江苏专用2019高考英语二轮培优复习 专题三 阅读理解 第四讲 词义猜测题习题.doc

发布时间 : 星期五 文章江苏专用2019高考英语二轮培优复习 专题三 阅读理解 第四讲 词义猜测题习题.doc更新完毕开始阅读


5.In the passage, the author intends to tell us we should ________. A.fill our senses to feel the wonders of the world B.get rid of some bad habits in our daily life C.open our mind to new things and ideas D.try our best to protect nature

答案 A [推理判断题。本文作者拿成年的我们与儿时的我们进行对比,然后告诉我们,我们应该学会让自己去感受大千世界的各种美妙与奇迹,而不是忙于预测未发生的事,不是忙于赶往目的地,要学会感受和观察大自然,因此A项正确。]



Parents play an important role in determining the educational success of their children.Their expectations for how well their children do at school and the environment at home are important determinants of achievement.Family influence is great in helping a child to realize academic accomplishment. Children who live in homes in which the parents are academically successful,once they become parents,often feel that their job is to prepare their children to do likewise in school.They take their kids on vacation,but they spend time learning about local history at museums.They also may ensure that their kids have time to study and understand the importance of school attendance.School is a priority for these families,and children who live in them grow up with a focus on learning.

Parents who have high academic expectations and those who adopt a more authoritarian parenting style for their children often have children who do well in school.However,it can be dangerous to set expectations too high,such that a child feels overly pressured to perform.These types of expectations should be balanced with those that relate directly to the child,so that they will be able to personally set and reach goals,work hard and to enjoy being curious. Parents who support their children in their academic work also positively

influence their performance.This takes different forms for families.Some parents might help with homework,or volunteer at school.Others provide a quiet study space,a consistent bedtime or a positive example of hard work and discipline.How parents show support for their child’s academic career varies by family and by culture.No matter how it is shown,it is a vital part of a child’s academic success to know their parents are behind their efforts.

A love of reading in a household can also positively affect a child’s academic attainment.Learning new vocabulary,and how to predict,understand and respond to a text are just some of the skills children can learn at home that are important in an academic environment.Reading books,newspapers,magazines and websites with children on a regular basis sets them up for success at school.

【语篇解读】 本文叙述了家庭影响在帮助孩子获得学业成功方面起着重要的作用。学业成功的家长重视孩子的教育,但是不要设置过高的目标,在学业上支持孩子的父母也影响着他们的表现,家庭的阅读爱好也积极地影响着一个孩子的学术素养。

6.According to the text,parents have an important effect on children’s ________. A.family life B.next generation C.academic achievement D.expectations of their jobs

答案 C [细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句Family influence is great in helping a child to realize academic accomplishment.可知,家庭影响有助于孩子学业的成功。故选C。]

7.What may a family with academically successful parents put first? A.Family travel. C.Historic knowledge.

B.Attending school. D.Going to museums.

答案 B [细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句School is a priority for these

families,and children who live in them grow up with a focus on learning.可知,对于这些家庭来说,学校是一个优先考虑的问题,而生活在这样的家庭中的孩子长大后就会专注于学习。故选B。]

8.How may academically successful parents influence their children’s academic achievement?

A.They can offer help to their children in different ways. B.They may ask teachers to their houses to teach. C.They put great pressure on their children. D.They ask their children to solve problems alone.

答案 A [推理判断题。根据第二段二、三两句They take their kids on vacation...the importance of school attendance.可知,学业成功的父母带孩子去度假,花费时间去博物馆了解历史,确保孩子有时间学习,理解上学的重要性。因此推断学业成功的父母用不同的方法帮助孩子。故选A。] 9.What could be the best title for the text? A.How to improve the relation in a family B.Benefits of academically successful parents C.What parents can do to help their children

D.Family influence on children’s academic achievement

答案 D [标题判断题。纵观全文可知,本文主要讲述家庭对孩子学习的重大影响,学业成功的父母重视学习,从各个方面给孩子提供帮助,支持孩子学习,家庭的阅读爱好也对孩子的学习起着积极地作用。因此推断D项“家庭对孩子学业成功的影响”为最佳标题。故选D。]

题组五 六道题专练


(2018·苏北四市高三第一次调研)I’m sitting at home working,minding my business,and the mobile rings.It’s DC Lyle from Wandsworth police station.He says that my name was given to Crimestoppers anonymously as a potential witness to the ‘Putney Pusher’ incident.Remember that madman who pushed a woman into the path of a bus on Putney Bridge while out for his morning jog?

Well,six months on and they still haven’t found him—and DC Lyle wants to meet.

I say I couldn’t possibly help as I wasn’t a witness.DC Lyle says he still needs to meet.I reaffirm there really was no point,I could be of no value; I wasn’t there.DC Lyle insists,and in doing so mentions that he has my email address,and that he tried to see me at my office yesterday (I wasn’t in).What? Somebody gave the police my office address,email address and phone number.Who? Feeling invaded and annoyed,I tell DC Lyle he could come at 10 a.m.the








only__then__the__penny__dropped.I was a suspect.

I must know.Who was the person who put my name forward? They obviously know me,but not well enough to call me first and let me know they were going to report me to the police.Or perhaps they do know me well and have it in for me.That’s for another day.

I frantically search for the video footage of the incident online.The images are grainy.Squint (眯眼看) the eyes and even I can see some resemblance.I look at the Pusher’s jogging gear.Not premium,I might be OK.He’s got fat calves.Result.Mine are sculpted (my best feature).The Pusher’s got obvious moobs.Oh dear.I carry some permanent holiday weight,I admit it.All it would take is a bored jury and a half-decent prosecution barrister,and none of this would be beyond reasonable doubt.

I need evidence proving my innocence,so I fire up the iCal to see what my movements were on 5 May.There is nothing in the diary.This is not going well. After a fitful night I wake early.9:45 a.m.arrives.The door buzzer goes.It’s DC Lyle and his sidekick.Of course they’re early,sneaky bastards.Look relaxed,Joel.Keep yourself together.DC Lyle and DC Sidekick show me their badges.I show them how extremely nice and friendly I am.Once installed on my sofa (I didn’t offer tea) they hit me with it—I am indeed a suspect.

“Someone put you forward as the person that did this,and we’re here to investigate whether you did.Where were you on the morning of 5 May between
