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五下 Unit4 P 36

四单元 第36页

A: When is Mother's Day? B: It's on the second Sunday in May. A: Happy birthday, Mum ! 基数词变序数词规则 A:母亲节是哪天?. 八去t,九去e,遇y变ve B: 在五月的第二个星期日。 eighth ninth twentieth A:生日快乐,妈妈! first 1st second 2nd third 3rd B: Thank you.

Unit4 P 37 A: When B: September 27th. is Mid-Autumn Day this year?

A: What B: We eat mooncakedo you usually s. do on Mid-Autumn Day? A: A birthday cake

My family will also eat a birthday cake.B:My A: Cool ! cousin's birthday is for Mid-Autumn Day?! on Mid- Autumn Day this year !

Unit4 Part A: Let’s talk

Mr. Jones:There are some special What are they?

days in April. Zhang Peng:Mr Jones :April Fool's Day and Easter. Zhang Peng: It's When is April Fool's Day?

Mr Jones:on April 1st. Zhang Peng:And Easter?

Mr Jones::It's Wow ! I love April !

on April 5th this year. Zhang Peng

B: 谢谢你

四单元 第37页

A: 今年的中秋节是哪天 ? B: 9月27日。

A: 你们通常在中秋节做什么? B: 我们吃月饼。我的家人也将吃生日蛋糕。

A: 中秋节吃生日蛋糕?! B: 今年我堂哥的生日在中秋节!

A: 酷!

四单元 A

琼斯老师:四月有一些特殊的日子。 张鹏:它们是什么?

琼斯老师:愚人节和复活节。 张鹏:愚人节是哪天?

琼斯老师:4月1日。 张鹏:复活节呢?

琼斯老师:今年在4月5日。 张鹏:哇!我爱四月!


五下 Unit4 part B Let’s talk

Chen Jie

:My birthday is :When is your on birthday ? MikeApril 4th. Chen JieCool ! :That' What will you do s my mother's birthday your mum?

,too ! Mike:Chen Jie :I'll cook noodles for her. for Mike:C

:hinese noodlePlease come then, we s are delicious ! Chen Jie can have a birthday party for both of you ! Unit4 B Read and write.

Two new kittenSarah'sApril 15th cat has two kittens

s. Read Sarah's diary. My catThey are pink has two new kittens.

They also can't see. because they are very young. The kittens are six days old. April 21st They make noiseThey have white s They are cute. fur when now. they are hungry. Their eyes are open ! They are blue. April 26th The kittens can walk now. May 3rd They can play with Robin ! 18

四单元 B

陈杰:你的生日 是哪天? 迈克:我的生日是


陈杰:那也是我妈妈的生日! 迈克:酷!你将为你妈妈做什么?

陈杰:我将为她做面条。 迈克:中国的面条很美味!

陈杰:那时请过来。我们可以 为你们两个举行一个生日聚会! 四单元 B 读写

两只新生的小猫 萨拉的猫新生了两只小猫。读一读萨拉的日记。

4月15日 我的猫新生了两只小猫。

它们是粉色的,因为它们太年幼了。 它们还看不见。

4月21日 小猫6天大了。

当它们饿的时候它们制造噪音。 现在它们有了白色的浓密的软毛。 它们很可爱。

4月26日 它们的眼睛睁开了!它们是蓝色的。

5月3日 现在小猫会走了。 它们可以和罗宾玩!

五下 Unit5 P46

A: Hey! B: Oh

,it's mine. Whose dog is this? He's sleeping . He's very tired. B: No. It's his. A: Wow ! What a beautiful painting ! Is it yours ?

Unit5 P47

A: What's that? B: It's a rabbit.

It's mine . A: I see. Why is it jumping? B: It's playing

with its friends. A: Whose B: The carrots are carrots are these?

theirs . Unit 5 Part A Let’s talk

Chen Jie:The yellow picture is mine . Are these all ours ? Mike

:Yes,they are.

Chen Jie

:It's Zhang Peng:Wow ! T hat picture 's.

of Beijing is beautiful. Whose is it? MikeChen Jie:Look ! There is a picture of shanghai, too. Mike:It's Yifan's Oh,yes ! .

Chen Jie: It's his .

五单元 第46页

A:嘿!这是谁的 狗?

B: 哦,它是我的。它正在睡觉。它很累。

A:哇!多么漂亮的一幅画啊! 它是你的 吗? B:不是。它是他的。

五单元 第47页

A:那是什么? B:它是一只兔子。它是我的。 hers 她的 ours 我们的

A:我明白了。为什么它正在跳? each other相互 B:它正在和它的朋友们玩儿。

A:这些是谁的 胡萝卜? B:这些胡萝卜是它们的。

五单元 A

陈杰:那幅黄色的画是我的 。这些都是我们的 (画)吗? 迈克:是的,它们是。

陈杰:哇!那幅北京的画很漂亮。它是谁的 ? 迈克:它是张鹏的。

陈杰:看!还有一幅上海的画. 迈克:它是一凡的。

陈杰:哦,是的!它是他的。 19

五下 Unit5 Part B Let's talk

(Sam is at Chen Jie's home.)

Sam:Where is Fido now? Chen Jie :He's in the kitchen. Sam:Is he drinking water?

Chen Jie:No,he isn't. He's eating. Sam:Can I play withCan you take him him now? Chen Jie:Yes. Fido,come here ! to the park? Sam:Of course ! Fido

:Woof,woof !

Unit5 B(Read and write)

Sarah Robin at the zoo

and Robin are at the zoo. Robin is excited ! What are you doing hereI'm looking

at a bear. I'm dancing like a bear.,Robin?

I'm looking I'm looking at a tiger. at the rabbits. I'm eating like a rabbit. I'm running like a tiger. I'm looking at an elephantI'm looking at a monkey. . I'm climbing like him. I'm walking like an elephant.

I'm looking at a bird. I

like flying. I want to be a bird ! No! No ! I Robin, do you don't want want to swim to be a fish! like a fish? 20

五单元 B


萨姆:菲多现在在哪里? 陈杰: 它在厨房里。



萨姆:我现在可以和它玩吗? 陈杰:是的。你可以带它去公园吗?

萨姆:当然!菲多,到这里来! 菲多:


五单元B 读写



在动物园里。罗宾很兴奋! 你正在这里做什么,罗宾?

正在看一只熊。我正在像熊那样跳舞。 我正在看兔子。我正在像兔子那样吃。 我

正在看一只老虎。我正在像老虎那样跑。 我正在看一只大象。我正在像大象那样走。 我 正在看一只猴子。我正在像它那样爬(树)。 我正在看一只乌。

喜欢飞。我想成为一只鸟! 罗宾,你想 像鱼那样游泳 吗? 不!不!我不想成为鱼!
