全新版大学英语综合教?课文原文课文翻译 - 百度文库

ʱ : 全新版大学英语综合教?课文原文课文翻译 - 百度文库ϿʼĶ

ʱȵطֲ֪ĶֳһӰ˹ǵĹʪ͸ʱǴһйڣղеο˲١ 22

Every few minutes during the night Jen checked on her dad. \him, \prayed.

ҹÿղҪ鿴һ¸סһЩʹů͵ĶԸ˵翧ȡ¯Ϊ裬Ϊ档 23

Morning came, but still no sign of help. The hours dragged by. Around midmorning an airplane flew almost directly overhead, but never slowed. Another passed by a couple of hours later, then a third late that afternoon. (4)Each time, Jen jumped up, waving her arms and screaming. And each time the plane disappeared over the horizon, taking her spirits with it.

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As daylight faded, Jen found herself facing the likelihood that they would have to spend another long, cold night on the island. Her father would not survive. And without him, she doubted if she could either. The very thought collapsed all hope. \not going to find us,\she cried out in despair. \

չ⽥ˣղʶпҪµһҹ׻ᶥסġҪûиף֪ԼҲ»ɡһ뵽;ûϣDzˣؿ޳Ҫˡ 25

Just then a voice from somewhere on the distant hillside pierced the darkness. \Is someone out there\

ʱһƺڰԶɽϴ˹ˣǶ 26

Jen sprang to her feet. She shouted back loudly, \

ղӦιι 27

\hang on.\

ȥˣ˵ס 28

Jen knelt by her father's side and rubbed his back to keep him warm. \she told him.

ղڸߣıůЩһסԸ˵ 29

Later that night a boat was eventually able to edge its way through the darkness to reach them. Eighteen hours after the cabin had been torn from its foundations and swept away, Jennifer, her

father and Duchess were pulled from their island and taken to safety. No trace of their cabin was ever found.


Unit 8 Coping With and Educational Problem Part Text A Fable of the lazy Teenager

Benjamin Stein weaves a tale to bring home to young Americans the need to change the way they think about education. Read it and see whether you think it holds any lessons for us as well.


Fable of the Lazy Teenager

Benjamin Stein


One day last fall, I ran out of file folders and went to the drugstore to buy more. I put a handful of folders on the counter and asked a teenage salesgirl how much they cost. \know,\



ȥһգļˣȥӻһļиڹ̨ϣһʮۻԱǮ֪ش˵12֡ 2

I counted the folders. \tax,\

ļСʮ12֣ܹ𣬲˰˵ 3

\in amazement. \

ġʵôġ 4


ħ ˵ 5


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6 No modestly educated adult can fail to be upset by such an experience. While our children seem better-natured than ever, they are so ignorant and so ignorant of their ignorance that they frighten me. In a class of 60 seniors at a private college where I recently taught, not one student could write a short paper without misspellings. Not one.

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But this is just a tiny slice of the problem. The ability to perform even the simplest calculations is only a memory among many students I see, and their knowledge of world history or geography is nonexistent.

ֻһС֡ѧУҲûйȥѧеǽ򵥵ļǶʷ͵һ֪ 8

Moreover, there is a chilling indifference about all this ignorance. The attitude was summed up by a friend's bright, lazy 16-year-old son, who explained why he preferred not to go to \don't want to have to compete with Asians,\ ߣǶֵ֪ȴںʵ˲һλѵĴȴɢʮڽΪʲôϼɼУʱ˵ĻǶ̬ȵĸ߶ȸҲȥǶ˾˵ùʲô֪ 9

In fact, this young man will have to compete with Asians whether he wants to or not. He cannot live forever on the financial, material and human capital accumulated by his ancestors. At some point soon, his intellectual laziness will seriously affect his way of life. It will also affect the rest of us. A modern industrial state cannot function with an idle, ignorant labor force. Planes will crash. Computers will jam. Cars will break down.

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To drive this message home to such young Americans, I have a humble suggestion: a movie, or TV series, dramatizing just how difficult it was for the country to get where it is and how easily it could all be lost. I offer the following fable.

Ϊʹ곹ʶһ㣬ҵ޼ǣһӰ磬ǹҵĽ֮ ҪɥʧһֺסҷһƪԢԹ¡ 11

As the story opens, our hero, Kevin Hanley 1990, a 17-year-old high school senior, is sitting in his room, feeling bitter. His parents insist he study for his European history test. He wants to go shopping for headphones for his portable CD player. The book he is forced to read The Wealth of Nations puts him to sleep.

¿ʼʱǵ˹ġ1990һʮĸѧԼʹࡣĸһҪ׼ŷʷԡȥһ⳪ƬĶҪ IJƸ ˯ 12

Kevin dreams it is 1835, and he is his own great-great-great-grandfather at 17, a peasant in County Kerry, Ireland. He lives in a small hut and sleeps next to a pig. He is always hungry and must search for food. His greatest wish is to learn to read and write so he might get a job as a clerk. With steady wages, he would be able to feed himself and help his family. But Hanley's poverty allows no leisure for such luxuries as going to school. Without education and money, he is powerless. His only hope lies in his children. If they are educated, they will have a better life.

Ľ磬ʱֵ1835꣬˵̫游ʮ꣬ǰ׿һũסССª˯һͷԡǰҪҳԵġԸѧд֣ԱһְԱĹ˹̶ĹʣԼáƶʹ޴ѧݳޡûнûǮΪΩһϣںϡܽܽǾͻúһЩ 13

Our fable fast-forwards and Kevin Hanley 1990 is now his own great-grandfather, Kevin Hanley,

1928. He, too, is 17 years old, and he works in a steel mill in Pittsburgh. His father came to America from Ireland and helped build the New York City subway. Kevin Hanley 1928 is far better off than either his father or his grandfather. He can read and write. His wages are far better than anything his ancestors had in Ireland.

ǵԢԹ¿չڿġ1990Լ游ġ1928Ҳʮ꣬ƥȱһҸĸ״ӰμӹŦԼ޽ġ1928Լĸ׺游öˡܶд֡Ĺʱȱڰʱ߶ˡ 14

Next Kevin Hanley 1990 dreams that he is Kevin Hanley 1945, his own grandfather, fighting on Iwo

Jima against a most determined foe, the Japanese army. He is always hot, always hungry, always scared. One night in a foxhole, he tells a friend why he is there: \in peace and security. When I get back, I'll work hard and send my boy to college so he can live by his brains instead of his back.\

ġ1990μԼԼ游ġ1945Ƶձսֶֺ¡һɢһѽԼΪʲôǶսҵĶӡӾںƽȫĻһعˣҪڷܹöϴѧͿԸǿ 15

Then Kevin Hanley 1990 is his own father, Kevin Hanley 1966, who studies all the time so he can

get into college and law school. He lives in a fine house. He has never seen anything but peace and plenty. He tells his girl friend that when he has a son, he won't make him study all the time, as his father makes him.

