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2) 学的课程回国不一定有用或被承认。$国外虽然可以选择和国内一样的课程,但是成绩不被国内承认。举例一个朋友Rob去国外读bussiness, 回来不被承认, 还要在国内重读。 Sample answer:

The university has launched an overseas study program requiring everyone to study in a university in a different country for one semester, considering two factors of few financial risks and enhanced learning. And the man holds a negative view towards the program. The first reason he gives is that it‘s too expensive to study for a semester abroad. Some other expenses like airplane ticket, costs of local transportation and cultural activities are excluded. And the second one is based on the fact that the courses taken won‘t be of great help when coming back to the home country. Even the program is offering same courses, the credits students get in an overseas univeristy would not be accepted when they return. Then he gives an example of his friend Rob, who has earned his business degree abroad, but has to retake the course because it‘s not recognized in the domestic university. Therefore, he disagrees with that opinion.

T4.Reading: 【课文要点】心理学。讲归因理论中的fundamental attribution error (基本归因错误). 就是说人们往往忽视外界影响,只看个人本身,而对事物产生错误的认识。

Listening:【教授举例】 教授举了自己的例子。因为会议迟到10分钟,悄悄坐到后排,当他举手对于某一点发表看法时,主持很生气,因为她之前讲过这一点不再讨论,认为他故意打扰。 这就是错误认识,因为她忘记了教授之前没来,没有听到她说的那个点不做讨论,而忽视了他晚到这个因素。

Sample answer:

In the lecture, the professor mainly talked about an attribution theory ---the fundamental attribution error. In the theory, people tend to explain behavior in terms of internal disposition, such as personality traits, abilities, motives, etc. as opposed to external situational factors.

To reinforce the theory, the professor gave his own example in his speech. Once he was late for 10 minutes for a meeting. He quietly went to the back row and sat down. When he asked a question during the meeting, he was very upset that the chairwoman didn‘t respond to him but kept moving on. But later he found out that the question had been discussed and he was considered intentionally incooperative. Actually that‘s the chairwoman‘s false judgement based on his inside rather than the outside situation that he was late and didn‘t hear what she had said before.

Thus, the professor proves that people tend to attribute too much to character and disposition and and too little to situation and context when explaining or trying to understand the behaviors of others.

T5.【学校政策】:校报的经费被减,但paper价格却上升。学校新闻社陷入窘境。 【解决方案】:一男一女讨论对策,女生说:


2)减少copy的数量,内容不变。因为很多学生都是传阅。不过也不是每个学生都从别人那里分享。问题:你的选择。 37 托福口语

Sample answer:

In this conversation, two students are talking about a

school policy that the the school news agency will have to cut down on its expenses. However, the cost of paper is still on the rise.

And they come up with two possible solutions. One isto eliminate the coverage of both international and national news because students can get from other resources. The other is to reduce the number of copies considering the fact that some students can share. And as far as I‘m concerned, I prefer the latter one, because students will still be able to enjoy the variety of school newspaper. If there were no national and international news, the agency would lose more readers, which in turn leads to weaker profits and greater trouble.


1.尖刺。举例说有些草有锯齿,人一碰手指就可能割伤,比较锋利; 动物咀嚼的时候会把嘴里面弄伤,就不愿意吃它了。 2.保护色。 举例某种植物,在叶片上长些看起来象蝴蝶卵的小斑点。 这样蝴蝶过来产卵时一看已经有了,就飞走了,叶子也不会被幼虫吃。 Sample answer:

In the lecture, the professor provides two examples to illustrate the phenomenon that plants show different characteristics to protect themselves.The first one is a kind of grass makes itself physically difficult to chew or eat. If human beings touch it, it cuts their finger; if animals eat it, it cuts their mouth. Another one is a sort of plant changes appearance to avoid being eaten.

They evolve their leaves with yellow lumps to keep away from the butterflies who depend on their leaves for reproduction.And that‘s the two examples the speaker presented to explain the phenomenon.

