2013-2014-1 21世纪 3册教案

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2013-2014-1 21世纪 3册教案更新完毕开始阅读

Any truth is better than indefinite doubt.

Teachers find the report’s terminology so indefinite that it is confusing. 35.chauffeur— v. to drive a car for sb. as your job

e.g. It was certainly useful to have him there to chauffeur her around. Caroline had a chauffeured car waiting to take her to London.

36.sue— v. to make a legal claim against sb., especially for money, because they have harmed you in some way

e.g. The company could be sued for damages.

One former patient has already indicated his intention to sue.

37.court— n. 1. the place where a trial is held, or the people there, especially the judge and the jury who examine the evidence and decide whether sb. is guilty or not e.g. At this rate, we could find ourselves in the divorce courts! The prisoner was brought to court for trial.

— n. 2. an area made for playing games such as tennis e.g. You feel so good on the court that you trust every shot. waiting to go on court.

38. on probation— a way of dealing with offenders without imprisoning them e.g. She was sentenced to five years on probation. A new student is kept on probation for one semester. 39.as for— with regard to

e.g. As for climate, food, and entertainment, I think home is best.

He was a nice enough person, but as for his suggestions, I found them unhelpful.

Unit 2: Exercises I Comprehension

A. First Reading: Read the text and answer the following questions. 1.How did the author’s friend change her husband into a safe driver?

She used her husband’s language — money to communicate. She withdrew a lot of money to buy herself a luxury car to punish her husband, and that worked.

2.What was the author’s husband like before she stumbled off a stair and what was he like after that?

Before the author stumbled off a stair her husband was mild-mannered and gentle; after that, he was indignant, insensitive and uncaring.

3.Why did the author send her husband a mock complaint?

Because neither her silent rage nor open anger could reach him, she turned to the language he spoke: language of the legal profession.

4. What did the author’s husband do that would be seen as deeds breaching the Contract? 1)He didn’t offer help and comfort to the author after she stumbled off a stair. 2)He behaved in a nasty way to her.

3)He wasn’t caring for her during the flight and ignored her gestures of indicating the need to use the bathroom.

4)He avoided transporting her to her first doctor’s appointment.

5. What was the response of the author’s husband to the mock complaint?

He got the message the author sent to him, then apologized and promised to reform.



C. Reading and Interpreting: Work in pairs. Read the sentences from the text and answer the questions.

1.She means although her foot was hurt, her brain was healthy and worked well. 2.Because her stumble ended their vacation before it really began. 105

3.The author is very disappointed in her husband and loses faith in their marriage. II: Language Focus

A 1.maintenance 2.have drafted 3.indefinitely 4.mounting 5.contemplated

6.compresses 7.swelling 8.dismissed

B 1.on probation 2.showing off 3. As for 4.relying on 5. confined to 6. stumble over C

1.B indignants →indignant 2. D swollen →swelled 3.A for →on 4.C it →去掉

5.Bworth →are worth III Translation

1.Some of their offences are so awful that they would chill the blood .

2.The ingredients included but were not limited to onions, cheese, tomatoes and black pepper . 3.He considered it ridiculous for the general manager to attach so much importance to those routine trifles field.

4.We didn’t break the laws of physics, or else someone would be getting the Nobel Prize! 5.Mounting medical evidence showed the clear link between sun exposure and skin cancer. Unit 2 Review of Text A: Expressions 1.maintenance

The maintenance of law and order is of vital importance. Who is responsible for the building's maintenance? 2.contemplate

We must contemplate the problem before making a final decision. All they can do now is wait and contemplate their fate. 3.contend

Will you be partial to him? Will you contend for god? I have had to contend against the unkindness of his sister. 4.mount

A mounting number of students are registering for degree courses each year. The Opposition mounted another attack on the government. 5.confine

We'll confine our discussion to the main issue. He was confined to bed by illness.


周 次 4 日期 9月1 节 次 3-4 授课内容 Unit 2 Section B & C 授课学时 2 教学目的 1 Teach the students new words and phrases. 2 Make the students grasp important grammatical points. 3 Help the students to have a thorough understanding of the whole text. 4 Improve the students’ listening skill. 教学重点 New words and phrases; sentence structure; listening skill. reading skills and writing skills 教学难点 New phrases and sentence structure; understanding of the whole text; listening skill 教具及媒体 Textbook, PPT and disk 教学方法 Teaching, questions, discussion and exercises 教 学 过 程 I. II. III. Warm-up Part B PartC 思考题 Do exercises 作 业


Unit 2: Part C Skill Development Interpreting Writing Workshop

Reading Skills & Cultural Links Reading Skills Cultural Link

Unit 2: Interpreting

Ethel :Hi, I am glad to see you this week.

Fred :I am glad to see you too. 埃塞尔:我们要讨论什么呢? Ethel :What should we discuss? Fred :Communication. Ethel Oh? Communication?

Fred : Yes. This is because communication plays an increasingly significant role in our daily life, especially in modern society. Since we need to get along with people in different fields, we must learn how to communicate effectively.

Fred :Yes, effective communication.

Ethel : I agree with you. The world we are living in is so amazing. There are countless living things. How can they live harmoniously? The answer is communication.

Ethel :Effective communication will help us earn much, not only material benefits but also spiritual enjoyment.

Fred :Ha ... you have just got the point! Everything in the world can communicate with each other. If we are nature lovers, we can get enjoyment from just a bird or a flower. Ethel : I can’t agree with you more.


Unit 2: Writing B. Practical Writing 建议书 ( Proposal )

定义:建议书是一种分析报告,目的是让读者按照你的提议去执行一个计划或解决一个问题。建议书也是指个人、单位或有关方面,为了开展某项工作、完成某项任务或进行某种活动而倡议大家一起做的事情,或提出合理化的意见。 结构要点:建议书一般包括以下三个要点: ① 审视未来可能发生的事情;

② 以说服读者做出某项决定为主要目的; ③ 以客观事实为依据表达观点。

一份建议书的性质和交际作用可以归结为两点:第一,传递信息;第二,献计献策。 具体的建议书写作格式一般分为以下五个步骤: ① 前言,即写建议书的目的

② 背景,即目前存在的问题和现状 ③ 解决方法

