
发布时间 : 星期一 文章机电一体化技术及其应用研究外文文献翻译、中英文翻译更新完毕开始阅读

scene and control room instrumentation control equipment interconnected to achieve integrated measurement and control of.

2.4 Computer Integrated Manufacturing System (CIMS)

CIMS is the iron and steel enterprises will be and the production and operation, production management and process control connecting to achieve from raw materials into the plant, production and processing of shipments to the entire production process and the overall integration process control. Currently iron and steel enterprises have basically achieved process automation, but this kind of \automation lack of information resources and the sharing of the unified management of the production process, can hardly meet the requirements of the iron and steel production. Future competition iron and steel enterprises is the focus of many varieties, small batch production, cheap and of good quality, timely delivery of goods. In order to improve productivity, saving energy, reducing staff and the existing inventory, accelerate cash flow, production, operation and management of the overall optimization, the key is to strengthen the management, access to the benefits of raising the competitiveness of businesses. The United States, Japan and some other large-scale iron and steel enterprises in the 1980s has been widely realization of CIMS.

2.5 Fieldbus Technology (FBT)

Fieldbus Technology (Fied Bus Technology) is the connection settings in the field of instrumentation installed in the control room and control devices for digital, bi-directional, multi-station communication link. Fieldbus technology used to replace the existing signal transmission technology (such as 4 to 20 mA, DCDC transmission), it will enable more information in the field of Intelligent Instrumentation devices and higher-level control system in the joint between the communications media on the two-way transmission. Fieldbus connection can be through save 66% or more on-site signal connecting wires. Fieldbus lead to the introduction of the reform and the new generation of DCS around open fieldbus automation system of instruments, such as intelligent transmitter, intelligent, fieldbus detection instruments, fieldbus of PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) local control stations and field development.

2.6 AC drive technology

Transmission technology in the iron and steel industry plays a crucial role. With power technology and the development of microelectronics technology, the development of AC variable speed very quickly. The AC drive to the advantages of

electric drive technology in the near future from AC drive completely replace DC transmission, the development of digital technology, complex vector control technologies to achieve practical, AC variable speed system speed and performance has reached more than DC converter level. Now whether small or large-capacity electrical motor capacity synchronous motor can be used to achieve reversible induction motor or smoothing governor. AC drive system in the production of steel rolling emerged as a welcome users, applications continues to expand.

附录二 外文原文


1 .机电一体化技术发展


1.1 数字化


1.2 智能化


1.3 模块化


1.4 网络化



1.5 人性化


1.6 微型化

微型化是精细加工技术发展的必然,也是提高效率的需要。微机电系统(Micro Electronic Mechanical Systems,简称MEMS)是指可批量制作的,集微型机构、微型传感器、微型执行器以及信号处理和控制电路,直至接口、通信和电源等于一体的微型器件或系统。自1986年美国斯坦福大学研制出第一个医用微探针,1988年美国加州大学Berkeley分校研制出第一个微电机以来,国内外在MEMS工艺、材料以及微观机理方面取得了很大进展,开发出各种MEMS器件和系统,如各种微型传感器(压力传感器、微加速度计、微触觉传感器),各种微构件(微膜、微粱、微探针、微连杆、微齿轮、微轴承、微泵、微弹簧以及微机器人等)。

1.7 集成化


1.8 带源化


1.9 绿色化


2 .机电一体化技术在钢铁中应用
