【创新设计】(广东专用)高中英语 Unit 8 Adventure Period Four Le

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所以只有A项符合题意。 答案 D

27.Which is NOT true about the study?

A.There are 20 patients involved in the study. B.The patients have used several anti-HIV drugs.

C.The patients have been treated for up to 18 months. D.16 patients did not go through the whole study.

解析 这个问题的信息集中在第四段,只有D项与原文Four others have dropped out because of side effects...不符,应为Four patients did not go through the whole study. 答案 D 28.What do Ho's words “Bear in mind that undetectable does not equal absent” mean? A.AIDS virus can exist in the blood without being detected. B.AIDS virus is undetectable in the blood. C.No AIDS virus can be detected in the blood. D.No virus found in the blood means no AIDS.

解析 对这句话的理解要结合第五段整体考虑。该段开头说The drugs have knocked the AIDS virus down to undetectable levels in the blood...最后引用专家的话undetectable does not equal absent,联系起来看只有A项符合这句话在文章中的意思。 答案 A

29.How could we prove that the drugs have wiped out the remaining viruses? A.By using up all the drugs at once.

B.By waiting for the virus to die slowly.

C.By asking the patients' feeling about the disease. D.By stopping the drugs to see if the virus comes back.

解析 此题的依据是第六段的一句话But the only way to prove eradication would be to stop the drugs and see if the virus comes back. 答案 D

30.Other scientists are looking at experiments that are similar in that they are________.

A.costly B.econormical C.traditional D.bold

解析 结合全文看,这类实验被描写为aggressive,即大胆的,从内容看,减药停药等均属创新,而费用方面文章没有涉及。 答案 D
