
发布时间 : 星期二 文章【奥鹏】2019秋福师《大学英语(一)》在线作业二[4]答案更新完毕开始阅读

CWith;for DOf;to

[仔细阅读以上题目后,并运用所学知识完成作答] 正确的选择是:B

44、What is music? Some people define it as an artful __________ of sounds across time.

Aengagement Bappointment Carrangement Denlargement

[仔细阅读以上题目后,并运用所学知识完成作答] 正确的选择是:C

45、—May I see the menu, please? I've been waiting an hour already. —_________. AThat is the menu, sir BYes, please go on CHere you are, sir DOf course, sir

[仔细阅读以上题目后,并运用所学知识完成作答] 正确的选择是:C

46、When first ______ to the market, these products enjoyed great success. Aintroducing Bintroduced Cintroduce

Dbeing introduced

[仔细阅读以上题目后,并运用所学知识完成作答] 正确的选择是:B

47、We look ____ to receiving a prompt reply to our letter. Around Bthrough Cafter Dforward

[仔细阅读以上题目后,并运用所学知识完成作答] 正确的选择是:D

48、If you ask why I plan to study in the United States, the only answer is that it is a _______ for me . Achapter Bceremony Cchamber Dchallenge

[仔细阅读以上题目后,并运用所学知识完成作答] 正确的选择是:D

49、The World Trade Center is often called a _______ Building, because it is made up of two identical buildings. AAlike BFolk CTwin DFormer

[仔细阅读以上题目后,并运用所学知识完成作答] 正确的选择是:C

50、I went along thinking of nothing ______, only looking at things around me. Ain particular Bin harmony Cin doubt Din brief

[仔细阅读以上题目后,并运用所学知识完成作答] 正确的选择是:C
