
发布时间 : 星期三 文章06年英语专四听力原文和答案更新完毕开始阅读

capital next week as well as serving the consular needs of Australian in the region. The consulate will facilitate Australian support to the United Nation's assistance mission in East Timor. The announcement follows in principle their agreement reached on the opening of the consulate between Australian prime minister and Indonesian president in Barley last month.


News Item 5

(27) PepsiCo of the US and Unilever of the UK have become the latest foreign entrance in China's competitive bottle tea market. The two companies launched Lipton's iced tea in Guangzhou last week in a 50-50 venture. (28) “PepsiCo is contributing its bottling facilities and distribution networks to the alliance while Unilever provides the famous tea brand and recipe.” company executive said. China has a growing bottle tea market estimated to be worth 10 billion Yuan. It has been dominated in recent years by two Taiwanese brands .Master Kang and Uni-President. Three other big brands. Nestle, Guangdong based Jianiibao and Lipton, have just entered the market this year. Swiss company Nestle is working in conjunction with Coca Cola.

Key:27.A 28.C

News Item 6

(29) The Isreali peace camp has launched tfa,e biggest protest in years (30) with more than 100 000 people protesting on Saturday and demanding the country leave Gaza, after Palestinian militants dealt Israel's army its deadliest blow since 2002. Crowds at Tel Aviv's main square added to the growing call for withdrawal from the war-torn territory. (30) The killing of 13 soldiers by militants in the Gaza strict last week has deepened already strong support in Israel for Prime Minister Sharon's Gaza pullout plan which is being delayed by hardliners in his right-wing Likud party. Key: 29.B 30.D
