
发布时间 : 星期四 文章福建省平潭县新世纪学校2020届高三上学期第一次月考英语试题+Word版含答案更新完毕开始阅读


M: I'll take these clothes. How much is the total?

W: The dress is 30 dollars, the blouse is 20 dollars, and the jacket is 40 dollars. But today we offer a 20% discount. Text 3

W: What's this? I hear about your appearing on the ten o'clock news?

M: Oh, it's no big deal. They were shooting something on school, and I happened to get caught in the lens. Text 4

M: I'm really worried about my physics exam tomorrow.

W: I'd really like to help, but I've got something important to do. Why don't call Cathy instead?

M: Good idea. Maybe I'll give her a call. Thanks. Text 5

M: I'm really glad I got a chance to talk to you before you left, Mary. Have a safe trip! W: Thanks. Try not to work too hard while I'm away! M: Yeah, I'll try not to! See you after Christmas. W: OK. Bye! Have a nice Christmas! Text 6

M: Good morning. My name's James Goodman.

W: Ah, good morning, Mr. Goodman. Nice to meet you. I'm Lucy White from Personnel. Sit down, please. M: Thank you very much.

W: Now, have you brought your curriculum vitae with you? M: Oh, my CV. Yes, here it is. There are three copies. W: Have you brought your certificates as well?

M: No, I haven't. I'm awfully sorry. Can I send them to you by mail? W: Yes, that'll be all right. Now, let's talk about the post. Text 7

M: Did you have enough sleep last night? You look so tired.

W: Really? But to tell you the truth, I didn't sleep well the whole night.

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M: Why?

W: I was in a lot of pain because of the treatment for my breast cancer. M: Maybe you should stay at home.

W: But I like my job. I've never been on my own in my entire life, and now I'm leaving away from Tom and the boys. I can take a break from being Super-mom. You know, sometimes I got tired of being Super-mom.

M: I can understand you perfectly well in that point. Anyway, you'd better take care. W: Thank you. Text 8

W: That's all for this week. Thank you. I'll see you here for another lecture next Tuesday. Don't forget next Monday is a holiday and you'll have no class. You are free to go, everyone but you, Jack. Could I have a minute before you take off? M: Sure. Um, is there a problem?

W: I've finished grading the tests. I wanted to talk to you before returning them to the class.

M: Oh, don't tell me that I failed another exam! I tried so hard.

W: You didn't fail. But in fact you got the highest grade in the class. I'm concerned about how you accomplished this.

M: Well, I didn't cheat, if that's what you think. I've actually changed my study habits, planning my study time better so that I don't wait until the last day to study. It's made a world of difference in how well I learn the material. Text 9

M: (Whispering) How long is it going to last? We've been here for hours. W: Shhh !

M: (Whispering) I want to go out. W: Shhh !

M: (Whispering) I'm going out. I'll wait for you outside. (After the concert)

W: How could you do this to me? How could you just walk away in the middle of the concert? That was rude.

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M: You told me this was a Jazz concert, but it wasn't.

W: I thought you would like it. I did have two tickets for Jazz, but I exchanged them for this concert. You told me you liked classical music, so I...

M: Forget it, Daphne. In fact, I shouldn't have walked away like that. I apologize. W: Don't be silly. Why don't we go to a movie? I want to make up. M: Good idea, but let's go for a cup of coffee first. W: All right. It's on me. Text 10

It took George quite a while to find a parking place for his car, and in the end he had to leave it in a narrow street, some way away from the dentist's. His appointment was at five and he still had twenty minutes to spare. He crossed into the square and sat down on a bench, partly to enjoy the last of the afternoon sun, but also to calm his nerves. He hated the visits to the dentist.

Suddenly, he saw a red sports car like his, pull out of the street where he had parked. The car was soon out of sight. George felt in his pockets for his keys: they were not there. \He got up and ran across the square, then down the narrow street. But he discovered his car was concealed behind a larger one. He was relieved to find his keys still in the car.

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