
发布时间 : 星期六 文章剑桥商务英语中期1-6单元整理更新完毕开始阅读

You need art which shows your clients you have good taste and that you are successful.


I: I often go into buildings and look at modern art and thin, ?What is that? It isn‘t of anything. No people. Nothing.‘ Why do so many companies choose it?


AC: There are a number of reasons, other than the fact that the managing director might like it. You don‘t want art that will offend anyone. So a painting of a man and woman with no clothes on is a bad idea. Similarly, a landscape or a painting of the countryside is the sort of thing you have in your living room at home and doesn‘t look very corporate. Also the art needs to say what kind of company you are. Most companies want to give clients the message that says we’re modern and we’re planning for the future. A classical painting says we’re old and traditional. A painting by a young modern painter gives a more positive image. And remember, it doesn‘t have to be a painting. A sculpture in the reception area can be very effective, for example.


I: Finally, all this must be very expensive. How does a company justify thousands of pounds on this kind of thing?


AC: It can be expensive but of course many people rent works from us --- for as little as ten pounds a week. It also means that if you change your mind after a year or so, it‘s easy to change the piece.

当然可以昂贵的但很多人从我们租的作品——以每周10磅。这也意味着如果你改变主意的话一年左右之后,很容易改变。 I: That sounds like a good idea…

1) If you are interested in having art in your workplace, the best thing to do is to

如果你在你的工作场所有艺术感兴趣,最好的办法是 A. ask an art consultant to visit the premises. 问一个艺术顾问访问前提。 2) The art is usually chosen 艺术通常是选择

B. with both sides in agreement 双方的协议

3) With a specially commissioned work of art, it’s best that you let


B. the artist know what you want. 他知道你想要什么 4) The consultant believes that choosing art for the workplace is about


C. letting people know what kind of company you are. 让人们知道你是什么样的公司。

5) Why do most companies choose contemporary or modern art?


Because it sends out a certain message about the company 因为它发出某种信息。

6) What does the interviewer think is a good idea? 面试官认为是一个好主意吗? A. To rent the art. 租的艺术。
