2020最新人教版小学六年级英语下册Unit1单元测试卷 带答案

发布时间 : 星期日 文章2020最新人教版小学六年级英语下册Unit1单元测试卷 带答案更新完毕开始阅读

4.killer whale D.5.lobster E.6.squid F.


( )1.A.tall B.funnier C.thin

( )2.A.kg B.m C.cm ( )3.A.foot B.shark C.seal ( )4.A.stronger B.longer C.big ( )5.A.father B.smaller C.thinner ( )6.A.pen B.man C.pencil ( )7.A.banana B.apple C.tomato ( )8.A.tall B.what C.where ( )9.A.tiger B.longer C.lion ( )10.A.Amy B.my 六、火眼金睛,选一选。(10分) ( )1.______you taller than Mike?

A.Is B.Am ( )2.Mu Lan ______ taller than Amy.

A.am B.is ( )3.How ______ is your mother?

A.older B.big ( )4.I'm taller than ______.

A.your B.you ( )5.She is 170______ tall.

A.cm B.m ( )6.The tiger is ______ than the cat.

A.biger B.large ( )7.My legs are longer than ______.

A.you B.yours ( )8.The coat is 50 yuan cheaper ______ hers.

A.then B.than ( )9.He is older than ______.

A.me B.mine ( )10.______ is eleven.

A.she B.Her 七、按要求完成下列各题。(20分)


C.your C.Are













3.Sarah is 160__cm.(就画线部分提问)


4.Wu__Yifan is taller than John.(就画线部分提问)


5.I like the yellow monkey.(变为一般疑问句)


6.I think the yellow monkey is 150 cm tall.(变为否定句)


7.Is his head smaller?(作肯定回答)


8.His brother is 50__kg.(就画线部分提问)


9.I am 160 cm.She is 158 cm.(变成一句话)


10.He can catch the ball.(变为一般疑问句)



Mike is an American boy.He is my new classmate.He is 10 years old.Mike has a brother. His name is Nick.Nick is 163 cm.Mike is 165 cm.Mike often goes to school on foot.Nick often goes to school by bus.They are very different.Mike likes flying kites.Nick likes listening to music.

( )1.Mike is an American boy. ( )2.Mike is 11 years old. ( )3.Nick is 165 cm.

( )4.Nick often goes to school on foot. ( )5.Mike likes flying kites. 九、书面表达。(9分)








一、1.how 2.young 3.lobster 4.heavier 5.room 二、1.Amy is younger than me. 2.She is 160 cm.

3.Alice is heavier than Mike. 4.Sarah is taller than Amy. 5.Lily is 15 years old.

三、1.How tall is your brother? 2.The monkey is heavier than the rabbit.

3.I'm shorter than you. 4.My fish is smaller than yours. 5.Her arms are longer.



一、1.taller 2.shorter 3.stronger 4.older 5.younger 6.bigger 7.heavier 8.longer 9.thinner 10.smaller 二、1.小的 2.尾巴 3.想;思考 4.号码;尺码 5.穿

三、1.厘米 2.与……相比较 3.更滑稽的 4.千克 5.脚 6.米 7.吨 8.各自;每个

9.鱿鱼 10.龙虾 11.鲨鱼 12.深的 13.海豹 14.抹香鲸 15.虎鲸 16.甚至

四、1.F 2.J 3.G 4.H 5.I 6.A 7.C 8. 9.L 10.B 11.D 12.E

第一单元综合全练全测 一、1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B 二、1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.C

三、1.How tall 2.heavier 3.shorter 4.yours 5.arms 四、1—A 2—C 3—D 4—B 5—F 6—E

五、1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.A 六、1.C 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.C

七、1.Who is taller than you? 2.Some dinosaurs are bigger than houses. 3.How tall is Sarah? 4.Who is taller than John? 5.Do you like the yellow monkey? 6.I don't think the yellow monkey is 150 cm tall. 7.Yes,it is. 8.How heavy is his brother? 9.I am 2 cm taller than her. 10.Can he catch the ball?

八、1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T

九、范例: I have two friends.They are Mike and Sarah.Mike is 165 cm tall.Sarah is 160 cm tall.I am 162 cm tall.Mike is taller than Sarah.Sarah is shorter than me.I am shorter than Mike.Mike is 60 kg.I am 5 kg thinner than him.
