2013-2014-1 21世纪 3册教案

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2013-2014-1 21世纪 3册教案更新完毕开始阅读

4.I n the past, the world seemed to run in an orderly way. Now, however, everything seems to be in a state of turmoil.混乱

5. Today young couples who are just starting their households often spend lots of their money on appliances, for instance, washing machines, refrigerators and televisions. 家电

6.Since I could not afford to purchase the original painting, I bought a replica. An inexperienced eye could not tell the difference. 复制品

7.When a doctor performs an operation on a patient, he usually gives an anesthetic to make him unconscious, because he does not want his patient to feel painful or to know what is happening to him. 麻醉药

8.The old man put on his spectacles and began to read. 眼镜


周 次 2 日期 8月20 节 次 3-4 授课内容 Unit 1 Speaking and listening exercises Oral work, listening work 授课学时 2 教学目的 1 Teach the students new words and phrases. 2 Make the students grasp important grammatical points. 3 Help the students to have a thorough understanding of the whole text. 4 Improve the students’ listening skill,reading skills and writing skills 教学重点 New words and phrases; sentence structure; listening skill,reading skills and writing skills New phrases and sentence structure; understanding of the whole text; listening skill 教学难点 教具及媒体 Textbook, PPT and disk 教学方法 Teaching, questions, discussion and exercises 教 学 过 程 I. II. III. Warm-up Speaking and listening exercises Oral work, listening work 思考题 Do exercises 作 业


周 次 3 日期 8月25 节 次 3-4 授课内容 Unit 2 Text A Communication 授课学时 2 教学目的 1 Teach the students new words and phrases. 2 Make the students grasp important grammatical points. 3 Help the students to have a thorough understanding of the whole text. 4 Improve the students’ listening skill. 教学重点 New words and phrases; sentence structure 教学难点 New phrases and sentence structure; understanding of the whole text 教具及媒体 Textbook, PPT and disk 教学方法 Teaching, questions, discussion and exercises 教 学 过 程 I. II. III. Warming-up Word study (the usage of key words; word formation) Detailed study of part of the text(Section A) (language points, sentence structure and the main idea of every paragraph) 思考题 作 业 1. Your understanding of communication. 2. Your opinion on the efficient ways of good communication.


Unit 2: Communication Starter

Words / expressions for effective communication : Words / expressions for poor communication :.

compromise, mutual respect, constructive, assertive, listen carefully, open, reflect back confusing, little focus, destructive, argue, misunderstanding, blame, complain

Part A: Whereas You Were an Insensitive Fool ... Theme-related Information Warm-up Text A Exercises

Review of Text A

Means of Communication

Language verbal written words spoken

nonverbal body language sign language gesture

phones mobile phones letters the Internet e-mails chat-rooms text-message blogs QQ Skype MSN Facial Expression

Happy angry sad shy surprised scared sleepy confused embarrassed disappointed

Gesture quiet OK well-down I love you stop clapping pray victory look down upon Action smile kiss shake bow point nod wave hug bend stare Never mistake legibility for communication.—David Carson

The greatest problem in communication is the illusion that it has been accomplished. —George Bernard Shaw

The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said—Peter F. Drucker Work in pairs and discuss the questions.

What ways of communication can you name?

What would you do when you are not understood by foreigners?

Suggested Answers We could communicate by letter, telephone, the Internet, blog, QQ, etc.

Unit 2: Text A Whereas You Were an Insensitive Fool ... language and Cultural Points

1.tailgate — v. to drive too closely to the vehicle in front of you

e.g. Perhaps the fact that the car was tailgating him made him accelerate. Police pulled him over doing 120km/h, making rapid changes and tailgating.

2.luxury — n. very great comfort and pleasure, such as you get from expensive food, beautiful houses, cars, etc.

e.g. By all accounts he leads a life of considerable luxury. She was brought up in an atmosphere of luxury and wealth.

3.stumble — v. to hit your foot against sth. or put your foot down awkwardly while you are walking or running, so that you almost fall e.g. He stumbled and almost fell.

