
发布时间 : 星期四 文章2012高考英语作文模板更新完毕开始阅读

success/ failure / development) in…

17. In 1999, it increased (rose / jumped / shot up) from 5 to 10 percent of the total (to 15 percent / by 15 percent).

18. By comparison with 1998, it decreased (dropped / fell) from 10 to 5 percent (to 15 percent / by 15 percent). 19. It account for 15 percent of the total.

20. There were 100 traffic accidents in April, and increase of 5 percent in a five-month period.

21. By 1999, only (less than / more than / almost / about / over / as many as) three quarters (40 percent of / one out of five / one in four) college population (graduates / housewives) as against (as compared with) last year (1998) preferred to (liked)…

3. 结尾

1. From what has been discussed above (Taking into account all these factors / Judging from all evidence offered), we may safely draw (reach / come to / arrive at) the conclusion that… 2. All the evidence (analysis) supports (justifies / confirms / warrants / points to) a(n) unshakable (unmistakable / sound / just) conclusion that …

3. It is high time that we place (lay / put) great ( special / considerable) emphasis on the improvement (development / increase / promotion) of…

4. It is high time that we put an end to the deep-seated (unhealthy / undesirable / deplorable) situation (tendency / phenomenon) of…

5. We must look (search / all / cry) for an immediate action (method / measure), because the present (current) situation (phenomenon / tendency / state / attitude) of …, if permitted (allowed) to continue (proceed), will surely (certainly) lead to (result in) the end (destruction / heavy cost) of…

6. There is no easy (immediate / effective) solution ( approach / answer / remedy) to the problem of …, but … might be useful (helpful / beneficial).

7. No easy method (solution / recipe / remedy) can be at hand (found / guaranteed) to solve (resolve / tackle) the problem of …, but the common (general / public) recognition of (realization of / awareness of / commitment to) the necessity (importance / significance) of … might be the first step towards change (on the right way / in the right direction).

8. Following these methods (suggestions) may not guarantee the success in (solution to)…, but the pay-off will be worth the effort.

9. Obviously (Clearly / No doubt), if we ignore (are blind to) the problem, there is every chance that…

10. Unless there is a common realization of (general commitment to)…, it is very likely (the chances are good) that… 11. There is little doubt (no denying) that serous (special / adequate / immediate /further) attention must be called (paid / devoted) to the problem of …

12. It is necessary (essential / fundamental) that effective (quick / proper) action (steps /measures / remedies) should be taken to prevent (correct / check / end / fight) the situation (tendency / phenomenon).

13. It is hoped (suggested / recommended) that great (continuous / persistent / sustained / corporate) efforts should be make to control (check / halt / promote) the growth (increase / rise) of …

14. It is hoped that great efforts should be directed to (expended on / focused on) finding (developing / improving)… 15. It remains to be seen whether…, but the prospect (outlook) is not quite encouraging (that rosy).

16. Anyhow, wider (more) education (publicity) should be given to the possible (potential / grave / serious / pernicious) consequences (effects) of…

17. To reverse (check / control) the trend (tendency) is not a light task (an easy job), and it requires (demands / involves / entails) a different state of main towards (attitude towards /

outlook on)…

18. For these reasons, I strongly recommend that… 19. For the reasons given above, I feel that…


英语的书面表达一直以来就是英语学习的瓶颈。在此,笔者向各位学习者提供突破英语写作的十字建议,即研习、背诵、默写、互译、模仿,概括出培养写作能力的五个方面,如能严格遵循,定能柳暗花明。 研 习

“没有规矩,不成方圆。”对于一般英语学习者而言,写出优秀的文章有赖于后天习得,但并不意味着机械背诵、生吞活剥,或者照搬照抄、人云亦云。所谓研习,需要有独立思考和个人的判断,本着“他山之石,可以攻玉”的精神,汲取文章的精华部分加以研究。研习主要侧重两个方面,包括文章章法和语言表达。文章章法指文章的行文思路、布局谋篇、结构安排、逻辑顺序。许多学习者面对一个话题,可能存在两种不同的困惑,一是下笔千言,但离题万里;二是思绪万千,却无从落笔。导致两种困惑的根源皆在于欠缺思考问题、组织思路的恰当方式,以至于文章不得要领、章法紊乱。这就要求我们从全篇脉络角度多研习范文,之后领悟如何以演绎法行文、怎样用归纳法谋篇以及如何围绕特定话题拓展思路等等。此外,研习还要侧重于语言表达,包括遣词造句和句子、段落之间的各 种衔接手段,以期在自己日后的写作中派上用场,因为英文写作皆通一理。只有善于借鉴,勤加研究,才会借他人的优势和长处,提高自己的写作水平。 背 诵


要处理好语言输入与输出之间的关系。前者是后者的前提条件。如果头脑空空如也,就根本谈不上写出像模像样的文章。只有读过大量东西,并且有意识地将其中精彩部分储存于记忆之中(commit the highlights to memory),才能保证下笔流畅、文通字顺。因此,背诵对于写作极为重要。但背诵不是机械记忆,而是有选择性的背诵,是有意义的记忆。因为机械背诵的结果要么是记忆很快就荡然无存、了无痕迹,要么是无法活学活用、付诸实践。背诵包括五个方面:重点词汇、常用套语、精彩句子、优秀段落、经典篇章。 重点词汇

美妙的用词及搭配皆在此列,像fall victim(受害),stand a fair chance(大有希望)这种地道的动宾搭配要勤加记忆。为了积累写作词汇,应将文中同属一个话题的用词汇总归纳,组成主题词族(topic family)。归类记忆可以使自己日后即写即用,得心应手。下文是一篇阐释爱心的优秀文章,多处用词精巧,现将文中关于爱心这一主题的词汇总结如下: emotional strength 情感的力量

the noblest of human emotions人类最高尚的情感 no thought of gain不计得失 the lamp of love爱心之灯

help the victims of natural disasters支援自然灾害受害者 donate whatever they can倾囊相助

help their needy fellow citizens 帮助有需要的同胞 be ready to give a helping hand 随时准备伸出援手

When we use the word “love”, we do not simply mean an attraction to a person of the opposite sex, which is a very narrow definition of the word. Love is emotional strength, which can support us no matter how dark the world around us becomes. In fact, throughout history people of many different
