高中英语必修四课时作业与单元检测试题1 人教课标版14

发布时间 : 星期一 文章高中英语必修四课时作业与单元检测试题1 人教课标版14更新完毕开始阅读

Period Three Integrating Skills


1.The branch ________ (弯曲) but didn’t break when the boy climbed along it. 2.Politics and ________ (宗教) are daily topics of conversation. 3.The crowd ________ (惊慌) at the sound of the explosion.

4.It is my last ________ (请求).I shall never ask you anything again. 5.Everyone at the rally wore red ribbons as ________ (支持). Ⅱ.同义词辨析

1.用for the first time或the first time填空

(1)When you meet someone ________________,you shake hands with them. (2)________________ I met her,she was reading a book.

(3)Five years ago,I met him in Beijing ____________________. 2.用stare at或glare at的适当形式填空

(1)If you ________________ someone,you look at them for a long time. (2)After the fight,they ______________ each other. (3)It’s impolite to ________________ strangers. Ⅲ.完成句子

1.At the meeting,all present were ________________(支持) the plan. 2.I found the secret ________________(偶然地).

3.On seeing his son,the mother ________________(上下打量他). 4.When meeting me,she often ________________(向我问好). 5.Can I ________________(请你帮忙)?

6.He ________________(举起) the stone with all his strength. Ⅳ.单项填空

1.Don’t respond to any e-mails ________ personal information,no matter how official they look.

A.searching B.asking C.requesting D.questioning

2.The box is too heavy.Would you do me a ________? A.help B.favour C.hand D.gesture

3.When the earthquake happened,the young man ________ and went under the bed. A.panicked B.paniced C.threatened D.amazed

4.Whenever I see my neighbours,I always ________ them. A.say hello for B.say goodbye to C.say hello to D.say goodbye for 5.—How about going climbing this weekend? —Well,there are too many dangers ________. A.involving B.having involved C.to involve D.involved

6.They ________ me ________ and work with them. A.invited;to come B.invented;come C.invite;coming D.invent;coming 7.A fashion ________ this year may be ________ next year. A.out of favour;into favour B.in favour;out of favour C.in favour of;of favour D.to favour;out of favour

8.I have heard ________ that he was still alive.

A.accident B.accidental C.by accident D.by the accident 9.I fell in love with him ________ I met him. A.first time B.at first C.the first time D.firstly

10.A bullet hit the soldier and he was wounded in ________ leg. A.a B.one C.the D.his Ⅴ.完形填空

A violinist stood at a station in Washington,D.C. with a box in front of him.He __1__ six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes.__2__ that time,about thousands of people __3__ the station,but most of them were on their way to work.

Three minutes went by and a young man __4__ there was a violinist playing.So he walked __5__ and then stopped to enjoy it for a few seconds.A minute later,the violinist __6__ his first dollar tip:a woman threw the money in the __7__ without stopping.After a little while,a middle-aged man stood near the wall to __8__ him,but in a few minutes the man looked at his

watch.He would be late __9__ he must go.The one who paid the most __10__ was a three-year-old

boy.Finally his mother pulled him hard and the child __11__ to walk.This __12__ was repeated by several other children.All the parents,without exception,__13__ them to move on. In the 45 minutes the violinist played,only 6 people stopped and stayed for a while and 20 people gave him money.He __14,the station became __15__,but no one noticed it.The violinist felt __16__ very much. No one knew this was Joshua Bell,one of the best __17__ in the world.Two days before his playing in the station,Joshua Bell __18__ all the tickets at a theater in Boston.There was no empty

Do we sense beauty?Do we stop to enjoy it?__19__ we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music,how many other things are we __20__? 1.A.wrote B.danced C.sang D.played 2.A.Before B.During C.After D.By 3.A.went back B.came across C.passed through D.ran over 4.A.noticed B.announced C.showed D.dreamed 5.A.carefully B.sadly C.lazily D.slowly 6.A.received B.found C.lost D.gave 7.A.bag B.box C.pool D.hole 8.A.wait for B.talk with C.listen to D.look for 9.A.or B.but C.so D.as 10.A.money B.attention C.rent D.cost 11.A.stopped B.appeared C.wanted D.continued 12.A.music B.action C.suggestion D.question

13.A.forced C.invited

14.A.borrowed C.collected 15.A.beautiful C.clean

16.A.disappointed C.comfortable 17.A.teachers C.businessmen 18.A.packed away C.picked out 19.A.Though C.If

20.A.missing C.wasting B.advised D.refused B.asked D.begged B.dangerous D.quiet B.happy D.excited B.musicians D.drivers

B.handed over D.sold out B.While D.Since B.liking D.failing


1.However late he came back,his wife was always waiting for him. 无论他回来的多么晚,他妻子总是在等他。 2.However cold it is,she always goes swimming.


Period Three Integrating Skills

Ⅰ.1.bent 2.religion 3.panicked 4.request 5.favours

Ⅱ.1.(1)for the first time (2)The first time (3)for the first time

[(1)for the first time第一次,只作时间状语。 (2)the first time第一次,充当连词。] 2.(1)stare at (2)glared at (3)stare at [(1)stare at由于好奇、喜欢而睁大眼睛凝视。

(2)glare at由于愤怒而瞪着眼睛看。]

Ⅲ.1.in favour of 2.by accident 3.looked him up and down 4.says hello to me 5.ask you a favour

6.lifted up

Ⅳ.1.C [request sth.要求某事物,符合句意。作“要……”讲时,ask后应接for;search后通常接被搜查的地方;question sth.对某事物提出质疑。]

2.B [句意为:箱子太沉了,你能帮我一个忙吗?“帮某人一个忙”用do sb.a favour或give sb.a hand。]

3.A [句意为:地震发生时,这个年轻人惊恐地躲到了床底下。panic惊慌,恐慌,其过去式为panicked。threaten威胁,恐吓;amaze使惊奇。]

4.C [句意为:无论何时见到我的邻居,我都向他们问好。say hello to...向……问好,符合句意。say goodbye to...向……告别。]

5.D [句意为:——这周末去爬山怎么样?——爬山有太多的危险。involve为及物动词,意为“包括”,dangers和involve构成逻辑上的被动关系,所以要用过去分词来作后置定语。]

6.A [invite sb. to do...邀请某人做……。] 7.B [in favour流行;out of favour过时。]

8.C [by accident偶然,碰巧。句意为:我碰巧听说他还活着。]

9.C [由空前空后都是一个句子知空处需一个连词,在四个选项中只有C项是连词,意为“第一次”。]

10.C [表示人的某个器官受伤要用定冠词the。]

Ⅴ.1.D [根据下文中的“there was a violinist playing”可知,此处要表达的是一位小提琴演奏者在车站演奏。]

2.B [表达“在演奏期间”时,要用during。]

3.C [在演奏期间,数千人“经过”(pass through)车站。]

4.A [根据这位青年下文中的表现“停下来欣赏音乐”可知,此处是指他“注意”(notice)到有人在演奏。]

5.D [“发现有人演奏——放慢脚步——停下来欣赏”一系列动作符合常理。]

6.A [根据上文可知,这位演奏者扮成一位街头卖艺的人,由此推出,此处是他“收到”(receive)了第一份小费。]

7.B [根据文章第一段中的“with a box in front of him”可知答案为B项。] 8.C [一位中年男人站在墙边,一定是在“听”(listen to)他的演奏。]
