
发布时间 : 星期三 文章一般过去时练习题及答案(1)更新完毕开始阅读

morning. (改为一般疑问句并作简略回答)

—______ they _______ football this morning?

—Yes, they _______./No, they _________ .

3.They went to Beijing last year. (就划线部分提问) _________ _________ they ________ last year. 4.Tom watched TV last night. (改为一般疑问句) _______ Tom _______ TV last night?

5.Mary does homework

every day. (用 last night 改写句子) Mary ________ ____________ _________ ________ . 五、选择填空

( ) 1. Lee ________ his mobile phone at home. A. leave B. leaves C. leaved D. left ( ) 2. _____ he ________

a good rest? No, he didn’t. A. Do, had B. Did, have C. Did, had D. Was, had

( ) 3. As soon as he ___, he ____ to his family. A. arrived, writes B. arrived, written C. arrived, wrote D. arriveds, write

( ) 4. Mr. Black was late because he _______ his way. A. losted B. lose C. loses D. lost ( ) 5. When _________ Lee ________ school this morning?

A. did, got to B. did, get to C. did, get D. did, got

( ) 6. Will you please say it again? I ________ quite _______ you.

A. didn’t, hear B. don’t, heard C. didn’t, heard D. don’t, hear ( ) 7. ______ you ________ at six o’clock yesterday?

A. Do ,get up B. Did, get up C. Do, got up D. Did, got up

( ) 8.What did you see _________?

A. now B. every day
