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3.7 HSE meeting °²È«Àý»áÖƶÈ

Hold one-hour HSE meeting from 6:00-7:00am every Monday, summarizing HSE works last week and discussing work priorities this works and seek solutions.


3.8 Pre-job Tool-box Meeting and LOTO °àÇ°¹¤¾ßÏä»áÒéºÍÉÏËø¹Ò±êÇ©

Hold HSE tool-box meeting before start of work every day, and work with a Log-out and Tag-out and implement handover procedure and records.


3.9 Accident report system °²È«Ê¹ÊÉ걨ÖƶÈ

Leaders at various levels must take care of all kinds of accidents. It is forbidden to keep any accident in dark.


Accident report: in case of severe casualties, project supervisors should report head office, local labor dept., prosecutorial organization and Management Company and Supervision Company immediately.


Potential hazards control report: for potential hazards raised by local authority, head office and Management Company, project team should take corrective measures on time and inspect by itself and then report to superior depts.



4 .Safety responsibility agreement ÈËԱʩ¹¤°²È«ÔðÈÎЭÒéÊé

Project Manager must sign project safety responsibility agreement with General Manager and all construction workers sign with Project Manager, defining clearly HSE rules, responsibilities and obligations, letting them know all the processes from gate house management to PPE, from HSE training before work to specific work procedures and issue of hazardous work permit etc, making them take the initiative to get involved in HSE management process.


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5. PPE ¸öÈË°²È«·À»¤×°±¸

The project dept. has the obligation to provide workers with PPE including helmet, safety footwear, hearing protection, goggles, breathing equipment, gloves, safety belt and overalls etc according to state, local and Owner?s HSE management rules.


Helmet£ºThere is no color code of helmet for different unit person, except the red helmet for safety staff. After taking safety training, everyone get an identified label stick on the helmet, which can be distinguished between OWNER employees and Contractors.

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Where Wellington boots are required, e.g. when pouring concrete, they shall be to as, DIN, AS or ANSI standards and shall have steel toecaps inserted into the boot.


Hearing Protection£ºShall consist of disposable earplugs, ear insert plugs or earmuffs that meet BS. DIN, AS, or ANSI standards or GB5893.1-86 UDC 614.89. Attenuation characteristics shall be sufficient to reduce noise levels to below 85 dB (a).

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Eye Protection£º General eye protection shall meet BS, AS, DIN or ANSI standards and shall be fitted with side shields. No shaded lenses shall be worn in areas of limited light, i.e. night shift or within buildings.


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Specialist eye protection for operations such as welding, burning, grinding, etc. shall meet BS, AS, DIN, or ANSI standard where full-face visors or welding visors are supplied. They shall be capable of being fitted to the safety helmet. In certain situations, OWNER may permit alternative welder?s visors.

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Respiratory Protection£ºRespiratory protection equipment must be suitable for the hazards presented by the work scope i.e. the potential health problem that could arise. Disposable respirators for nuisance dusts shall comply with BS, DIN, AS, ANSI standards or Chinese standards and shall have a protection factor of at least 10.


Respiratory protective equipment for other types of work i.e. paint spraying or using other toxic materials, shall be detailed exactly in the work method statement, a copy of which shall be given to the Site CONTRACTOR HES Officer (see section 9 and 10). All such PE shall comply with BS, DIN, ANSI standards or Chinese standards. A test and maintenance schedule shall be put in place for APE, as required (e.g. 8A sets).

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Gloves£ºGeneral-purpose gloves shall be to BS, DIN, AS, ANSI or GB12624-90. standards. They shall have canvas backs and leather hide palms. Welders gauntlets shall be to as DIN, AS or ANSI standards. Rubber, vinyl or nitric coated gloves issued to employees using hazardous substances shall meet BS, DIN, AS or ANSI standards. The type of glove appropriate to the substance being handled shall be detailed exactly in the work Method Statement, a copy of which shall be given to CONTRACTOR


Safety Harnesses£ºShall comply with BS or ANSI standards , and shall be full harness. Safety belts shall not be used as fall arrest equipment on site unless prior authorization is obtained in writing from OWNER.


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Inertia Reels£ºShall be to as DIN or ANSI standards ¹ßÐÔ¾íͲÐÍ×Ô¶¯°²È«´ø£º±ØÐë·ûºÏDIN»òANSI±ê×¼¡£

Overalls£ºThe wearing of loose clothing on site is not permitted. Within the construction site overalls of cotton or poly-cotton, or a shirt and trousers must be worn. Welders shall be provided with Fire Retardant Overalls.


Other PPE£ºAll personal protective equipment shall be to as DIN, AS, ANSI standards or relevant Chinese standard. Types of other PPE issued shall be detailed in the Work Method Statement, a copy of which shall be given to OWNER.


Must comply with GB2811-89 Must comply with ANSI Z87.1 or GB5890-86

Sample of Helmet °²È«Ã±µÄÑùʽ

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