Unit 6, Book 3 课后练习答案

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Unit 6

Listening and Speaking


Everyone goes through rough times where they feel 1) sad or low-spirited. It’s pretty normal to feel that way on occasion. However, when such a 2) negative mood seems to be going nonstop, that probably 3) forecasts depression. It is important that we know the signs of depression so that we can deal with it and have it 4) relieved. If a friend or family member has shown several (not just one or two) of the following symptoms for more than two weeks, it is possible they are suffering from depression and need 5) professional help. (1) The person has drastic change of 6) appetite. (2) The person has a sudden change in sleeping patterns.

(3) The person suddenly loses interest in things and activities they used to enjoy. (4) There is energy loss and 7) presence of fatigue. (5) The person feels they are 8) unworthy. (6) The person starts losing hope.

(7) The person 9) feels guilty without any reason at all. (8) The person becomes indecisive. (9) The person is suicidal.

(10) The person becomes 10) mentally disturbed. (11) The person has a “My life is passing by” feeling. (12) The person becomes antisocial.

Text A

Reading Comprehension


1) For Vaheh Hartoonian, life was not something to be happy about, and he was bothered by thoughts of self-contempt and guilt and repeated discontentment. In Hartoonian’s opinion, depression involves feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, worthlessness and guilt, and he sees his depression as being stuck in a negative circle.

2) He was kept from telling his problem and seeking help by the fear of being labeled and perceived differently.

3) He might have committed suicide as he was invaded by the thought and had even gone so far as to have planned it out.


An estimated 1-in-10 Americans are struggling with depression. 53 percent of college students have experienced some form of depression.

Over two-thirds of young people do not talk about or seek help for mental health problems. 1.5 percent of 16,000 students have attempted suicide.

Fifteen to 20 percent of students suffer from depression, and one percent will attempt suicide. In 2008, suicide accounted for about 36,000 deaths, making it the 10th-leading cause of death in the U.S. 2.

1) Seeking help is crucial in solving the problem of depression according to the passage.

2) In order to help students solve the problem of depression, UCS provides a counseling service which is free and confidential. UCS can also make referrals to nearby counselors and clinics if students need additional counseling.

3) Besides the solutions provided above, Hartoonian suggests that students should talk to someone they trust if they are not ready to seek professional counseling.

4) According to Hartoonian, the most essential in solving the problem is that they talk to someone. 5)Feeling: Relieved, counseling

Reason: most of the talking; any mention to the term depression; He was told that everything was confidential.

Language in Use


1) prominence 2) contempt 3) estimates 4) depressed 5) psychological 6) invade 7) treatable 8) companion 9) norm 10) daunt 5.

1) His name always slips my mind. 2) Her vanity left her heavily in debt. 3) Poverty gives rise to desire for change.

4) Dusk found the stray boy crying bitterly in the street. 5) Rome witnessed great historic events.

6) A comparison of the two methods will show you their advantages and disadvantages. 7) The thought of returning to his motherland never broke away from him. 8) The astonishment robbed me of my power of speech. 6.

A. 1) 画蛇添足2) 接受惩罚;承担后果3) 收回说过的话4) 示弱

5) 泄密;坦白交代6) 自食其力;自力更生7) 自吹自擂8) 同某人开玩笑;愚弄某人9)(为渡难关)忍辱负重10) 划定最后界限

B. 1) show the white feather 2) paddle his own canoe 3) spill the beans 4) blowing their own trumpets 5) draw the line 6) face the music 7) eat his words 8) gilding the lily 9) pulling my leg 10) bite the bullet 7. A.

1) 犯罪 to commit a crime 2) 学习知识 to acquire knowledge 3) 获得经验 to gain experience 4) 达到目的 to achieve an aim 5) 未通过考试 to fail an examination 6) 闯红灯 to jump a red light 7) 抓紧时间 to make full use of time 8) 养成坏习惯 to form a bad habit B.

1) c 2) d 3) a 4) b 5) a 6) a 7) d 8) c 8.

1) 自轻和自责的念头总是如影随形。

2) 因为害怕自己被别人归入异类、另眼对待,他不敢谈论自己的抑郁,也不敢寻求帮助和治疗。 3) 抗击抑郁是一场艰难的奋战,而疾病控制与预防中心的数据表明,约十分之一的美国人有此经历。

4) 一则美国心理学协会的研究显示,53%的大学生曾有过不同程度的抑郁症状。 5) 其间我们几乎不谈论抑郁症这事。 9.

College students are in the critical period of their personal development. They are rational, enthusiastic, creative and challenging. But they are likely to lose their head when faced with the constantly changing society, increasingly intense competition as well as problems resulting from study, employment, finances and emotions. Consequently, a considerable number of college students are suffering, to some extent, from mental health problems. Mental health is a complex and systemic problem. Therefore, to implement mental health education as a vital measure, school education should be closely integrated with families and society and stick to a people-oriented principle so as to build up students’ mental health and increase their addictiveness to society.

Text B

Reading Comprehension


1) Para. 3 2) Para. 1 3) Para. 8 4) Para. 12 5) Para. 11

6) Para. 2 7) Para. 8 8) Para. 10 9) Para. 17 10) Para. 14 2.

1) survive, survival 2) Modernity, modern 3) distinction, distinct 4) recognition, recognized 5) evolves, evolution 6) heightened, height 7) interact, interaction 8) activated, activator 3.

1) dwell on 2) Complaining about 3) deep down 4) take in 5) stumble upon 6) sink in 7) interacting with 8) ended up 4.

1) 有些人好运连连,最后却还是不快乐,这样的事在小说和现实生活中屡屡发生。

2) 加州大学伯克利分校至善科学中心咨询委员会成员、神经心理学家瑞克?汉森博士认为,人类大脑的构造决定了它更重视负面信息,因此,即使我们在生活中遇到很多传递正能量的事情,也还是会觉得焦虑、不开心。

3) 显而易见的是,我们都想拥有积极的情感:快乐、坚韧、爱、自信,诸如此类。问题是,我们如何才能让这些情感在大脑中成长壮大?

4) 很多人会在无意之中发现一些对他们而言行之有效的方法,过后他们才发现其实与这些方法相关的研究不在少数。

5) 我认为原因之一是我们完全在浪费所拥有的积极体验,部分因为现代性。



1) Dr. Sara asserts, “Only 17% of hearing aides are returned nationwide by patients who are dissatisfied with them.” (Quotation)

Dr. Sara asserts that most patients are very happy with their hearing aids. (Paraphrase)

2) One patient admitted, “Since I quit smoking, my sense of smell has become much sharper.” (Quotation)

One patient admitted that her sense of smell improved considerably after she quit smoking. (Paraphrase)

3) According to Glezos, “patients who develop disease-induced taste deficiency typically add more salt to meals, simply because the foods are, to them, tasteless.” (Quotation)

According to Glezos, people who lose their sense of taste because of illness tend to eat saltier foods in an attempt to add flavor. (Paraphrase) 2

1) The United States, Germany and Japan and other industrial nations → economies like the United States, Japan and Germany

2) are being transformed → There has been a dramatic change

3) knowledge and information based service economies → service economies involved in knowledge and information 4) whilst → while

5) has been moving → has been shifting

6) low wage countries → countries where wages are low

7) In a knowledge and information based economy → These service economies 8) are the key ingredients → focus on 9) in creating wealth → for economic growth 3 Sample

1) According to the media, Asian Americans have been too successful in getting accepted by universities and their success has made others feel uncomfortable.

2) Effective communication depends on a generally accurate knowledge of what the audience knows. 3) Although the relationship between brain chemistry and thoughts and feelings is not fully understood, we do know that our psychological state affects our physical state.

4) In attempting to implement economic growth, industry and other interest groups are often favored over health.

5) Chronic diseases are responsible for 60% of all deaths on the planet, and in countries where the population is primarily of low or middle income, the impact is greatest (80%), often focusing on those who are young or middle-aged.
