新视野大学英语读写教程-第三版-Book 2 Unit 8 Human rights Vs. animal rights教案-讲稿

发布时间 : 星期四 文章新视野大学英语读写教程-第三版-Book 2 Unit 8 Human rights Vs. animal rights教案-讲稿更新完毕开始阅读

Book 2 Unit 8 Human rights Vs. animal rights

周次 第1-2 周 课时数 8 hours Text A Animals or children? – A scientist’s choice 动物还是孩子?一个科学家教学章节 的选择 Text B The right to live- A dog’s account 生存的权利- 一只狗的独白 Objectives: Students will be able to After completing Text A, students should be able to: 1. To talk about animal rights 2. To further understand the text 3. To apply the phrases and patterns 4. To master writing skill of an argumentative essay After completing Text B, students should be able to: 1. To master the reading skill ----identify the author’s purpose. 2. To understand the text 3. To practice the phrases and patterns 4. To learn about conducting a letter to human being Text A Animals or children? – A scientist’s choice 动物还是孩子?一个科学家的选择 Pre-reading Activities(1st class period ) 1 . Warm-up Questions (15M) 2. Words & Expressions checkup (30M) While-reading Activities (2nd class period ) 1. Overview of Unit 1 (5M) 2. Culture Notes (5M) 3. Difficult Language Points (25M) 4. Comprehension Check (8M) 时间安排 5. Assignment (2M) After-reading Activities ( 3rd class period ) 1. class presentation (15M) 2. Exercises (20M) 3. Structure analysis (10M) After-reading Activities ( 4th class period ) 1. paragraph writing (10M) 2. translation (30) 3. Assignment (5M) Write an argument on the topic: animal testing. 教学目标和要求

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Text B The right to live- A dog’s account 生存的权利- 一只狗的独白 Pre-reading Activities ( 5th class period ) 1. Reading Skills (5M) 2. Background Information (5M) 3.Words& Expressions for checkup (35M) While-reading Activities( 6th class period) 1. First reading for general understanding (15M) 2. Second reading for specific understanding & Difficult Language Points (30M) 时间安排 After-reading Activities (7th class period ) 1. class presentation (15M) 2. Check exercises after Text B. (20M) 3. Unit project (10M): conducting a letter to human being as if the students were an animal such as a cat or dog. After-reading Activities (8th class period ) 1. Unit project (continued) (15M) 2.Thematic study (15M) 3. Language feature analysis (10M) 4. Written Homework Assessment of Text A (5M) Text A 1. master the usage of the following new words and phrases: Rumor, sting, evil, supreme, residency, bloodshed, surgical, organ, transplant, transplantation scale, twist, fable, devil, compass, senator, lobby, creep, hatred, consent, slogan, external, forum, volume, fling, germ, gang, eternal, optional, omit, imitate arrest, infection, diagnose, diagnostic, resolution, have relevance to,as is the case with…, isolate sb. / sth. from etc. 2. master the functional patterns: 教学重点 1) When sth. is in question, as is the case with …, sth. is of little value. 2) There is the danger that …, while … 3) The question is…whether… but … 3. learn to in reading and writing an argument Text B 1. master the usage of the following new words and phrases: Puppy, rug, rub, stain, royal, rotate, rhythm, lag, leap, reproduce, toe, shove, wrist, squeeze, muscle, thumb, sneak, deduct, telecommunications, rural, suburb, eve, internal, jury, van, species, hell, discharge, organism, symbol, attentive, famine, ditch, chin, give in, roll sb. over, provide sb. with sth., lag behind, come along, deduct sth. 第2 页

From sth., on the eve of, smell of, fill out ect. 2. master the functional patterns: 1) There has been a time/ I remember a time when sb. or sth. did sth. … 2) Sb. or sth. be as +形容词短语+ as … 3) With one’s last fraction of energy, sb. or sth. do sth. 3.Reading Skills Identify the author’s purpose. Text A 1. How to analyze the text structure and generalize the main idea of Text A; 2. How to conduct argumentative essay. 难点 Text B 1. how to identify the author’s purpose 2. how to tell the difference among shelter shield, defend,guard. 3. how to conduct a letter. 教学方式 □ √课堂讲授 □√ 小组活动 □√ 提问 使用媒体 □√ 文字教材 □ √电子教案 Review: the new words and phrases in the texts 作业 Preview : the content of the next 2 class hours Written homework 1 Finish translation practice on P.217 Written homework 2 write an letter based on Ex.8

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Unit 8Text A

Animals or children? – A scientist’s choice


(1st ---2nd class-hour)

I. Pre-reading Activities:

1.1 Warm-up questions (15 M)

1. Look at the picture and talk about what are the advantages and disadvantages of each way of teaching and learning.

2. ASK students to interview a few classmates about what kind of teaching and leaning style they prefer and discuss their findings in groups.

3. ASK students to debate whether a university should provide Internet access anywhere, anytime.

1.2 Words & Expressions checkup (30M)

Check if the students have mastered the new words, which are required to be previewed before class. 1.2.1 New Words

1. transplant: vt.

1) 移植(器官、皮肤等)

Doctors hope to transplant a donated human heart into the patient within the next few days. 医生们希望在未来几天内能给这位病人移植一颗 捐献来的人类心脏。 2) 移植,移栽(植物)

She transplanted the tree to a sunny hill-side, and before long she was harvesting a crop of green apples.她在向阳的山坡上移植了一棵青苹 果树,不久就收获了一茬青苹果。

2. optional:a,可选的;非强制的

For those students who are interested,there is an optional course in car repair and maintenance. 有一门汽车修理和维护的选修课,供那些有兴趣的学 生选修。 3. omit: vt.忽略;删去;遗漏

When people try to remember things, there is a natural tendency to omit, alter, and add details. 在人们想记住什么事时,往往会很自然地省略、改变、添加细节。 4. twist:

1) vt.歪曲;曲解

This report shows how she twisted the truth to claim success.这份报告显示她是如何歪曲真相以声 称她的成功的。

2) v.扭动(身体)

Tom twisted in his chair to look out of the window.汤姆在椅子上转身往窗外看。

5. imitate: vt.


They produce agricultural chemicals that exactly imitate particular natural ones, which,however, may bedangerous to our health. 他们生产的农用化学品完全模仿特定的自然物品, 但可能会对我们的健康造成危害。

2)模仿(某人 的行为、说话、动作等,尤为引人发笑)

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