
发布时间 : 星期三 文章八年级上期英语寒假作业更新完毕开始阅读

C. move to D. move 3. The Chinese farmers are getting____.

A. richer and richer B. rich and rich C. more and more rich D. rich and richer

4. ---Don’t forget to post this letter for me, please. ---No, I ____. A. don’t B. won’t C. mustn’t D. can’t 5. What are you ____ when you grow up?

A. go to be B. going to be C. went to be D. became 6. She was too tired to go on ____.

A. to teach B. teaching C. teach D. taught 7. These girls are___.

A. enough beautiful B. beautiful enough C. beautifully enough D. enough beautifully 8. He hiccupped___ 69 years and 5 months.

A. at B. in C. of D. for 9. Can you communicate ___ foreigners ___ English?

A. to, with B. for, in C. with, in D. with, on 10. I got a letter___ my friend ___ his health problem.

A. to, on B. from, about C. from, for D. for, about 11. I found a job___ a family teacher.

A. for B. as C. about D. to

12. My cousin is very busy with his work. He has___ time to read newspapers. (2005年北京中考题) A. little B. few C. a little D. a few 二. 多读善思, 体验语景, 快速反应

What will the world be like in the year 2005? ①____ knows. But it is ②_____ to guess. In the year 2050 everybody will ③___ a pocket computer, the computer will give the④ ____ to all their problems, working in the future will be different, too.⑤ ___ and hard work will be done by robots. People will have more⑥____. Perhaps they will⑦ ____ only two or three days a week. They will be fly to the moon by spaceship and spend their⑧___. More land⑨____ for building. Maybe people will live⑩___ just like a fish. 1. A. No one B. every one C. Nothing D. everyone 2.A. pleased B. useful C. interesting D. boring 3. A. carry B. bring C. give D. send 4. A. news B. messages C. A. ways D. answers 5. A. Danger B. Dangerous C. Safe D. Safety 6. A. time B. work C. holidays D. duty

7. A. sleep B. rest C. talk D. work 8. A. money B. time C. times D. holidays 9. A. will be used B. will use C. have used D. have been used

10. A. on the moon B. in the see C. on land D. under the ground 三. 中考暸望台----想有中考的体验吗? 试试吧,你能行!(200内蒙古) David and Tina are taking about what they’re going to do in the future. T: What are you going to do after leaving school? D: ___ I would like to explore(探索)strange things. T: ____.

D: Of course, I do. I like to visit different places.

T: That’s good. You seem to be good at spoken English.___ D: It’s just so-so. I’ll try to learn it better.____

T: Maybe I’ll be a P.E. teacher, I feel like playing games with children. D:____.

T: I hope my students would like me and enjoy themselves, too. D: Good luck!

A. What do you want to be?

B. Do you liking traveling?

C. Is that right?

D. It seems that you’ll enjoy yourself work.

E. Are you going to be a teacher?

F. I’m thinking about becoming a guide. 四. 阅读理解

G. Great! Being a teacher is proud(骄傲的) Some people say that laugher is the best

medicine. Scientists are beginning to agree with this. They are studying laughter seriously(严肃地)and fiding it is really good for us.

So what happens when we laughter? We use different muscles(肌肉)in our face, laughing is good for every organ(器官)in our body. When we laugh, we breath quickly and exercise the face, shoulders(肩膀), and chest, our blood pressure(压力)goes down, and our circulation gets better, our heart beat is lower and our brain makes a natural pain-killer(止痛药)called a beat-endorphin.

Every time we laugh is the same as forty-five minutes as relaxation. Many doctors around the world believe that laughter helps us get better when we are sick.

Of course, there are many kinds of laughter, we may change the way we laugh in different situations, but we

all have a laugh that is special to us. How do you usually laugh? 1. Laughter is good for us because_____.

A. scientists think so B. everybody thinks so C. study has proved so D. doctors say so 2. When we laugh, we exercise ____.

A. fifteen muscles of the bodies B. fifteen muscles of the chest C. every organ of our body D. fifteen organs of the bodies 3. Laughter makes a natural pain-killer____.

A. in our should B. in our heart C. in our brain D. in our blood 4. One minute laugh equals forty-five minutes____.

A. exercise B. rest C. thinking D. medical treatment 5. According to the passage, _____. A. people laugh in the same way

B. one should learn different ways of laughing C. we need to laugh forty-five minutes each day D. everyone has his own way of laughing

----勤动脑, 勤动笔, 永远保持思维的流畅

根据提示写一篇60-70个词左右的短文 提示: ◇Jack是我的朋友, 他是一个学生, 家里穷, 只好兼职工作。 ◇他每月200美元。 他在存钱, 想买一台电脑。 ◇他的数学和英语很好, 他在努力地学习, 今后想当一名电脑工程师。


★挑战自我, 精彩无限! Exercise 13 Ok, boys and girls. 有了丰富的知识储备, 你一定能迎接下面的挑战。 一. 完美无缺

1. Thanks for s____ the floor for me.

2. Did you i_____ your teacher to your party.

3.---Oh, so many clothes. Could you please___(折叠)them for me? --- All right.

4. ---Mom, I’m hungry, could you please buy me some___(快餐). ---OK, let’s go.

5.―Take good c_____ of your clothes and keep it clean.‖ Mother said. 6. I like to m ___ breakfast because it’s relaxing.

二. 下面有用的短语都记住了吗?来检测一下你的记忆力吧。 1. borrow money___ 2. buy some drinks____ 3. go to the store_____ 4. take … for walk____ 5. make the bed_____ 6. 邀请参加______

7. 照顾________ 8. 与…玩________ 9. 度假_____ 三. 对号入座

1.---I want to listen to this CD. Could I use your CD player? ____ doesn’t work ---Sure. Here it is.

A. Me B. My C. Mine D. I 2. ---Hello, could I speak to Mr. Wu, please? ---_____. He’s out. A. Too bad B. Bad luck C. Excuse me D. I’ m sorry 3. I forgot ___ you. Now I call you again.

A. call B. to call C. calling D. called 4. ---Hello, Mr. Green, can I ask you ___ questions? ----_______. A. some, Sure B. any, Not sure C. some, Not sure D.any, Sure

5. She always finishes her homework on time. She ___ leaves it for tomorrow. A. always B. never C. usually D. sometimes 6. ---What’s ___ radio station in the city? ---I think Easy Listening 97.7 FM is

A. best B. the best C. better D. good 7. I need ___ my bed now, so I can’t go out.

A. make B. to make C. making D. made 8. Could you please ___ your bed?

A. making B. to make C. made D. make 9. ---Would you like some more chicken? ---_______.

A. Here you are B. No, thanks C. Yes, please. D. OK 10. The shop ___ open ten hours a day.

A. takes B. gets C. keeps D. looks 四. 多读善思, 厚积薄发

Sam had a dog, its name was Tod. It was very helpful, but it ate too much. So he didn’t like it. He wanted to? ____Tod. He?____Tod and put it in a small boat. He rowed(划)the boat to the?___ of a big river. Just as he?___ the poor animal into the river, the boat began to go down. ?___ Sam and Tod? ___ into the river.

Tod was able to swim, ?___ Sam couldn’t. the dog bit(咬)the rope(绳)and broke it, it tried its best to swim to
