高中英语Unit 9 Wheels练习与解析 北师大版 必修3

发布时间 : 星期六 文章高中英语Unit 9 Wheels练习与解析 北师大版 必修3更新完毕开始阅读

8.I found him an u 8.unreliable 9.What a 9.annoyed

man and I had to rely on myself.

him most was that he had received no apology.

10.If you are looking for a job,you can go to that office to ask for the information about job v 10.vacancy

11.He must have reached his l 11.limit

12.You’d better help him get rid of the a harm to him. 12.addiction 13.C

with most of your classmates,you are lucky.

to the PC games,which do

of patience,for he lost temper.



14.He felt ashamed to c 14.confess 15.The d 15.damage

16.An u car may break down on the road.16.unreliable

17.You are lucky!There is a v the night in it. 17.vacancy

18.The ticket offers u

travel on British Rail for seven days,that

on the fifth floor,and you can spend

the storm caused was beyond repair.

his knowing nothing about the new technique.

is,in this period you can travel at any time you like and as much as you like. 18.unlimited

19.The museum has enough exhibits to keep anyone o for an hour or two.19.occupied

20.An adult’s personality is said to be the c inheritance,environment and upbringing. 20.combined


result of

1.People________ ________ _________ ________ __________(一直在享受……的好处) of cars since last century.1.have been enjoying the benefits

2.There are some rules in the office but they__________ _________ (不管用),for no one has taken them seriously. 2.don’t work

3.He is making progress__________ ___________ ______________ (一直).3.all the time

4.The price of the petrol__________ __________ ____________ ____________ (上涨了) at least 30 % in the last year.4.has gone up by

5._________ __________ ___________ (三分之二的) children in the area___________ ___________ (患有) the disease___________ ____________ (与……有关的) the polluted water there.5.Two in three;suffer from;related to

6.I prefer walking to driving to work,and in fact,the journey_____________ ____________ (不到) one kilometer.6.is under

7.____________ ____________ (平均来看),the dentist attends 7 patients a day.

7.On average

8. ____________ _____________(有多少次) have you been in China? 8.How often

9.Much disappointed,he_____________ ______________ (删除) his son of his will.

9.canceled out

10.More reading and listening is_____________ _____________ ____________ (对你有利) you.10.of benefit to

11.She is reluctant to__________ ___________ ___________ ____________ (承认没读过) read the famous novel. 11.confess to having not

12.He wanted to____________ ___________ ____________ (弥补损失),but it’s too late.

12.repair the damage

13.We shall enjoy the beautiful sunrise______________ ______________ (在破晓时分). 13.at dawn 我综合 我发展 Ⅰ.听力训练第一节


1.—Do you have any trouble_________________,_________?—________.I






1.M:Do you have any trouble with your pronunciation,Mary?

W:Not too much.I can pronounce English words well,but I write them poorly. 答案:with your pronunciation,Mary;Not too much;pronounce;poorly 2.Why____________________and ask the man_______________________?2.M:Why don’t you go and ask the man sitting in the chair?W:Oh,thank you very much.

答案:don’t you go;sitting in the chair 3.John,,________________is now in high debts.

3.John,a quite ordinary playwriter,is now in high debts. 答案:a quite ordinary playwriter

B.听下面五段对话,从A、B、C中选出能回答所提问题的最佳答案。 4.What’s their favorite day of the week?

A B CTuesday Monday Wednesday Only art and music Only English, French Only art and music in the lessons in the morning. and Geography morning, in morning the and sports ing the afternoon.

4.M:Mondays are the worst.Our timetable is full of difficult subjects.W:Like what?

M:Well,like English,French and geography in the morning.W:What’s your favorite day of the week?

M:Oh,the day after Tuesday without doubt.We have an easy morning:just art and music,followed by sports all the afternoon.W:That sounds nice. 答案:C

5.Who is Mr. Stone?
