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These two things above are what I really would like to do if I had a lot of money. 共8句

我的时间记录为:40‘‘ 你的时间记录为: ______ T3.

Reading:【学校通知】:一个学生写信说应该在health center 加医生来解决周末看病的问题 Listening: 【学生议论】:男生不同意。原因有二: 1)地方小。


Sample answer:

In the reading material, the university is considering changing the School Health Center ?cause it‘s too crowded. In the listening material, we clearly learn that the man thinks negatively about the suggestion. One reason he gives is that additional doctors would make the small clinic rooms even more crowded.

Another reason is that the health center‘s opening on weekends is a waste of medical resources since most of the students won‘t stay on campus for the weekends and thus there won‘t be a big demand for medical treatment. He also points out students have some businesses to deal with at the moment. They should add bigger clinic rooms and more staff there.

Therefore, he disagrees with that opinion. T4.

Reading: 【课文要点】social loafing 说大家在一起干活效率变低, Listening:【教授举例】举例说削土豆,一个人削多一群人削少。

Sample answer:

In this set of materials, the reading passage gives a definition of social loafing. It states that persons make less effort to achieve a goal when they work in a group.

In the listening passage, the professor gives a talk on it. He explains by giving an example to show the low efficiency when many people work together. One person may peel potatoes faster than a group of people. The more people there are, the fewer potatoes they peel.

By these means, he proves that individual group members tend to reduce their work effort as groups increase in size. T5.

【学生困难】:男生没买到上课用的书,但是在图书馆借到了,可是归还日期又在教授上课之前。 【解决方案】:女生给他两个建议:

13 托福口语

1)晚还。 2)和她看一本。

Sample answer:

The discussion is between two students. The man is telling his classmate that he won‘t have the book for the discussion in his professor‘s class ?cause he has to return it to the library as soon as the due day comes. His classmate--- the female student suggests he pretend to forget about the due day and keep the book until they finish the seminar. If the librarian asked about the reminding letter they sent him, he can play innocent and blame the post office for delaying the mail.

She also suggests that he share the same book with her, which may save tons of trouble. I think the second idea would be better 'cause he won‘t be charged for for high penalty for overdued books. And also he‘ll still have a better discussion in the class by sharing the book. T6.

【讲课要点】:讲述两种人--- 内向和外向。性格的不同会导致行为的不同。

1. 内向人会非常认真准备。如果成功,会将其归功于自己的努力;如果失败,会仔细查明失败原因。

2. 外向人完全不同。如果成功,会很高兴,并认为很幸运;如果失败,就认为是运气不好,而不是查找自身原因。

Sample answer:

The lecture tells about different behavior of 2 types of people--- introverted and extroverted. Introverted people refer to who are generally described as shy, reserved or timid. Extroverted people are those who are sociable, talkative and outgoing.

Then the professor gives an example to show how these 2 types of people differ in behavior. One introverted person and one extroverted person are preparing for the same interview. The introverted will carefully collect possible questions and answers for the interview and practice them repeatedly. If he finally gets his job, he may attribute it to his hard work. If he fails this time, the man may check his whole plan again to find out what the problem lies. And next time he will be better prepared for the job interview. The story of the extroverted man would be quite different. If the man gets the job, he will certainly be delighted because he thinks he‘s lucky. But if he doesn‘t make it this time, the man still won‘t be too upset because the extroverted people tend to attribute their failure to bad luck rather than reasons within themselves. 3.8 T1.

Which place is your favorite place when you were a child? Describe it and explain why you liked to go there.

Sample answer: 14 托福口语

When I was young, the place I most liked to go is the beach I live close to.

I love nature----white, powdery sand along crystal-clear waters, palm trees for shade, and the sea breeze are all the things that I really appreciate.

Besides, I could do a lot of things there. There were many fun and athletic activities available. I learned how to swim there and building sand castles is my favorite activity. When the weather was awsome, I just lay on the beach and enjoyed the sun.

Also I made my childhood friends there and we still keep in touch to this day. It is the place that brought me a lot of wonderful memories and that‘s why I loved to go there. 共8句

我的时间记录为:40‘‘ 你的时间记录为: ______ T2.

Compared with science and math study, the study of art and literature is not very important. Do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer:

Many people may think that studying science and math is more beneficial. However, I do believe that art and literature also have their own importance on our lives.

To begin with, our life relies a great deal on such subjects as art and literature. Many aspects of our lives need to be treated by art and literature. As human beings, we have feelings and emotions which are expected to be cared for. That‘s why we have music, movies, books, paintings, sculptures for us to relax, enjoy, enlighten our mind and refresh our soul.

Apart from that, I believe that some people are born with scientific ability while others are born with literary talents. So let a scientist do the research, and let a painter paint. 共8句

我的时间记录为:40‘‘ 你的时间记录为: ______ , T3.

Reading:【学校通知】:学校将有一个新的食堂计划。在学期结束的时候,有一个特殊周。学相关专业的学生会去食堂做饭,大家可以吃他们做的饭,但是可能要多花些钱。 Listening: 【学生议论】:男生同意。原因有二:


2) 多花些钱也是值得的,相比很多学生去学校外面吃,在食堂多花的那些钱根本不算什么。 Sample answer: 15 托福口语

In the reading material, the university is considering a new plan at the school cafeteria. The cooking-major students or students in related fields will be given a special week at the end of this semester to cook food for the whole school.

In the listening material, we clearly learn that the man likes the idea. One reason he gives is that his nephew has ever done that and benefited a lot by doing so. Cooking for all students is quite different from cooking for many people. You are not allowed to make mistakes when cooking at the cafeteria. Also, you would feel too busy, which is a great challenge and experience.

Another reason is that spending more at the school cafeteria isn‘t a big deal compared with eating at the food stands outside.

Therefore, he agrees with that opinion. T4.

Reading: 【课文要点】原来商家认为铺天盖地的广告最好,而已迎来最多的消费者。但是新的策略,叫target marketing就是确定特定的顾客,满足特定顾客的要求。

Listening:【教授举例】^' c当一个公司要卖手机时,同样一款手机为了卖给不同客户群,公司采用不同广告策略。 1)如果卖给学生,就强调手机有多好玩,可以听音乐,有bright color,可以和朋友一起享受,反正就是娱乐性强。 2)如果卖给business men,就要强调手机经济实惠,可以做一些商业活动。就是卖给什么人,说什么来吸引他们,其实都是同样的商品。

Sample answer:

9 In this set of materials, the reading passage gives a definition of target marketing.

It states that the new strategy is to satisfy the specific and desperate need of certain customers.

In the listening passage, the professor gives examples to further explain that. When a cellphone company decides to sell their products, they would use different advertising strategy to attract different groups of people. For example, if it‘s to sell students, they will say something like this type of cellphone can bring a lot of fun, can be used to listen to music and has bright color, etc; if they want to sell it to the businessmen, they will change their advertising words, like the phone is efficient and economical, can be used to do business. Actually, it‘s the same product.

By these means, he proves that companies change their advertising words depending on different groups of customers. T5.

【学生困难】:女生因为练习小提琴弄伤了手。 【解决方案】:她自己提出两个办法:


2) 她可以找Jim,这个人对violin很在行,后面就在夸奖这个人的..但是女的话锋变了下,说了Jim不太可靠,而且总是迟到。后面MAN就说她应该去找Jim....但是已经为了音乐会练了很久,她担心所以很烦。

Sample answer:

The discussion is between two students. The female student broke her hand when practicing the violin. So she‘s afraid that she wouldn‘t be able to come to the concert. She has two options. One is to go on practicing because 16
