
发布时间 : 星期三 文章(完整word版)pep四年级英语下册全英教案更新完毕开始阅读

Teaching Steps: Step 1. Warm- up

1. Review the words of farm animals and vegetables with the help of


2. Review the main sentence patterns.

3. Review the dialogues and chants of Part A and B. Step 2 presentation

1. Listen to the tape to learn the dialogue. 2. Repeat after the tape.

3. Practice spelling the words and sentences. Step 3 practice

1. Have a spelling game to help them to memorize the four skilled words

and sentences and tell them how to write them in the same way. 2. Ss practice in pair to spell the words. Step 3 Homework

Copy the dialogue and the four skilled words and sentences. Board-writing:

Unit 6 At a farm Are these…?

Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.

What are these/ those?

They are….
