
发布时间 : 星期三 文章旅游服务类前厅服务技能操作考试(英语口语表达一)试题库更新完毕开始阅读



(1)您介意改住双人房吗? 参考答案:

Would you mind a double room instead?

(2)您可不可以改变预约日期呢? 参考答案:

Could you please change your reservation date?

(3)可不可以替我在当地预订另一家酒店呢? 参考答案:

Can you book another hotel in the area for me?

(4)接待台就在前面。 参考答案:

The Reception Desk is straight ahead.

(5)先生,早上好,欢迎到我们酒店来。 参考答案:

Good morning, sir. Welcome to our hotel.

(6)非常高兴您能到这里来。 参考答案:

Very glad to have you here.

(7)先生,下午好,旅途愉快吗? 参考答案:

Good afternoon, sir. Did you have a nice trip?

(8)这是您第一次来杭州吗? 参考答案:

Is this your first trip to Hangzhou?

(9)愿您在我们酒店过得愉快。 参考答案:

We wish you a pleasant stay in our hotel.

(10)住店愉快。 参考答案: Have a nice stay.

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(11)请您填一下这份登记表好吗? 参考答案:

Would you fill out this registration form?

(12)这是您的房间钥匙。 参考答案:

Here’s your room key.

(13)住一周我们给5%的折扣,两周和两周以上给10%的折扣。 参考答案:

We give 5% discount for one week, 10% for two weeks and over.

(14)我能再确认一下你们离店的日期吗? 参考答案:

May I reconfirm your departure date?

(15)请将您的国籍写在这儿。 参考答案:

Could you put your nationality here?

(16)请问您什么时候订的房? 参考答案:

When did you make the reservation?

(17)我想要一间安静的房间。 参考答案:

I want a quiet room.

(18)有没有视野良好的房间? 参考答案:

Do you have a room with a nice view?

(19)能推荐一些有当地特色的运动/活动吗? 参考答案:

Could you recommend some local sports/activities to me?

(20)你们有没有便宜的房间? 参考答案:

Do you have an inexpensive room?

(21)你们有没有山景房? 参考答案:

Do you have mountain-view room?

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(22)顺便问一下,团体预订是不是可以打折? 参考答案:

By the way, is there a discount rate for a group reservation?

(23)你们五楼有空房吗? 参考答案:

Have you got a vacant room on the fifth floor?

(24)请问今天美元的牌价是多少? 参考答案:

What’s the rate today on American dollars?

(25)您想把1000美元换成港币,对不对? 参考答案:

You would like to change 1,000 U.S. Dollars into H.K. Dollars, is that right?

(26)我帮您计算一下。 参考答案:

I’ll calculate that for you.

(27)我想把这些美元兑换成港币。 参考答案:

I’d like to change these U.S. Dollars into H.K. Dollars.

(28)您能为我将这张支票兑换成人民币吗? 参考答案:

Can you change this check into RMB for me?

(29)请问我可以在这儿付账吗? 参考答案:

Can I pay my bill here, please?

(30)请给我结账好吗? 参考答案:

May I have the check,please?

(31)这笔钱是洗衣服务的收费。 参考答案:

This charge is for the laundry service.

(32)这是您在房间点的午餐的费用。 参考答案:

That expense is for the lunch you ordered from your room.

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(33)我只能用现金支付了。 参考答案:

I could only pay in cash.

(34) 总机,请问有什么可以帮到您。 参考答案:

Operator, what can I do for you?

(35)我为您查询一下明天有没有空的房间。 参考答案:

I’ll check if there is any room available tomorrow.

(36)您想要那种类型的房间? 参考答案:

What kind of room would you like?

(37) 是商务用还是休闲用? 参考答案:

Is it for business or pleasure?

(38)儿童有优惠。 参考答案:

There is a discount for children.

(39) 我们期待您的光临。 参考答案:

We look forward to your visit.

(40) 是以谁的名字预订的呢? 参考答案:

In whose name has the reservation been made?

(41)您想怎么改? 参考答案:

How would you like to change it?

(42) 要改订在什么时候呢? 参考答案:

Which date would you like to change?

(43) 要不要我再另外为您安排别的晚上 参考答案:

Would you like me to arrange for another night?

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