
发布时间 : 星期四 文章北京市朝阳区重点中学2016届高三上学期期中考试英语试卷及答案更新完毕开始阅读

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第二节 开放作文(15分) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


1-5 ACABC 16. free

6-10 ABCBA 11-15 CBBCC

19. food

20. expensive

17. seats 18. three

21-25 BDCAD 36-40 CACBD 51-55 AABDC

26-30 AACDB 31-35 CDAAB 41-45 DCBBD

46-50 BDBCA

56-60: DDBCD 61-65:BBDAB

66-70: BCCCD 71-75 CGAFD 情景作文

One possible version

Last Friday was a freezing cold day. My classmate Wang Wei and I went home together after school. Suddenly we saw an old man lying on the ground, unconscious. A crowd of people gathered around him, but obviously didn’t know how to help him.

Being the members of the Red Cross of our school, we had learned how to deal with

emergencies. Quickly we checked the old man and decided to give him first aid. Wang Wei bent over and did CPR for him and I called an ambulance at the same time. Very soon, the ambulance came. Seeing the old man taken to hospital, we both breathed a sigh of relief. Many people praised us for our quick and calm response.

We were very happy to save

the old man and proud to be the members of the Red Cross. That cold day ended with warm sunshine in our heart. 开放作文

One possible version:

In the picture, a fat cat is trying to catch a bird in the cage, without seeing a big mouse walking in front of him. No matter how hard it tries, the bird will never be its appetite,

while the big mouse will luckily run away.

According to my understanding, the picture intends to tell us one should know where his own duty lies. Catching mice is a cat’s duty. But he neglects it. Lots of people deal with the things in the same way as that cat. They completely ignore what they should do, but do the things they shouldn’t. Only those who find the right goals and try their best to fulfill them will lead a rich and happy life.

So knowing what one’s duty is and trying hard to perform it well can make him succeed. If everybody can complete his own job efficiently, we’ll have a more harmonious world.
