人教版PEP四年级下册英语Unit 4 At the farm-全单元教案

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Unit Four At the farm

单 元 教 材 分 析

本课教学内容为PEP小学英语四年级下册Unit 4 At the Farm,它以farm 为单元主题,围绕At the farm展开教育教学,教育内容和学生的日常生活联系非常密切。

本单元主要通过参观农场来学习表示动物和蔬菜的名词,并能和同学进行对话交流;主要学习tomatoes, green beans, potatoes, carrots, cows, horses, hens, sheep等单词, Are these carrots? Yes, they are. /No, they aren’t. What are these/those? They’re tomatoes/sheep. How many horses do you have? Seventeen.等句型。能够在情境中运用句型What are these/those? They are …询问这些/那些是什么,并对其回答;能够在情境中运用句型Are these/those …? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.询问这些/那些是什么吗?并对其回答。

AB部分中的Let’s learn为有关蔬菜和动物的单词和句型的学习;Let’s talk为交际对话要求学生能够对蔬菜和动物进行简单的描述;Let’s play为基础单词和句型的运用,Let’s spell为语音的学习,让学生们感知并归纳符合or 的发音规则的单词。Read and write, Let’s check和Story time是综合知识的运用,而且还通过 Let’s sing 和Let’s chant来活跃课堂气氛。在教学中,围绕农场这一主题,设计一系列教学活动,还要注重字母组合or的发音规则。

通过学习学生基本能用:What are these/those? They’re.... Are they...? Yes, they are ./ No, they aren’t.等句型询问复数,为下一个课时Let’s read的学习作铺垫。在教学内容的处理上,为了更好地贯穿整节课,本节内容增加了句型:What’s this /that? It’s a/an... How many...?要求学生能运用句型询问实物和数量,拓展学生的语言综合运用能力,让学生主动参与课堂教学、善于观察、乐于交流、培养其自主学习、合作探究能力以及良好的学习策略,教学的环节要充分体现以学生为主体、以活动为中心,突出实用性和创新性,使学生由感知到理解,由理解到运用,不断循环反复的学习和运用本单元的教学内容,落实好教学目标。

单 元 教 学 目 标


A. 能听、说、认读句型:Are these/those carrots? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

What are these/those? They’re tomatoes/sheep. How many horses do you have? Seventeen.

B. 能听,说,认读句型What are these/those? They’re ….

C. 能在情景中运用句型They are so big/long/cute/….描述物品特点。

D. 能按照意群朗读介绍农场上蔬菜和动物的短文;能在有意义的语境中仿写句子 These/Those are …

E. 能掌握字母组合or的发音规则,即or在单词中常见的两种发音:/?:/和/?:/。 二、能力目标

A. 能正确使用本单元所学单词描述动物和蔬菜的单复数形式。

B. 能在情景中运用句型What are these/those? They’re …询问并回答各种蔬菜或


C. 能够在有意义的语境中抄写上述话题词汇。

D. 能够正确使用上述单词,句子对蔬菜和动物进行描述。 E. 了解与动物有关的英语习语。

F. 让学生感知并归纳符合or发音规则的单词,能读出符合or发音规则的单词;并能根据发音拼写出符合or发音规则的单词。

G. 能按照意群朗读短文、理解短文内容并完成句子仿写活动。 H. 能填充短语或句子,做到书写规范。 三、情感态度、文化意识、学习策略目标 A. 了解几句与动物相关的英语习语。

B. 培养学生严谨的学习态度和与人交往的能力。


D.能够根据or 发音规则对单词进行拼读,能够根据or 发音规则拼写单词。

Unit Four At the farm

Content Part A Let’s learn & Let’s chant Period Lesson 1 Teaching Plan 1. To read and recognize these nouns and their plural forms tomato(es), potato(es), carrot(s), green Remarks bean(s). Teaching aims 2. To describe the vegetables by using the sentence structure They’re …. 3. To read and recognize the word onion in the rhymes and its plural form onions as well. 4. To improve Ss’ interest in learning English by reading, listening and saying. Important To master the words tomato(es), potato(es),carrot(s), points Difficult points green bean(s),onion(s). The plural form of the words tomato/ potato. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Warm-up & Revision 1. Greet the class. 2. Show the rules of match. (Who does well, who can get one kind of vegetables on their farm.) Step 2 Presentation & Practice 1. Ask and answer about the weather and places. Show a fruit farm and show a lot of fruit on the screen. T: What are they? Ss: They are …. (To review the words learnt before.) 2. Play a Riddle-guessing game. T: Let’s play a game: guess a riddle! For example: I have something. They are red. They’re big. They’re not apples. What are they? Guess! Lead the Ss to guess the answer: They’re tomatoes. Teach the new word tomatoes.

3. Show a tomato. T asks: What’s this? Lead in the word tomato. Show two tomatoes on the screen. T asks: How many tomatoes do you see? Ss: I see two. Then show some tomotoes, I like tomatoes. T asks What colour are they? Ss: They are red. lead Ss to say the sentence Look at the tomatoes. They’re red. The tomatoes are red. 4. Use the same way to lead in the other words potatoes. practice the word with Clapping hands game. 5. Show a word card of green beans. Use the words eat, read, meat to learn the word bean. practice the word green beans with the High-low voice game. 6. Find the rules of reading ts, practice the word carrots with Hide and seek game. 7. Show a picture which includes a lot of vegetables . Ask Ss to describe the vegetables like this: Look at the…. They are ….. The…. are …. 8. Let’s chant. A. Teach the new word onions. B Make sure the Ss understand the meaning of the chant. Step 3 Consolidation & Extension 1. Focus on the key words and sentences. 2. Do the exercises. Write the plural forms of the words. Step 4 Summary &Homework 1. Check the difficulties. (words and sentences) Summarize the rules of the plural forms. Emphasize the words C. Listen and repeat the utterances. And then make new chants. tomatoes and potatoes. 2.Do homework A. Read the new words and sentences, try to spell them out. B. Repeat and adapt the chant. Reflection
