
发布时间 : 星期日 文章中考英语命题研究(冀教专版)基础知识突破:八年级(上)更新完毕开始阅读

C.Her look. D.Playing volleyball. ( )2. What is August's wish? A.To become younger. B.To have more friends. C.To have a normal face.

D.To have a sister who understands her.

( )3. What will August do if other kids make faces when they see her? A.She will shout at the kids. B.She will ask her parents for help. C.She will make some noises.

D.She will pretend she doesn't see the faces they make.

( )4. Kate shouted at the children because she wanted to ________. A.show she was strong B.protect August C.be special D.know their response

( )5. From the last paragraph, we can learn that August ________. A.often describes what she looks like B.wants to be treated as an ordinary kid C.has had her facial deformity for five years D.hates other people


This summer my family decided to take our vacation where the sun shines 24 hours a day!We went to Iceland.Although it sounded far away,it was actually only about 5 hours by plane from New York city.

Day 1

Today we walked around the capital city of Iceland.Reykjavik is an European city filled with lots of history,shopping and good restaurants.One famous place in Reykjavik is the big church in the city center.The famous film Die Another Day was shot(拍摄) here in 2002.

Day 2

We took a bus to go through the beautiful National Park,and then we went to Golden Waterfall in the highlands and the geysers(间歇泉).

There were several ________ geysers that we were able to stand right near.The geysers threw up hot water every ten minutes and it was a sight to see.Hot water from the geysers in one of Iceland's greatest treasures.Not only is it used to heat houses and produce electricity(电) but it is also wonderful to just sit in it.

We also went to see several waterfalls and were even able to walk behind one of the waterfalls.It__is__unusual__to__be__able__to__touch__a__waterfall__in__nature.It was a very exciting day.

Day 3

Tired and exhausted from all the excitement of this wonderful country,we took a taxi to the airport.Goodbye,Iceland.I am really looking forward to our return.










2.What's the speciality of geysers in Iceland?

________________________________________________________________________ 3.________________________________________________________________________ 4.________________________________________________________________________ 5.________________________________________________________________________ Ⅴ.(2016原创预测)词语运用。

Once there was a teacher who took all his students for tea.What made the students (1)________(surprise) was that all the cups on the table were different. Each of them took a cup and started drinking their own tea, looking at the (2)________(other) cups.

The teacher said,“Do you notice your behavior? You are all (3)________(look) at each other's tea cups and some of you even envy(羡慕) the finer cups of others.” Then he went on,“I (4)p________ the different cups here on purpose! Life is like this tea.You all have the (5)s________ thing in your cupstea.And yet you can't really enjoy it in your envy of another's cup. You forget to enjoy your own life when you envy someone else's life. So now, taste your own tea! Does it matter from which cup it comes from?”

Ⅵ.(2016原创)连词成句。 1.you,the,have,picture,seen

________________________________________________________________________? 2.what,Danny,hope,be,does,to

________________________________________________________________________? 3.in,write,to,an,back,me,hour

________________________________________________________________________. 4.is,how,the,interesting,story

________________________________________________________________________! 5.to,on,is,important,time,it,be

________________________________________________________________________? Ⅶ.(2015资阳中考)书面表达。


1.与他人交流; 2.参加体育运动; 3.参加娱乐活动; 4.其他减压方式。

参考词汇:stressed adj. 有压力的 注意:


2.文中不得出现真实人名及学校名; 3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear editor,

There are many ways for us high school students to relax ourselves.

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Yours, Li Hua

中考热点拓展 自主择课的利弊

These days,some middle schools in China are trying to do something different.

The students choose classes according to their own needs.For each subject,they can make a choice from different levels(等级) of difficulty.So instead of staying in the__1__ classroom,they go to different rooms to have their lessons.And the teachers make special teaching plans for __2__.

There are different opinions about it.

Xia Rui,a 13yearold girl,said,“I really love it.I think it's nice that we can __3__ classes by ourselves.My English is

poor.I used to be afraid to answer questions in class.I think that the good students may __4__ me when I make mistakes.Now I feel much more relaxed.”

But her classmate Chen Gang didn't agree.“I don't think it is so good __5__ it is difficult for students to find where the classrooms are,”he said.“During the break,students can be seen here and there,running and shouting to find their __6__.”

“I'm worried that some students may think they are in the lower class __7__ lose interest in the subject,” their math teacher,Mr.Wang said.“I also __8__ that some parents may feel unhappy if their kids study a subject at an easy level.”

“In my eyes,it is good __9__ both students and teachers,”Mr.Wang also said.“As teachers,we can make teaching plans more __10__ and the students will develop better.”

( )1.A.clean B.same C.bright D.empty ( )2.A.us B.him C.them D.you ( )3.A.play B.teach C.choose D.work ( )4.A.laugh at B.listen to C.look after D.wait for ( )5.A.whether B.because C.when D.before ( )6.A.parents B.friends C.books D.classrooms

( )7.A.and B.but C.till D.or ( )8.A.hope B.report C.cry D.worry ( )9.A.for B.at C.on D.with ( )10.A.slowly B.easily C.quietly D.brightly
