2019年高考英语真题模拟试题专项汇编:专题11 自主命题省份阅读理解

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2019年高考英语真题模拟试题专项汇编:专题11 自主命题省份阅读理解更新完毕开始阅读

解析:1. confuses/puzzles 本题考查考生对第一段文本的概括能力。文章开篇说到,随着情商(EI)的概念已经全球化,我们已经看到一些专业人士在试图提高自己的情商时失败了,情商让他们很困惑,不知道该怎么提高,所以答案为confuses/puzzles。

2. differences 本题考查考生对第二段文本信息的转述能力。第一步是了解你的自我认知(你如何看待自己)与你的声誉(别人如何看待你)是不同的。从文本中的differ一词可以得到答案differences。

3. capable 本题考查考生对第三段文本的概括能力。如果没有这种外部现实的检验,你就很难确定你的行为会如何影响你的表现。有了这种检验,我们就能够准确理解我们的内在行为了,根据空格前后,可以得到答案capable。

4. motivated 本题考查考生对第三段文本信息的转述能力。信息源在第三段最后一句:Getting feedback from others can also provide proof of the necessity of shifting our behavior and motivation to do so.从别人那里得到反馈也可以证明我们有必要改变我们的行为和动机。结合句中的motivation,可以转述成motivated。

5. assess 本题考查考生对第四段文本信息的转述能力。根据第四段中的assessment中可以得到答案assess。

6. matters/counts 本题考查考生对第五段文本的提炼能力。当你从评估中得到反馈时,你应该从中知道你想要改进的内容。但也要考虑你的目标是什么。这就意味着你要找出什么对你而言是重要的(matters/counts)。

7. recognize/know/identify 本题考查考生对第五段文本的概括能力。根据第五段“when you get your feedback from an assessment, let that inform what you want to improve. But also consider what your goals are.”这就要清楚识别我们的目标是什么,故填recognize/know/identify。

8. Combining 本题考查考生对第六短信息归纳能力。That means the areas that you choose to actively work on should lie at the intersection of the feedback you’ve gotten and the areas that are most important to your own aspirations.这意味着你选择积极工作的领域应该处于你得到的反馈和对你自己认为最重要的领域的交叉点上。因此,要把外部反馈和自我目标相结合,故答案是combining。

9. specific/clear/explicit 本题考查考生对第七段文本信息理解能力。一旦你决定了你想专注于哪些EI技能,你就要确定你将采取的具体行动。关注到文本中的specific即可。

10. Remove/Abandon/Quit 本题考查考生对最后一段文本的概括能力。通过开始改变你的日常反应,你将会很好地发现那些对你无益的旧习惯,并将它们转化为新的、改进过的习惯。因此要去除无用的旧习惯,故填Remove/Abandon/Quit。

9、答案及解析: 答案:

1. He used to sit in the chair, listening to his radio. (前后二点各占1分) Or: He sat in the chair and listened to his radio.

2. To find a clear signal.(注意字数限制,酌情减分;无to减0.5分) 3. He is feeling lonely and sad. (注意字数限制,酌情减分) 4. Remove. 5. Open.

We should reduce the time we spend on the Internet and find more time to communicate with others. 解析:略

10、答案及解析: 答案:

1. Because she was told the house would be always open to her.

Or: Because the author told her their house would be always open to her. 2. Disappeared./Vanished.

3. His health declined./His health fell into a huge decline. 4. He regularly runs ultra marathons. Or: Running ultra marathons.

5. He’s a good father because he didn’t want to disappoint his daughter and began to take care of his health ( take exercise regularly ) for his family. 解析:略

11、答案及解析: 答案:

1. An executive assistant. (没有冠词扣0.5分) 2. Be promoted. /Get promoted. (形式错扣1分)

3. It offers training courses for companies and organizations. (时态错扣0.5分;不写主语扣0.5分)

4. He said they would offer everyone the same opportunities to be successful. (人称、时态错各扣0.5分)

5. It’s normal because it is difficult to find a job now and men have their own advantages. (不写原因扣1分) 解析:略

12、答案及解析: 答案:

1. It is an inspiring story of faith, determination and hope. 2. It happened unexpectedly.

3. With an unbelievably positive attitude. 4. Because she had no left arm.

5. In face of difficulties, I should take a positive attitude and went on with determination. 解析:

【1题详解】根据第一段中的“Bethany Hamilton has become a source of inspiration for millions through her story of faith, determination and hope”可知,Bethany Hamilton的故事里充满着信仰、决心和希望,激励着很多人。故答案可总结为“It is an inspiring story of faith, determination and hope.”。

【2题详解】根据第二段中的“I had no warning at all; not even the slightest sign of danger on the horizon”可知,Bethany Hamilton遭受鲨鱼袭击时,没有任何征兆,甚至最轻微的危险迹象都没有。由此可知,这件事发生得非常突然,完全出乎意料。故答案可以总结为:It happened unexpectedly.。

【3题详解】根据第四段中的“Bethany was well on her way to recovery due to an unbelievably positive attitude.”可知,Bethany Hamilton以令人难以置信的积极态度来激励自己康复。故答案可总结为:With an unbelievably positive attitude.

【4题详解】根据倒数第二段中的“she learned to kick more to make up for the loss of her left arm”可知,为了弥补失去的左臂,她学会了踢得更多。故可概括答案为:Because she had no left arm.

【5题详解】整篇文章主要叙述了Bethany Hamilton在失去左臂后,没有放弃,积极面对困难,以坚定的决心重返赛场,取得优异成绩的故事。所以这个故事给我的启示是:面对困难,我们应该采取积极的态度,坚定的前进。故答案可概括为:In face of difficulties, I should take a positive attitude and go on with determination.
