20小题每,小题1.5分,满分30分)

1.It is widely acknowledged that students should be ____________ in terms of overall quality. A.supported

C.evaluated D.controlled

2.Why do you turn to me for help ______ you can easily work out the problem independently? A.until B.when C.after D.unless

3.We work during the week,but weekends and evenings are usually ________. A.vacant





4.—Are you ready to leave?

—Almost, I’ll be ready to go just as soon as I ________ putting the clean dishes away. A.get through

C.carry out D.set about

5.It’s second time in five days that he has asked me for higher pay.

A.不填;a B.a;the C.the;a


B.give up

6.The students have decided on a final date by which everyone ________ reading the books assigned by their professor. A.finishes

C.have finished D.will have finished

7.The TV station will be ______ the game live on Saturday afternoon, and we can’t miss it. A.covering B.improving

C.handling D.canceling


8.I thought Father would be better, but ______it is, he is getting worse, which makes me more worried. A.before


C.because D.after

9.You _____ read a book in the sun—it'll do harm to your eyes. A.couldn't B.wouldn't C.needn't D.mustn't 10.——Do you have a minute? I’ve got something to tell you. ——Ok, ______ you make it short.

A.now that B.if only C.so long as D.every time

11.When faced with a big challenge ________ potential failure seems to hide at every corner, maybe you've heard this advice before: “Be more confident.” A.where



D.of which

12.— Helen,are you going Io the airport to pick up Jack the day after tomorrow? — ________ tomorrow night.I would go. A.Were he to come back

B.If he was about to come back

C.Had he come back D.If he would come back

13.That student admitted in the math exam, that he would never do that again in the future. A.to have cheated, promising

B.cheating, promised

C.to cheating, promised D.having cheated, promising 14.Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his . A.ability B.force C.mind D.strength

15.Meizhou Island is such a beautiful place of interest______ everyone likes to visit. A.as

B.that C.which


16.--- I’ll pay a visit to Hong Kong. Would you mind keeping an eye on my house? --- Not at all. ______. A.I’d rather not

C.I’ve no time D.I’d like to

17.— BoB.could I use your computer this evening? —Sorry. I a report on it then. A.will be writing

C.have written D.will have written

18.He used to study in a village school, ______was rebuilt two years ago. A.which C.where



B.have been writing B.I’d be happy

19.The worse working conditions we are looking forward to ______ must have attracted the local government’s attention. A.see improved

C.see improving D.seeing to improve

20.________ and open to various interpretations, the terms of the new proposal need improving based on the interests of both sides. A.Accessible B.Apparent

C.Ambiguous D.Aggressive

第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

21.(6分) Alma Deutscher could read music before she could read words. She composed her first piano sonata at six,her first short opera at seven,and her first full-length opera at 10.

Alma Alma,a gifted musician as well as a composer,the child prodigy,or “Little Mozart\,whose music is in the classical-romantic tradition,was on stage throughout,switching between the piano and the violin.

B.seeing improved

Her parents,mother Janie,and father Guy,are quite formal. They think deeply before they speak,and appear to be quiet. They maintain Alma is an adult when it comes to music and a normal girl in other ways.

She has always been home-schooled and is reading Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials when we meet. Janie,who has given up her university job,is also a huge support,home-schooling both girls. And they believe Alma wouldn't have developed in mainstream education anyway. Because her needs are different and it's quite difficult for any school.

But perhaps what most sets her apart is the intensity(强度)of her imagination. Spend time with Alma and you are struck by how often she talks about Transylvanian,which is unrelated to the region in Romania. \,because I didn't know it was a real place until much later,\

Transylvanian is\,named Antonin Yellow sink and Ashy and Shell and Flare”. Transylvanian is outside,inside;everywhere and nowhere.

She has written biographies about the composers, created a magazine, Paris Flash, for the inhabitants, and even composed a Transylvanian national anthem. Her father believes her musical ability is a sign of this imagination. \1、What can we learn about Alma from the first two paragraphs? A.She is too young to be a musician. B.She is a wonder child on music. C.She is a hard-working child on music.

D.Her music works are well-known around the world. 2、Why did Alma receive education at home? A.Because she didn't like school. B.Because of her special needs. C.Because her mother lost her job.

D.Because she wanted to stay with her sister. 3、What do we know about Transylvanian? A.Transylvanian is a place in Alma's city. B.Transylvanian is a place in the book Alma read. C.Transylvanian is a place that Alma imagined.

D.Transylvanian is a group for musicians and composers. 4、According to her father, what is the key to Alma's success?

A.Her rich imagination. C.Her teachers' instruction.

B.Her parents' influence. D.Her hardwork on music.

22. Artificial intelligence (AI) technology may soon be a useful tool for doctors. It may help (8分)them better understand and treat diseases like breast cancer in ways that were never before possible.

Rishi Rawat teaches AI at the University of Southern California’s (USC) Clinical Science Center in Los Angeles. He is part of a team of scientists who are researching how AI and machine learning can more easily recognize cancerous growths in the breast. Rawat provides information about cancer cells to a computer. He says this data helps the machine learn. “. . . You can put the data into computers and they will learn the patterns and the pattern recognition is important to making decisions.”

David Agus is another USC researcher. He says machines are not going to take the place of doctors. “Computers will not treat patients, but they will help make certain decisions and look for things that the human brain can’t recognize by itself. Once a confirmed cancerous growth is removed, doctors still have to treat the patient to reduce the risk of cancer returning. The form of treatment depends on the kind of cancer.”

Currently, researchers take a thin piece of tissue, put it on a small piece of glass and add color to better see the cells. That process could take days or even longer. Scientists say artificial intelligence can do something better than just count cells. Through machine learning, it can recognize complex patterns, or structures, and learn how the cells are organized.

The hope is that machines will soon be able to make a quick identification of cancer that is free of human mistakes. “All of a sudden, we have the computing power to really do it in real time. . . We couldn’t have done this, we didn’t have the computing power to do this several years ago, but now it’s all changed.” Agus adds that the process could be done for almost no cost in the developing world. He says that having a large amount of information about patients is important for a machine to effectively do its job in medicine.

The University of Southern California researchers are now only studying breast cancer. But doctors predict artificial intelligence will one day make a difference in all forms of cancer. 1、In Rishi Rawat’s research, ________.

A.the data put into computers contributes to cancer recognition B.many cancers are being studied at the moment C.machine learning has replaced doctors’ work D.the focus is on the cure for cancer

2、David Agus’s words in Paragraph 3 are used to ________. A.provide some advice for doctors B.introduce the development of cancer
