人教版必修一unit 5 reading 课堂教学设计

发布时间 : 星期一 文章人教版必修一unit 5 reading 课堂教学设计更新完毕开始阅读

Elias needed Nelson’s help because he had very little _________. He got a job in a gold mine. Sadly he did not have a passbook to live in Johannesburg and he ________about whether he would become __________of work. Mandela told Elias how to get the ___________papers so he could stay in Johannesburg .Elias never forgot how kind of Mandela was . When Mandela _______the ANC Youth Leagur , Elias ________it as soon as possible.

In 1963, Elias helped Mandela ________up some government buildings. Though it was dangerous , Elias was very __________to help.

Suggested answers: lawyer guidance education worried out correct organized joined blow happy

设计意图: Let the students have an entire understanding of this passage.

Step 8. 小结

This passge is about Elias’story, according to what we have read, we know that__________________________________(在曼德拉的指导下)Elias’ life _______ (改变)before and after he met Nelson Mendela.

Suggested answers : under the guidance of Nelson of Mandela , changed 作业:

1.Composition: write a short summary of this passage. 2.Review the words and expressions of this unit . 3.Preview the text : The rest of Elias’ story.

教学反思: 通过运用投影仪,录音机等教学工具,引领学生通过听,说,读,写,讨论的方法较好的完成了教学任务,达到了理解课文的教学目的。

