
发布时间 : 星期四 文章量子力学中的Jaynes-Cummings模型态演化分析(胡丽红)更新完毕开始阅读



Teleporting an Unknown Quantum State via Dual Classical and

Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Channels

An unknown quantum state

? can be disassembled into, then later

reconstructed from, purely classical information and purely nonclassical Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) correlations. To do so the sender, “Alice” and the receiver, “Bob” must prearrange the sharing of an EPR-correlated pairs of particles. Alice makes a joint measurement on her EPR particle and the unknown quantum system, and sends Bob the classical result of this measurement. Knowing this, Bob can convert the state of his EPR particle into an exact replica of the unknown state

? which Alice destroyed.

The existence of long range correlations between Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) pairs of particles raises the question of their use for information transfer. Einstein himself used the word “telepathically” in this context. It is known that instantaneous information transfer is definitely impossible. Here we show that EPR correlations can nevertheless assist in the “teleportation” of an intact quantum state from one place to another, by a sender who knows neither the state to be teleported nor the location of the intended receiver.

Suppose one observer, whom we shall call “Alice”, has been given a quantum

1system such as a photon or spin? particle, prepared in a state ? unknown to

2her, and she wishes to communicate to another observer, “Bob”, sufficient information about the quantum system for him to make an accurate copy of it. Knowing the state vector ? itself would be sufficient information, but in general there is no way to learn it. Only if Alice knows before-hand that ? belongs to a given orthonormal set can she make a measurement whose result will allow her to make an accurate copy of ?. Conversely, if the possibilities for ? include two or more nonorthogonal states, then no measurement will yield sufficient information


胡丽红 量子力学中的Jaynes-Cummings模型态演化分析

to prepare a perfectly accurate copy.

A trivial way for Alice to provide Bob with all the information in ? would be to send the particle itself. If she wants to avoid transferring the original particle, she can make it interact unitarily with another system, or “ancilla”, initially in a known state a0, in such a way that after the interaction the original particle is left in a standard state ?0 and the ancilla is in an unknown state a containing complete information about ?. If Alice now sends Bob the ancilla (perhaps technically easier than sending the original particle), Bob can reverse her actions to prepare a replica of her original state?. This “spin-exchange measurement” illustrates an essential feature of quantum information: it can be swapped from one system to another, but it cannot be duplicated or “cloned”. In this regard it is quite unlike classical information, which can be duplicated at will. The most tangible manifestation of the nonclassicality of quantum information is the violation of Bell’s inequalities observed in experiments on EPR states. Other manifestations include the possibility of quantum cryptography, quantum parallel computation, and the superiority of interactive measurements for extracting information from a pair of identically prepared particles.

The spin-exchange method of sending full information to Bob still lumps classical and nonclassical information together in a single transmission. Below, we show how Alice can divide the full information encoded in ? into two parts, one purely classical and the other purely nonclassical, and send them to Bob through two different channels. Having received these two transmissions, Bob can construct an accurate replica of ?. Of course Alice’s original ? is destroyed in the process, as it must be to obey the no-cloning theorem. We call the process we are about to describe teleportation, a term from science fiction meaning to make a person or object disappear while an exact replica appears somewhere else. It must be emphasized that our teleportation, unlike some science fiction version, defies no



physical laws. In particular, it cannot take place instantaneously or over a spacelike interval, because it requires, among other things, sending a classical message from Alice to Bob. The net result of teleportation is completely prosaic: the removal of

? from Alice’s hands and its appearance in Bob’s hands a suitable time later. The

only remarkable feature is that, in the interim, the information in ? has been cleanly separated into classical and nonclassical parts. First we shall show how to teleport the quantum state ? of a spin?teleportation of more complicated states.

1 particle. Later we discuss 239

胡丽红 量子力学中的Jaynes-Cummings模型态演化分析







