18-19 Unit 2 课时分层作业1

发布时间 : 星期日 文章18-19 Unit 2 课时分层作业1更新完毕开始阅读





Baron Pierre de Coubertin was a Frenchman.At his time sports were not taught in French schools.De Coubertin believed that sports should go hand in hand with studies.He had an idea.His idea was to begin the Olympics all over again.

Sports teachers of other countries liked de Coubertin's ideas.So in 1896,the modern Olympic Games were held in Athens(雅典),Greece.Since then the Olympics have been held once every four years,except three times,when there were wars.

The modern Olympic games have many foot races and field sports programs.The longest race in the games is called marathon.

Before the start of the Olympic Games,runners carry lighted torch(火炬) through many nations towards the stadium(运动场) where the games will be held.These sportsmen are from different countries.Yet they work together to carry the Olympic torch.It is passed from runner to runner.When the last runner enters the stadium,he or she places the torch in a special(专门的) basin filled with oil.It catches fire.It is then,only then,that the Olympic Games can begin.

The Olympic flame(火焰) burns throughout the games.It is the flame of peace. 【语篇解读】 本文主要讲述了现代奥运会的创办以及比赛项目。 1.Before 1896 French schools didn't teach ________. A.maths C.sports

B.history D.physics

C [细节理解题。根据第一段中的At his time sports were not taught in French schools.可知,在1896年之前法国学校不教授体育。故选C。]

2.De Coubertin________.

A.was the first man to start the Olympic Games B.helped start the modern Olympic Games

C.believed that sports were less important than studies


D.failed to begin the modern Olympic Games

B [细节理解题。根据第二段中的Sports teachers of other countries liked de Coubertin's ideas.So in 1896,the modern Olympic Games were held in Athens,Greece.可知,顾拜旦帮助举办了现代奥运会。故选B。]

3.According to this passage,the third modern Olympic Games should have been held in________.

A.1915 C.1896

B.1924 D.1904

D [推理推断题。根据第二段中的So in 1896,the modern Olympic Games were held in Athens,Greece.Since then the Olympics have been held once every four years可知,现代奥运会每隔四年举行一次,第一次是在1896年,因此第三次是在1904年。故选D。]

4.“Marathon” in this passage is________. A.a foot race C.field sports

B.a jumping contest(比赛) D.a boxing(拳击)match

A [词义猜测题。根据第三段的The longest race in the games is called marathon.可知,marathon是赛跑(foot race)比赛。 故选A。]



When I was in my third year at university,my roommates were American footballers,so I decided to join them.I remember seeing them in front of me wearing pads (防护垫),and thinking they were going to kill me.I got tackled (阻截) so

hard that I was frightened.But then I realized it was just physical contact.I've been addicted since.

The fundamental aim of the game is to score by running with the ball into,or receiving the ball inside the opposition's end zone.Every player on the field has a set responsibility.I'm a running back.My job is using my speed,strength and skill to carry the ball and keep running until either I score or I get put down.And it does hurt.


I've broken two fingers and hurt my shoulder,but the worst was when I trapped the ligaments (韧带) in the back of my leg.I had to take a year out.But none of that put me off—all I could think was how I was going to come back stronger.Besides training with the team,I now have my gym routine to get fitter,faster and stronger.

Although people think American football is aggressive,there's much more to it.Every team has its own playbook,outlining everyone's role in different scenes.My playbook was 73 pages long.Words can't describe how it feels when it all comes together on the field.

American football has changed my life for the better.I've learned time management,how to take responsibility for my action,and how much I treasure being part of a team.Within the four lines of the field,it is physical.Emotions run high.If you're on the opposing team,you are my enemy.But once the game is done,we're like a big family.

【语篇解读】 作者主要介绍了自己在足球队中的角色,以及通过足球赛学到的很多东西,足球让他的生活变得更加美好。

5.The author's body parts were hurt EXCEPT________. A.his arm C.his leg

B.his shoulder D.his finger

A [细节理解题。根据第三段中的I've broken two fingers and hurt my shoulder,but the worst was when I trapped the ligaments in the back of my leg.可知,作者受伤的部位有finger,shoulder以及leg。故没有受伤的是arm。故选A。]

6.What can we infer(推断) from the text?

A.The author was very delighted when first playing.

B.The author has benefited more than suffering from the sport. C.The author began to play at the beginning of his university life. D.Playing American football is very popular among university students. B [推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,美式足球让我的生活变得更好。我学会了时间管理、如何为自己的行为负责,以及多么珍惜自己作为团队的一员。由此可判断出,虽然作者因为足球运动受了一些伤,但获益更多。故选B。]

7.How does the author find his playing American football?


A.Relaxing. C.Boring.

B.Challenging. D.Rewarding.

D [推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,作者认为他加入美式足球是值得的。故选D。]

8.The passage is mainly about________. A.the rules of playing American football B.how painful it is to play the sport

C.how the sport has changed the author's life

D.the reason for the author's playing American football

C [主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了作者加入美式足球队以及从中学到的东西,让他变得更好。再结合最后一段中的American football has changed my life for the better.可知,本文主要说的是这种运动如何改变作者的生活。故选C。]


How to raise self-confidence

Take a risk.__1__But it's a relief when you do and someone accepts you just as you are.Shame disappears when you receive support and understanding from others.We must stop trying to appear perfect by keeping our shortcomings a secret.

__2__Accept the reality that we all make mistakes,and choose not to regret.Learn from them.Then forgive yourself,and let go of the past so that you can move forward.Accept the things you can't change,change the things that are under your control.

Refocus(重新集中) your attention.Rather than focusing on your shortcomings,pay attention to everything that's good about you.__3__This might include your natural talents,your learned skills,your achievements,your dreams,and even your healthy relationships.You can actively direct your attention to creating the kind of experiences you want in life.And become the person you want to be.

Be of service.Look around for how you can connect with and help others in your everyday life.Even a smile or a kind word can make a difference to someone else.__4__

