
发布时间 : 星期二 文章(精)初中英语辅导班教案(101页)更新完毕开始阅读

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

)15.How many A.class

)16.How many A.people

)17.We should clean A.we tooth

)18.It?s autumn, A.leaf )19.There A.is,fish )20.There are 34


have gone for a picnic? B.classes

are there in your family? B.peoples

twice a day.

C.a class C.man D.classess D.person D.our tooth D.leavs D.are fish D.womans teachers D.ear D.glass

B.us teeth C.our teeth are falling down from trees. B.leafs in the river. B.are,fishes C.leaves C.is,fishs in our school.

B.women teachers C.women teacher in the accident yesterday. B.feet .


A.woman teachers

)21.Mike hurt one of his A.tooth

)22.This table is made of A.many glass B.glasses C.some glasses )23.In the view of the foreign experts,there wasn?t oil here. A.much )24.Twelve A.person; life

)25.---Are there any B.lot of were hurt,but no C.a great many of D.many were lost in that accident.

D.persons; life D.sheep

B.people; lives C.peoples; lives on the farm?---Yes,there are some. B.duck


A.horse B组 一.选择题 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

)1.A group of are talking with three .

A.F renchman,German B.Germans,Frenchman C.Frenchmen,Germans D.Germen,Frenchmen )2.I?d like to have a cup of milk and . A.two breads )3.Painting in B.two loaves of bread C.two loafs of bread is one of their spare-time activities.

B.an oil .

C.oils C.many advice .

D.two piece of bread D.the oil D.much advice D.much white hairs D.woman doctor D.rice

D.food D.the chicken D.Japanese

A.oil )4.Our teacher gave me A.an advice B.the advice )5.Ten years had passed.I found she had A.a little white hair B.a few white hair C.some white hairs )6.All the in the hospital got a rise last month. A.women doctors )7.There are many B.woman doctors in the fridge.

C.women doctor C.vegetables

A.food B.bread )8.I'm thirsty.I think I'll buy some A.water B.eggs C.cakes )9.----What would you like to have for lunch,sir? --- I'd like A.chicken )10.I met two A.G erman

B.a chicken C.chickens _ in the street yesterday morning.

B.Australian C.American

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二.用括号内单词的适当形式填空. 1.Can you cut this big pear into two 2.Here is a card for you with our best 3. There?re different 4. Thousands of people lost their (half)?

(wish). (life) in the sea.

(fish) in the sea.

5. Could you tell me how many (boy student) were at the party? 6.There are many (sheep) and (deer) on the grass. 7.Mr.Zhang and Mr.Liu are both (postman). 8. Mark and David are (German). 9. Hello,Mr.Wang.How many (child) do you have?I have one (child). 10.How many (time) did you go to museum?

11. There is much (rubbish) on the floor. 12. Here is an ox.There are three (ox) over there. 13. I have two (hobby): collecting stamps and reading novels. 14.How many (month) are there in a year? 15.Do you like (Britain) films or (Australia) films?

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Lesson2 名 词(2)


1.理解不可数名词的定义; 2.区别运用可数名词与不可数名词;



不可数名词定义: 不可数名词是指不能以数目来计算,不可以分成个体的概念.状态.品质.感情或表示物质材料的东西;它一 般没有复数形式,只有单数形式,它的前面不能用不定冠词a/an, 若要表示它的个体意义时,一般要与一个名词短语连用,相当于中文里的【一+(量词) +名词】,其中的量 词意义应与具体的名词搭配而定.

不可数名词的语法特征 1.不可数名词不能接受不定冠词”a,an”的限制.如果不可数名词的前面出现不定冠词“a,an”,则说明这 个不可数名词已经转化了.如:

There is snow on the ground.地上有雪.There was a heavy snow last night.昨晚下了一场大雪. I don't like coffee.我不喜欢咖啡. A coffee,please.请来一份咖啡.

2.不可数名词没有复数形式.有的以“-s”结尾的不可数名词并没有复数的概念.如: There's good news tonight.今晚有好消息.

3.不可数名词受“the”限制时,表示特指;不受任何冠词限制时,表示泛指.如: We can't live without air.没有空气我们就不能活.

Open the window.The air is so bad.打开窗户吧.里面的空气很不好.

4.不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式.如: The bread smells good.

5.不可数名词不能受基数词的修饰,如果确实要表达数量关系,必需加上表示个体性的单 位词.如:

I'd love a piece of bread.我要一个面包.There are five bottles of milk on the table.桌子上有五瓶牛奶. 这种单位词有四类:

(1)表示个数,如“piece,bit,item,article”等.例如: a bit of wood 一片木头 an item of news一则新闻 (2)表示形状,如“cake,slice,block,ear,bar,drop,heap”等.例如:

a cake of soap 一块肥皂 slice of meat 一片肉 a block of ice 一块冰 an ear of wheat 一穗麦了 a bar of chocolate 一条巧克力

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a cup of tea 一杯茶 a bowl of rice 一碗饭 a bag of rice 一袋米 two glasses of water 两杯水 a tube of toothpaste 一管牙膏

*主意:可数名词后可加“-s”,不可数名词后不能加“-s”. 如: two boxes of books; two boxes of juice

请比较下列可数与不可数名词: 可数


I?m looking for work.(而非a work) What beautiful scenery! It?s nice weather today.

We had a lot of luggage.(而非luggages) This furniture is mine. It was good advice.

I'm looking for a job.

What a beautiful view! It's a nice day today We had a lot of bags and

cases. These chairs are mine. It was a good suggestion.


可数不可数好分辨,名词所示物分两半. 如每半不能叫原名,那该词可数最公平. 每半还能把原名叫,那该词便为不可数. 有的名词是两面堵,意变不可数就遇到.

注解: bike(自行车),如果把一辆车分两半,每半只能叫自行车的一部分,不能叫自行车, 所以 bike 是可数名词;

water(水),把水分成两半,每半还是水,因此,water 是不可数名词; orange(橙汁,橙子),当橙子讲时是可数,意思是橙汁的时候不可数

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