
发布时间 : 星期二 文章福建省泉州市2017届高三高考考前适应性模拟卷(三)英语更新完毕开始阅读



Tet 1

W Have you finished all the things on the list?

M Well, I too out the trash, but I forgot to pic up mil and eggs at the grocery store.

W Oh, no! I guess we’ll have to eep up our instant noodle diet for breafast tomorrow morning! Tet 2

W I need to prepare a presentation on an outstanding Australian person. Who do you thin I should choose? M I thin you should choose someone who not only is interesting, but also has an inspiring story to tell. Tet 3

M Can we wor on the plans for the party in about ten minutes?

W I’d lie to, but I’ve just promised Dottie I’ll help her with her science report then. Tet 4

W What seems to be the problem?

M My throat hurts, and I can’t stop coughing.

W It sounds lie you’ve caught a cold. Here’s a prescription for some medicine. You should stay home and rest. Mae sure you drin plenty of water. Tet 5

W Bill, can I see your notes from the history lecture? I seem to be missing a page. M Sorry, Jill. I was absent yesterday. Why not use your roommate’s outline to study? W Cathy’s not answering her phone. Tet 6

W What’s the date today, Dad? M It’s June 3rd. Why do you as, Flora?

W Did you remember Mom’s birthday? I completely forgot to get her a present.

M Well, not everyone forgot. I ordered some jewelry online four days ago. It should be coming in the mail tomorrow.

W I can’t thin of anything to get for her. Do you have any ideas?

M Maybe you could just throw her a surprise party with some decorations and a cae. W That would be a great idea. Maybe I could mae her something. M You could mae her a sweater.

W In two days? I don’t thin so. I could definitely do a scarf, though… Tet 7

M Did you sign up for the modern art field trip? W I wasn’t sure if I would be able to afford to go.

M It only costs fifty dollars. Don’t you get a big allowance from your dad?

W I’m not taling about money. I don’t thin I can spare the time away from studying just to entertain myself for a few days.

M But it will be worth it! You can always study, but when will you be able to see famous artwors from this


W I can see it any time I want on the Internet.

M You’re going to end up a booworm with no eperience. Won’t you be sorry later on in life? W Hmm. I suppose a trip to Hong ong would be worth it. I’m sure I can study on the train. Tet 8

W Ecuse me. Could you tell me where the nearest grocery store is? M There’s one a few blocs from here. W Is it close enough to wal there?

M Yeah, just continue on this street for a few blocs and turn right on the second street. Then you’ll go about a bloc or two and turn left. Actually, I am not sure eactly how far it is. W What is it close to?

M It’s net to the big par with a children’s playhouse. W I don’t thin I now the area well enough to recognie that.

M Maybe you should download the Google Maps app. It will show you everything in the area, and it can give you better directions than me. W Great! Can I see it on your phone?

M Of course. It’s this one… Oh, no! My phone is running out of battery. I’ll write down the name of it, and you can download it yourself. W O. Thans for your help. Tet 9

W Mar is so popular. Everywhere I go, people now him. He must be a native of Chicago.

M No, he’s been here for only one year. I’ve been in town twice as long as he has, and it seems I only have a handful of friends.

W That’s amaing. Why is he so popular?

M Well, it’s probably his personality. He’s funny, of course, but I thin people lie him because he is always willing to spend time with them and help others.

W That would eplain it. What about you? Why are you having trouble eeping up with Mar?

M I don’t now, but it’s probably because I’m the opposite of Mar. I’m always serious. My wor is busy, too, so I don’t have a chance to meet many people.

W Do you want me to throw a party to introduce you to some of my friends, John?

M Jessica, I want to meet them, but I’m a little shy. Do you thin I really need as many friends as Mar? W Maybe not, but don’t you wish you could spend more time with other people?

M Sometimes. But I can always go online and chat with someone, so I don’t thin I need to be so popular. Tet 10

Welcome to English 1004, section 7! This class is called Introduction to Academic Writing, and the university requires successful completion of this class to continue as a student here. For those of you in Engineering, you’ll be required to get a C or better. Students in the Business School may pass with a B, and everyone else just needs to get a D or above. We have class three times a wee for 15 wees. You must come to all the classes. If you’ll loo at your course description on page 2, you’ll see the attendance policy. If you’re absent for 10% of the classes, your final grade will be lowered 10%. That means you must mae every effort to come to all the classes. Now for the structure of the class on Mondays and Wednesdays, I’ll deliver

lectures, give quies on the readings, and lead discussions on various topics. On Fridays, you’ll have in-class writings that will count for 25% of your grade. We don’t have eams in this class. Instead, you’ll show me what you have learned by writing three essays. These essays are worth 50% of your final grade. The remaining 25% will be made up of daily homewor assignments. On the last page, you will see our reading and homewor schedule. The first assignment is due on Wednesday, just two days from now, so be sure to buy the tetboo tonight. All right, that’s enough out of me for the time being. Are there any questions?
