
发布时间 : 星期六 文章宁夏银川一中2019届高三第六次月考英语试题(含答案)更新完毕开始阅读


英 语 试 卷

(总分:150分; 考试时间:120分钟)




3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)


第一节 (共5小题;每小题l.5分,满分7.5分)


1. What can we learn from the conversation? A. They are neighbours.

C. They ’re not from the same country.

2. Where did the conversation most probably take place? A. At the bus stop.

B. On the bus. C. On the train.

3. How did the couple know where to leave the highway? A. They finally recognized the exit number. B. A policeman showed them the way. C. They knew by asking the exit number. 4. What colour is the carpet? A. Red. A. The bank.

B. Green. B. The office.

C. Yellow.

C. The barber’s shop.

5. Where does Tom plan to go on his way home? 第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)


B. They are classmates.


6. Why does the girl want to have dinner in the restaurant? A. Because the food there is cheap and tastes good. B. Because she is hungry and thirsty.

C. Because there are good meals there though they are too expensive. 7. Why doesn’t the boy agree to eat the food the girl wants? A. Because there is too much ice in them. B. Because there is no fat, salt or sugar.

C. Because there are too much fat, sugar and salt in them. 8. What do they eat for the dinner at last? A. Western food. B. French diet. C. Chinese food.

听第七段材料,回答第9、10题。 9. What are they going to do this evening? A. To pay a visit to their friends. B. To invite their friends to dinner. C. To go to a dinner party. 10. When will they set off?

A. At six-thirty. B. At seven C. At seven-thirty. 听第八段材料,回答第11至13题。 11. Who was interviewed by Jay Leno?

A. Julia Roberts. B. Brad Pitt C.Matt Damon. 12. How much does the woman know about the film?

A. Quite a lot. B. Only a little. C. Nothing at all. 13. What does the woman like about the film? A. One of her favourite actresses. B. A few famous actors in the film. C. The film’s plot.

听第九段材料,回答第14至16题。 14. How long was the meeting held? A. For two hours and a quarter. B. For two hours. C. For an hour and a half.

15. Where was the library going to be built?

A. In the town. B. In a college C. In a middle school. 16. Who forgot to tell the young man about the meeting? A. The girl.

B. His friends.

C. Edward.


17. What did Mr. White think of the second call ? A. That the caller told him a false fact. B. That the caller told him the truth.

C. That he himself was the last person to hear the news. 18. Why was Mr. White glad?

A. Because many people had known the news. B. Because he liked his paper very much.

C. Because no other paper but his printed the news. 19. What was clear a day later ?

A. Mr. White was fooled. B. Readers liked to read the latest news. C. His newspaper was full of jokes.

20. Why did Mr. White make a statement in the next day’s paper? A. He felt it necessary to do so. B. He thought himself to be tricked. C. He only made a joke.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Learning Java by OnlineGatha Price: $1.5 Words: 93,560 Language: English Published: May 21, 2018

This book has been designed for students as well as teachers to help them out in learning the fundamental concepts of the Java Programming Language. It uses a bottom-up approach in explaining various topics -- that is, it explains basic syntax(句法) and gradually moves towards the complex problems.

Ice Age by John Gribbin & Mary Gribbin Price: $3.99 Words: 26,790 Language: English Published: December 15, 2014

John and Mary Gribbin tell the remarkable story of how we came to understand the phenomenon of Ice Ages. How frequently do Ice Ages occur? How do astronomical rhythms(节律) affect the Earth's climate? Have there always been two polar ice caps? What does the future hold?

The Pool Bible by Ken Walker Price: $14.95 Words: 77,400 Language: English Published: March 21, 2013

Maintain your own pool - and save pots of money! A plain-language guide to care and maintenance of swimming pools by an expert in the field. The secrets of water balance and pH are laid bare for the backyard pool-owner! The Pool Bible is full of tips, tricks & advice. Save 10% of the cover price in the first 12 months or YOUR MONEY BACK. (PS - No-one has asked for a refund


The Oblivion Stone by Alexandra Moody Price: $3.99 Words: 85,430 Language: English Published: February 12, 2018

A battle between the humans and the Unfaih appears on the horizon, and Sloane and Rhyn must take measures to stop the violence that threatens to destroy everyone they love. Can they find the solution in time? Get your copy of the third book in The Liftsal Guardians series now!

21. What’s the theme of the book by OnlineGatha? A. Computer science C. Climate change

B. School life

D. A TV program

22. What does the book The pool Bible promise its readers? A. Quick delivery B. A free present C. The chance of a refund D. Better after-sales service 23. Which book is published as part of a series?

A. Ice Age

B. The Pool Bible D. The Oblivion Stone


My husband and I were taking care of Lizzy, our daughter Melanie’s pet dog, on April 17 while Melanie was in the early stage of labour at the hospital. We received a text from our son-in-law, Joe Levanti, that Melanie was about to give birth. Tom and I sprang from our chairs suddenly. It’s a tradition in our immediate family to wait at the hospital for a birth. This would be Melanie and Joe’s first child.

“You take Lizzy out before we leave, and I’ll be waiting for you in the car!” I told Tom. I started the car and waited impatiently. I saw my husband walk out of the front door- but then out shot Lizzy and she was running down the street at great speed.

My husband ran after the dog, and I followed in my car. “Lizzy! Lizzy!” we shouted as fear filled our heart. We chased her up and down our Bellwood Avenue. “She’s running onto Wireless Road!” we both screamed with fear. Lizzy dashed back and forth in the busy street. My husband kept up his chase on foot. I shouted to my husband, “Tom! Be careful when you cross the street!”

Within minutes, traffic was actually stopped on Wireless Road. A half-dozen good people got out of their cars to help. Soon, she ran into a safer area and then back to our street. With the help of six strangers, we caught her within a few anxious minutes. Everyone cheered, and we thanked the helpers again and again.

With Lizzy safely back inside, we drove straight to the hospital and were able to see our daughter in the delivery room. My husband and I are forever grateful to the strangers who might have saved Lizzy’s life and who enabled us to be there at the beginning of a precious new one. 24. Why was the author going to the hospital? A. Because she didn’t feel herself that day. B. Because her pet dog was hit by a car. C. Learning Java
