
发布时间 : 星期日 文章许国璋英语第一册11四季--13给朋友的一封信更新完毕开始阅读

after 在这里是介词。它也可以作连词,例如: After she has breakfast, she goes to class.

read在这里是不及物动词,意思是“读书学习”。不要说He reads books。 试比较:He reads newspapers every day。 注意英语物主代词的习惯用法:

He does his homework in the afternoon.(他下午做作业。) She prepares her lessons in the evening.(她晚上准备功课。) Open your books.(把书打开。)

汉语在这里往往不说“他做他的作业”,而说“他做作业”,但英语却常常需加his, her, our等,在很多情况下不能省略。

Lunch is at twelve.

注意at twelve, at six-thirty等习惯用法中的at 与in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening等短语中的in。

After lunch Wang Qing takes a nap.

have (或take)有时和一名词构成短语,表示一个动作。例如: Now let's have (take) a nap.

Let's take a walk. Have(take) a bath.洗澡 这是习惯用法,不能按字直译。

In the afternoon he does his homework and reads the newspaper.

homework 是不可数名词。“许多家庭作业”应说a lot of homework 或者much homework。

Then he has an hour for sports.


After supper he often goes for a walk in the college gardens. 这里用gardens,意思是不止一个校园。英国的公园有的也称gardens。

He goes to bed at half past ten.

课文以此句结束。全篇用的都是一般现在时。这里“一般”二字,指的是天天如此,经常如此。也许有人问:既然有“一般”现在时,那么有没有“特定”现在时? 现在进行时(the present continuous tense)即是“特定”的现在时。例如:如果说 Wang Qing is getting up, 那是指此时此刻Wang Qing 正在起床(即还没有完全穿好衣服)。如果说Wang Qing is getting up very early,那是指今天Wang Qing 起身早(可能暗示平时他起得不早)。可见,所用的时态不同,表示的意义也不同。现在进行时态将在第15课中学习。


a day at college

at college 是指“在大学念书”,college泛指大学,没有特指的含义,所以前面不用加冠词。例如:go to college 上大学

Wang Qing gets up very early. get up 起床 get up early 起得早 an early bird 习惯早起的人

He dresses, washes, and goes out to do exercises in the fresh morning air. 此句中dresses, washes, 和goes是同一主语所带的连续三个谓语动词,表示一连串的动作;句中dress和wash都用作不及物动词,但实际意思中却含有宾语;不定式短语to do exercises作状语,do exercises可以指“做练习”或“锻炼身体”,在这里的意思是“锻炼”。

Then he has breakfast have dinner 吃晚饭

For most of the morning he attends lectures or practises his English. 1)for most of the morning中,for表示经历的时间。例如: He often watches TV for hours. 他经常连着几个小时地看电视。

He stays with his friends for quite some time every week. 他每周都要和朋友们在一起呆上相当一段时间。 2)attends lectures意思是“听课”。 其他含有attend的短语: attend a meeting 开会 attend a wedding 参加婚礼 attend school 上学

3)practises his English是“练习英语”,在此出现物主代词his是英语习惯用法,不能省略,但可不必译出,例如: He reviews his lessons after class. 他课后复习功课。 He does his homework in the afternoon. 他下午做作业。 Open your books. 把书打开。 其他包含动词practise的短语: practise the piano 练习弹钢琴

practise qigong 练气功 qigong [t?i??g??] (中国)气功

After lunch Wang Qing takes a nap. take a nap 午休

take / have a rest 休息一下

take / have a break (短暂)休息一下
