
发布时间 : 星期日 文章专业英语四级(语法与词汇)历年真题试卷汇编4更新完毕开始阅读



一、 GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY(总题数:27,分数:54.00)

1.PART IV GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY (15 MIN)Directions: There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.(分数:2.00)

__________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析:

2.Which of the following is a compound word(复合词)?(2013-53) (分数:2.00) A.Nonsmoker. B.Deadline. √ C.Meanness. D.Misfit.

解析:解析:构词法。首先考生要了解最小的语义单位,即词素,其由以下两类构成;自由词素是指本身具有完整意义,可以独立使用的词素;相对而言,粘附词素指没有完整意义不能独立使用的词素。派生词是由词根(主要是自由词根)+派生词缀(分为前缀和后缀)构成,例如A、C、D项,所含词缀分别是non-,-ness,mis-;复合词通常是由两个或两个以上自由词素构成,如B项,由dead和line组成。 3.Which of the following is NOT an imperative sentence?(2013-62) (分数:2.00)

A.Let me drive you home, shall I? B.You will mind your own business. C.Come and have dinner with us. D.I wish you could stay behind. √

解析:解析:祈使句。A项为第一人称祈使句;C项为第二人称祈使句;B项在章振邦语法书情态动词will一节提到其属于加强祈使句。D项不是祈使句,而是陈述句型的感叹句。 4.The following are all dynamic verbs(动态动词)EXCEPT______.(2013-65) (分数:2.00) A.remain √ B.turn C.write D.knock


5.When the sentence \the following is CORRECT?(2014-63) (分数:2.00)

A.A mess had been made in the house. B.A mess had been made by them.

C.The house had been made a mess of. √ D.The house had been made a mess..

解析:解析:被动语态。“动词+名词+介词”类的动词比较特别,其被动态有两种形式。其一,把“动词+名词+介词”作为整体看待,也就是作为一个及物动词来看待,故C项正确;其二,将其中的“动词+名词”看作“及物动词+宾语”的结构,故Amess had been made of the house.才是正确的转换结果。

6.When the sentence \which of the following is most appropriate?(2014-65) (分数:2.00)

A.He agreed to drive me to the airport first. B.He offered to drive me to the airport first. √ C.He advised me to go to the airport first. D.He suggested that I drive to the airport first.

解析:解析:间接引语。有些疑问句徒具形式,实际上并非提出询问,而是表示请求、劝告、建议等意思。这种疑问句变为间接引语时,通常通过特殊手段加以表达。例如:表示请求、劝告通常用“ask或advise+宾语+不定式”结构,参看例句:Would youplease spare me a few minutes?可转为He asked me to spare him a few minutes.Whydon’t you take a walk after supper?可转为He advised me to take a walk after supper.再如:表示建议,则用“suggest+一ing分词”或“suggest+that.分句”结构,参看例句:Shall we listen to the music?可转为He suggested listening to the music.What abouthaving a drink?可转为He suggested having a drink.有时还可用“offer+不定式”结构,如:Would you like me to post the letter?可转为I’ve offered to post the letter for him.由于D项中that-分句的主语有误,所以本题选择B。

7.Share prices on the Stock Exchange plunged sharply in the morning but_____slightly in the afternoon.(2006-78) (分数:2.00) A.regained B.recovered √ C.restored D.revived


8.______to school life was less difficult than the pupil had expected.(2013-66) (分数:2.00) A.Adhering B.Adopting C.Adjusting √ D.Acquainting

解析:解析:四个动词形式上有些许相近,学生容易混淆。adjust to表示“适应”,一般指适应新环境,意思上和adapt to,accommodate to相近。句意为“适应学校生活没有小学生料想得那么难”。如:It took him a long while to adjust to living alone.他花了很久适应一个人生活。 9.The operation could______her life by two or three years.(2014-68) (分数:2.00) A.prolong √ B.increase C.expand D.continue

解析:解析:四个词均含有“增加”的意义,但各有不同。prolong表示“延长”,通常是让某物延续的时间变长。此句出自牛津高阶英语词典(第七版),句意为“手术使她延长了两至三年寿命”。如:Shall we prolong our stay for a few days?我们再多呆几天吧? 10.The flags in the stadium______in the wind.(2014-75) (分数:2.00) A.flapped √ B.moved C.shook D.stirred

解析:解析:四个词均表示“动”。flap指“(旗等)飘动,摆动,噼啪作响地翻动”,强调布料或纸张上下左右快速摆动,且通常发出噼啪声。句意为“体育场的旗帜在风中噼噼啪啪地飘动”。如:curtains flapping in the breeze在微风中飘动的帷帘。此外,flap还可指“(鸟翼)振动”,如:The gulls flew off,wings flapping.海鸥振翅飞走了。move则表示“移动,搬动”,shake是“摇动”的意思,stir意为“搅动,搅拌;轻轻移动”。显然,这三个单词均不符题意。

11.She really wanted to say something at the meeting, but eventually______from it. (2013-79) (分数:2.00) A.prevented B.refrained √ C.limited D.restricted

解析:解析:四个词均有“约束”的含义。refrain from表示“克制,抑制,忍住”。句意为“她真的想在会上说点什么,但最终忍住了这种行为。”如:refrain from laughing/tears忍住笑/眼泪,refrain from smoking请勿吸烟。

12.Slavery was____in America in the 19th century.(2012-75) (分数:2.00) A.terminated B.cancelled C.abandoned D.abolished √

解析:解析:四个动词均表示“结束”的含义,但仍有不同之处。abolish尤指“彻底废除(法律、制度、习俗等),废止”。此题来自于《朗文当代高级英语辞典》。句意为“美国在19世纪废除了奴隶制”,如:abolish the death penalty废除死刑制度。

13.Our office has recently_____to a new computer system.(2011-66) (分数:2.00) A.altered B.converted √ C.transformed D.modified

解析:解析:convert是英语专四高频词,表示“转变,转化”,此处考点为“convert to”,强调“转变为不同的想法、原则或做事方法等”。此句句意为“我们办公室最近改用一套新的计算机系统”,如:Some people have recently converted to vegetarianism.一些人最近改变饮食习惯,成为素食主义者。此外,请考生注意,convert还可用于以下词组:convert sth.to/into sth.意为“使改变,使转化”,可以改变形式、性质或主张等,如:We converted the small bedroom into a second bathroom.我们把这间小卧室改建成第二间浴室。

14.The city government is building more roads to______the increasing number of cars.(2011-75) (分数:2.00) A.accept B.receive C.hold

D.accommodate √

解析:解析:accommodate表示“能容纳;(宾馆等)能供(客人等)留宿;(交通工具)能搭载(乘客);容……进人(或通过),为……提供空间”。句意为“市政府正在建造更多的道路,以容纳不断增长的汽车数量”,如:This hotel can accommodatemore than 400 guests.这家宾馆可以接待400多位客人。此外,accommodate还可指“向……提供住处(或膳宿)”,如:accommodate the professors with apartments向这些教授提供公寓套间。

15.The police had difficulty in______the fans from rushing on to the stage to take photos with the singer.(2010-73) (分数:2.00)

A.limiting B.restraining √ C.confining D.restricting

解析:解析:restrain sb./sth.from sth./doing sth.是一个固定词组,意为“克制,抑制,遏制,管束”,句意为“警方难以阻止歌迷涌向舞台,要求和歌星合影。”如:You mustrestrain your dog from biting people.你必须管住你的狗,不让它咬人。restrain的意思和restrict相近,但是restrict用于词组restrict sb./sth.to sth.,如:She restricts herself to eating two candies a day.她限制自己每天吃两粒糖。

16.Her career has______a number of activities — composing, playing and acting.(2014-67) (分数:2.00) A.held B.produced C.embraced √ D.combined

解析:解析:四个单词较简单,此时考生务必提高警惕,尤其是embrace。把A、B和D项代人,均不合句意。通常embrace表示“拥抱,抱”,而此处为“包括,包含,涵盖”,与include相近。新牛津英语大辞典的例句和此句几乎完全一样。句意为“他的事业包括许多活动,如作曲、演奏和演戏”。如:The study embraces all aspects ofthis problem.这项研究涵盖了这个问题的所有方面。

17.Traditionally, local midwives would______all the babies in the area.(2013-75) (分数:2.00) A.handle B.produce C.deliver √ D.help

解析:解析:此题中的deliver不是我们通常了解的“投递,送交(信件、行李等)”。midwife意为“助产婆,接生婆”,故deliver此处表明“给(产妇)接生,帮助产下(婴儿)”。句意为“照惯例,当地产婆会接生本地区所有婴儿”。如:The doctordelivered more than 200 babies last year.这名医生去年接生了200多个婴儿。当然,deliver也可以表示“生(婴儿)”,如:My mother delivered me.我妈生了我。handle表示“应付,处理(问题等);触摸,弄”;produce意为“生产;生育”,和bear义近,如:She has produced two sons.她生了两个儿子。

18.The boys in the dorm____a coin to decide who would clean the floor.(2012-77) (分数:2.00) A.held B.tossed √ C.put D.collected

解析:解析:toss,toss up或toss a coin都表示“(为决定某事而)扔硬币(猜正反面)”。句意为“寝室的男孩们扔硬币决定谁来擦地板”,如:We’ll toss a coin to see whodoes the washing up.我们将扔硬币看谁洗盘子。再如:We tossed for the last piece ofchocolate.我们扔硬币决定谁吃最后一块巧克力。

19.As there was no road, the travelers_____up a rocky slope on their way back.(2010-80) (分数:2.00) A.ran B.hurried C.scrambled √ D.crawled

