
发布时间 : 星期四 文章《模块复习师说》2015高考(人教版)英语全程复习构想检测必修四Unit3AtasteofEnglishhumour更新完毕开始阅读

5.D 前文指出作者看到招聘广告,明天预约应聘。appointment合语境。

6.A 根据下文So it took us some time to find an available site可知人多很难找到位置。所以选crowded。

7.B 文中提到two large skunks,所以马上躲避。immediately合语境。

8.B 由上文立即躲避臭鼬,可知他们很希望它们尽快离开。leave合语境。

9.C 由前文having survived that night可知他们对于后面的时间有了自信,故选confident。

10.A 由前文made an appointment for the following day和the next day we met with the people who ran the park可知,他们去应聘了,管理人员告诉他们职位的职责,responsibilities合语境。

11.D 由前文everything else would be all right和下文rocking our little camping truck violently...until the winds died away可知,前后情况是一种相反的场景,故however合语境。

12.A 由下文They were strong and cold, rocking our little camping truck violently...until the winds died away可知。

13.A 由前文rocking our little camping truck violently可知,


14.C 应指后续的几周期间,故选during。

15.C 作者一家人学会在卡车上求生存,并且学会了靠算他妻子代课赚的一点钱过日子。live on“靠……生活”。

16.B 根据上文,生意失败,所以作者的妻子要靠教书来挣钱。 17.C 根据下文I might lose my family as well和building a successful business and then losing it.看出作者留给家的时间很少。

18.B 根据文章第一段when our restaurant business failed可知。

19.A 由第五段“our little camping truck”可知填truck。 20.D 由上文可知作者找到工作和下文we had became a family可知,作者工作家庭都有收获,所以作者感激。
