
发布时间 : 星期日 文章高一英语上学期第二次双周练试题(无答案)更新完毕开始阅读



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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




1. How much did Sue pay for the shirt?

A. £30. B. £35. C. £40. 2. What will the woman give the man?

A. A pen. B. A stamp. C. A postcard. 3. Where did Sally go this afternoon?

A. To a library. B. To a supermarket. C. To a bike shop. 4. What does the man want to buy?

A. A camera. B. A computer. C. A phone. 5. What will the woman buy?

A. Bananas. B. Apples. C. Pears. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)

听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。

6. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Husband and wife. B. Customer and saleswoman. C. Boss and secretary.

7. What will the man do in Bordeaux?

A. Stay with his friends. B. Buy a castle. C. Plant grapes. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。

8. What will the speakers have this week?

A. Japanese food. B. Thai food. C. Chinese food. 9. When will the speakers get together?

A. On Friday. B. On Thursday. C. On Wednesday. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。

10. How did Dan go to World of Music?

A. By plane B. By bus. C. By car. 11. What does Toby dislike?

A. Country music. B. Hip hop. C. Rap. 12. Who went to hear the jazz band?


A. Penny. B. Sylvia. C. Toby. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。

13. What are the speakers talking about?

A. Regular activities. B. Colorful life. C. Hobbies. 14. How does Conor’s mother keep healthy?

A. By running. B. By swimming. C. By playing tennis. 15. What is Conor’s granddad good at?

A. Playing the piano. B. Singing songs. C. Biking. 16. Why can’t Conor learn to play the piano? A. He is busy with his studies. B. His can’t find a teacher. C. He has no more free time. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. Which road will stay closed?

A. M43. B. M30. C. M16. 18. Why is North Street closed to all cars? A. The snow hasn’t been cleared. B. There is an accident. C. It is under repair.

19. How can passengers know the latest information about trains?

A. By visiting a website. B. By reading a magazine. C. By making a phone call.

20. What is the weather going to be like in the evening?

A. Snowy. B. Windy. C. Sunny.

第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)




The TWU Cafeteria (餐馆) is open 7am to 8pm. It serves snacks, drinks, ice cream bars and meals. You can pay with cash or your ID cards. You can add meal money to your ID cards at the Front Desk. Even if you do not buy your food in the cafeteria, you can use the tables to eat your lunch, to have meetings and to study.

If you are on campus in the evening or lat at night, you can buy snacks, fast food, and drinks in the Lower Café located in the bottom level of the Douglas Centre. This area is often used for entertainment such as concerts, games or TV watching.


The Globe, located in the bottom level of McMillan Hall, is for relaxing, studying, cooking, and eating. Monthly activities are held here for all international students. Hours are 10 am to 10 pm, closed on Sundays.


Located on the top floor of Douglas Hall, the Wellness Centre is committed to (致力于) physical, emotional (情感的) and social health. A doctor and nurse is available if you have health questions or need immediate medical help or personal advice. The cost of this is included in your medical insurance. Hours are Monday to Friday, 9am to noon and 1: 00 to 4:30pm.

Academic Support


All students have access to the Writing Centre on the upper floor of Douglas Hall. Here, qualified volunteers will work with you on written work, grammar, vocabulary, and other academic skills. You can sign up for (报名参加) an appointment on the sign-up sheet (报名表) outside the door two 30 --minute appointments per week at most. This service is free.


The TWU Express is a shuttle(班车) service. The shuttle transports students between campus and the shopping centre, leaving from the Mattson Centre. Operation hours are between 9 am and 3pm. Saturdays only. Round trip fare is $1. 21. What can you do in the TWU Cafeteria?

A. Do homework and watch TV.

B. have meals and meet with friends. C. Buy drinks and enjoy concerts.

D. Add money to your ID and play chess. 22. Where and when can you cook your own food?

A. The Globe, Friday.

B. The Lower Café, Sunday. C. The TWU Cafeteria , Friday. D. The McMillan Hall , Sunday.

23. How can you ask for help from the Writing Centre?

A. By applying online. B. By calling the centre.

C. By filling in a sign-up form. D. By going to the centre directly.


Argentina(阿根廷) in the late nineteenth century was an exciting place. Around 1870, it was experiencing an economic boom (繁荣), and the capital, Buenos Aires, attracted many people. Farmers, as well as a flood of foreigners from Spain and Italy, came to Buenos Aires seeking jobs. These jobs didn’t pay well, and the people felt lonely and disappointed with their new life in the city. As the unhappy newcomers mixed together in the poor parts of the city, the dance known as the tango(探戈舞) appeared.

At the beginning the tango was a dance of the lower classes (阶级). It was danced in the bars and streets. At that time there many fewer women than men, so if a man didn’t want to be left out, his only choice was to dance with another man so that he could attract the attention of the few women. Gradually, the dance spread into the upper (上层) classes of Argentinean society and became more respectable(受人尊敬的).

In Europe at this time, strong interest in dance from around the world was beginning. The interest in international dance was especially evident(明显的) in Paris. Every kind of dance from ballet(芭蕾舞)to belly dancing could be found on the stages of the Paris theaters. After tango dance from Argentina arrived in Europe, they began to draw the interest of the public as they performed their exiting dance in cafés. Though not everyone approved of (赞成) the new dance, saying it was a little too shocking, the dance did find enough supporters to make it popular.

The popularity of the tango continued to grow in many other parts of the world. Soldiers who returned to the United States from World War I brought the tango to North America. It reached Japan in 1926, and in 2003 the Argentinean embassy (大


使馆) in Seoul (首尔) hired a local tango dancer to act as a kind of dance ambassador(大使), and promote(发扬) tango dancing throughout South Korea. 24. The origin of the tango is connected with .

A. Belly dances B. American soldiers C. Spanish city D. the capital of Argentina

25.Which of the following is true about the tango?

A. It was created by foreigners from Spain and Italy. B. People of the upper classes loved the tango most. C. It was often danced by two men in the beginning. D.A dancer in Seoul became the Argentinean ambassador. 26. Before World War I, the tango spread to .

A. America B. France C. Japan D. South Korea 27.What can be the best title for the text?

A. How to Dance the Tango. B. How to Promote the Tango. C. The History of the Tango. D. The Modern Tango Boom.


The other day I was telling someone how much I had enjoyed reading Barack Obama’s Dreams From My Father and how it had changed my views of our President. A friend I was talking to agreed with me that it was, in his words, “a brilliantly (精彩地) written book”. However, he then went on to talk about Mr. Obama in a way which suggested he had no idea of his background (背景) at all. I sensed that I was talking to a book liar (撒谎者).

Surely, my friend is not the only one. Approximately (大约) two thirds of people have lied about reading a book which they haven’t. In the World Book Day’s “Report on Guilty (愧疚,有罪的) Secrets”, Dreams From My Father is at number 9. The report lists ten books, and all kinds of authors, which people have lied about reading, and as I’m not one who lies too often (I’d hate to be caught out), I’ll admit here and now that I haven’t read the entire top ten. But I am pleased to say that, unlike 42 percent of people, I have read the book at number one, George Orwell’s 1984. I think it’s really brilliant.

The World Book Day report also has some other interesting information in it. It says that many people lie about having read Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Fyodor Dostoevsky (I haven’t read him, but haven’t lied about it either) and Herman Melville.

Asked why they lied, the most common reason was to “impress” (留下印象) someone they were speaking to. This could be tricky(棘手的) if the conversation became deeper.

But when asked which writers they actually enjoy, people named J. K. Rowling, John Grisham, Sophie Kinsella (ah, the big sellers, in other words). Forty-two percent of people asked admitted (承认) they turned to the back of the book to read the end before finishing the story (I’ll come clean: I do this and am surprised that 58 percent said they had never done so).

28. How did the author find his friend a book liar?

A. By looking into his background. B. By judging his way of speaking.

C. By talking about the book itself. D. By mentioning (提及) a famous name.

