
发布时间 : 星期一 文章英语中级阅读-考试资料词组-范围-总统背景-上海大学更新完毕开始阅读


Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan’s Address on the Space Shuttle “Challenger” Para. 1

to report on sth.

a day for mourning and remembering be pained to the core a national loss 报告

一个值得哀悼和铭记的日子 十分痛心 国家的损失 Para. 2 to the day in flight to take courage the crew of the shuttle to overcome a danger to mourn sb.’s loss 一天也不差 在飞行中 需要勇气

航天飞机的机组人员 克服危险


to bear the full impact of sth. to meet a challenge to have a hunger to V to explore the universe to grow used to sth. space program live coverage the shuttle’s takeoff to take a chance

to expand one’s horizons 承受??的沉重打击 迎接挑战 渴望?? 探索宇宙 习惯于 太空计划 现场直播 航天飞机的起飞 冒险



to have faith in sb./sth. to have respect for sb./sth. to keep a secret to cover sth. up up front in public not for a minute

NASA (National Aeronautics & Space Administration to work on the mission 相信,信任 尊敬,重视 保守秘密 掩盖 公开地 公开地 决不,毫不 美国航空航天局 从事航天任务 Para. 5~6 off the coast

to wave goodbye 在远离沿岸的海面 挥手告别

William J. Clinton I Have Sinned

be easy with one’s words to be/stay up late to be on quite a journey to get to the end of sth. the rock bottom truth a fancy way genuine repentance

to repair breaches of my own making 话说得轻松 熬夜到很晚

经历了一次非凡的旅程 到达事情的终点 最根本的事实真相 美妙的方式 真正的忏悔

修补我一手造成的裂痕 to cloud one’s judgment


to mount a vigorous defence to obscure the fact to seek pastoral support to hold sb. accountable/ responsible for sth. to intensify one’s effort to do sth.

in the hope that +clause 蒙蔽一个人的判断力 进行强有力的辩护 掩盖事实 寻求宗教的支持 使某人对某事负责 加倍努力做某事 希望

to heal the nation to move beyond sth. a caution light wise counsel to stand by sb. in this case

the bounds of privacy

to invade privacy

Good can come of this for sb. 治愈这个国家 超越,突破某事 指示灯,警钟 充满智慧的建议 支持某人 在这次事件中 隐私的界限,隐私权 侵犯隐私权 对某人会带来好处 learn in a profound way to embody the lessons Yom Kippur to be trapped to walk by faith 深刻地了解到 提供教训 犹太人的赎罪日 陷入困境 凭信仰前行



Franklin D. Roosevelt ,1932-1945, pearl Harbor speech ,BA degree in history from Harvard ,Columbia law school ,bar examination ,democrat from his traditionally republican home district ,democratic nominee for vice president ,was stricken with



paralysis ), Governer of New york ,the

great Depression


margin ,slogan “don’t change horse in mid-stream”, cerebral hemorrhage Dwight





address ,34,Abilene high school , night foreman at the belle springs creamery ,the president of Columbia University after the world war two ,the first supreme commander of

NATO ,died of congestive heart failure in Washington

Richard M. Nixon ,1969-1974,the resignation speech , financial hardship ,whittier college ,duke university law school ,practice law ,joined the united states navy ,rank of lieutenant commander in the pacific during world war two ,served as vice president under Eisenhower ,Watergate scandal Ronald Reagan ,1981-1989,the space shuttle “challenger” ,40,employed lifeguard




school ,officially changed his party




republican ,deliver a rousing speech ,diagnosed as Alzheimer’s disease

William J, Clinton ,1993-2001,I have sinned ,42,hot springs high


school ,bachelor of science in foreign Service degree ,Yale law school and received a Juris doctor degree ,professor at university of Arkansas ,was elected Arkansas attorney general ,the youngest governer of the states

George W. Bush ,2001-2009,911 address



academy in andover ,air National Guard ,Harvard business school




adviser ,governor of Texas ,first governor in Texas history to be elected




four-year terms ,handle terrorism and the war in Iraq


Part Ⅰ Translation (2*10=20%) 课文中10个词组英译中

Part II Blank Filling (1*15=15%) 课

文中的句子,挖空15个介词填空 Part III True or False (1*10=10%) 课文中的段落(出现在试卷上),根据其内容判断10个句子的对错 PartIV Cloze (1*10=10%) 课文中的段落,挖空10个单词选择

Part V Multiple Choice (1*20=20%) 10个课文背景知识的选择题,10个课后Quotes的选择题

Part VI Reading Comprehension (Text-based) (1*25=25%) 课文中的段落(出现在试卷上),根据其内容做阅读理解选择题。

期末考试复习范围是所上6篇演讲的每一篇的前6段,已及课后Quotes的前3 句。
